Hong Kong

So our night/day in Tokyo came to an end. Myla and I headed to the airport to go to Hong Kong for the show. On our way out we found all these black teas in a can that reminded us of mom… this one was a milk tea which she wouldn’t like because it has something in it. DON’T MESS WITH MOM’S TEA OR DIET COKE… PLAIN JANE JUST LIKE HER NAME… that is how she likes things.
At the airport Myla gave her classic “I’m bored!” statement as we waited for them to figure out our tickets AGAIN! Do other kids do this? Drives me crazy… I’m like, “YOU ARE IN FREAKING JAPAN how can you possibly be bored.”

This is the inside of Narita… which is actually pretty nice… NOTHING LIKE HONG KONG mind you… but nice (if my freaking camera wasn’t so dark).

As we were heading to the club Myla tried to figure out what gate we were at… she happened to catch it while in Japanese and laughed and laughed… and wanted a picture by it.

At the club she was happy again on her MAC. She played games, ate sushi and those yummy Delta CRACKers (CRACK capitalized for a reason).

Officially arrived in Hong Kong. Got our piece of home (Starbucks- Skinny vanila breve grande- 3 Splenda for me… and a not so hot cocoa for My) and waiting for the Airport Express train to take us downtown to our hotel.

Hong Kong was full of fun stories… I’ll get the pictures on here and tell some more.
Dusty and Myla… OUT!

5 responses to “Hong Kong”

  1. First of all Dusty…so cool that you post stuff! Keep it up! And also, I love that you took Myla on this trip. What a great opportunity for her. You and Jane are some crazy-cool parents!

  2. Yes, most children will drive you nuts with the "I'm bored" face, especially when a flight has been delayed. haha

    Way to go on Blogging, you just may have your own real soon.
    Cute pictures, Sounds like you are having a great time!

  3. first of all, i need to give a huge shout-out to big papi for how beautifully groomed myla is looking!

    secondly, i'm very impressed with the step-by-step airport photos! wow.

    thirdly, i'm glad YOU tried the tea with STUFF in it…but i wish i was there to try all the others…with both of you.

    love. miss.

  4. So cool seeing Myla at the Narita airport. Savannah will be so happy she got a taste of Japan. It's a super clean city just like the airport. Looks like some good daddy/daughter time although my kids keep asking when they get HOME!

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