her surprise birthday gift…

i mentioned here, that kiana returned home from the philippines to a birthday gift surprise…

she opened her bedroom door to find a new grey/black mixed shag area rug, new bedding, a new lamp shade, a new little owl, and a painting by yours dearly, me…

for this painting assignment, we had to create an analagous colors collage, with 4-6 colors.

my little collage is pictured on the left.

then we painted a larger version of the collage. i chose to make mine pretty big, it’s 36″x36″. dusty & kiana are very pleased with it, i think it turned out bigger than i expected it to be and the painting doesn’t quite fit the space above her bed. it’s too big.

but, for now, that is it’s home.

her room is almost done…

7 responses to “her surprise birthday gift…”

  1. gorgeous painting jane, you are so creative and talented! I love love love her bedding… absolutely adorable.
    Great surprise.

    Oh and i love that she has a "for strength of the youth" pamplet on her nightstand. she is such an amazing lady! Love HER!

  2. LOVE her bedroom! You are so talented!! I can't even draw a stick figure, I am sure my kids would be scared if I painted something for their rooms.

    I don't think the painting looks too big at all…it is beautiful:)

  3. I'm so proud! That painting is unbelieveable–you are an artist! You know my birthday's coming up, right???

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