hoping for better sleep

I am not sure I can explain my reasons why, even to myself. Because I truly love it. diet coke. But, I am going to put forth an extreme effort to try and break the addiction. Main reason, I can’t sleep. I’m starting today, it’s 11:30 am and I haven’t had my morning “diet coke plus.” that’s a good sign. I am also not going to drink black tea or coffee. HUGE. If my sleeping habits don’t improve, this goal will not last long…

9 responses to “hoping for better sleep”

  1. Yea, I tried to go off Sprite and did it for like 6 months. I was pretty proud of myself but I didn’t feel any different. I am back on and feel great. Good luck I hope you get more sleep!!

  2. i just cut cold turkey on the diet coke about 2 weeks ago…and it was hard, not going to lie. i was addicted to that stuff! had some major headaches, but feeling better! good luck!

    p.s. i can still help you with your camera, i tried to find you after the soccer game, but you already went out to your car. let me know and i can stop by!

  3. Just a heads up…You will be draqging Butt for a few days, but then it gets Better!
    Good Luck! That is HUGE!

  4. Oooo… an admirable goal… I think you WILL sleep and feel better overall (once you make it through the withdrawal period, of course)! Good Luck! 🙂

  5. I have been away from blogging for a week or so and I have a lot to catch up on!

    I hope all goes well without your friends diet coke and coffee. I have an on again/off again relationship with them myself and ALWAYS feel better without them… eventually. Best of luck!

    p.s. love that Dusty is having fun coaching. great choice for the team names! 😉

  6. I tried everything to sleep at night. Leaving my dearest diet Coke helped, but what really got me a good night of sleep was 6infrared therapy sessions. Call me for details. Caffeine is not good for you anyways. Im sure you will be reaching your goal soon. You are good in everything you do.

  7. I did this six years ago… the headaches were HORRIBLE but, sleep was so much more important to me. Hope it works for you. Good luck girl!

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