if you give a little girl a pair of scissors…

she will eventually give herself a haircut…

the little stinker did this while i have been decorating for the holidays,
she found an unguarded pair of scissors, and while i was just two rooms away,
she started cutting…

c’est la vie.

…lets hope, now that all four of my children have done this in
one way or another. that we’re done!

it wears me out emotionally! i like my kids’ hair way too much.

i refuse to chop her hair that short, to make it even…
so, a barrette will be on the left side of her head
for a few months…

luckily, we’ve taken family pictures twice this fall.

10 responses to “if you give a little girl a pair of scissors…”

  1. Oh no! Little booger:) I cried when MaCree/Treyson played barbershop with MaCree's hair. Both DENIED any involvement!lol She will be so cute rockin' the side hair bling. I agree C'est la vie.

  2. Are you sure it wasn't Ava who cut it? She seems to have not only cut her own hair but her friend's hair as well. Sela is adorable no matter how many chunks she takes out of it. Good call not cutting it too short. You watch… she will start a new trend.

  3. NO NO NO… NOT sela's adorable haircut!! ugh… well at least she is so cute no matter what and luckily you had family pictures.

    I bet it's a good laugh in the mornings when she has bed head!!

  4. Blake did the same thing last week. Now he is missing a chunk right in the middle of his forehead. I don't know if he will go for the barrett idea…

    Silly kids!

  5. OH no! You are right every kid does it! I usually cry at first and then we all get a good chuckle! Good thing she is so stinkin cute! Your house looks amazing by the way….

  6. Oh that little stinker! And her hair is SO cute! It is like signature Sela style. If you guys were famous, mommies would bring their little girls into salons and ask for "the sela"! Let's hope her hair grows back fast!

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