happy spring break! happy easter! happy happy!

what are your plans this weekend?

my kids are home, for NINE days, woo-hoo! spring break!

i am splitting my weekend and/or next nine days between big projects & relaxing/fun traditions.

i think everything is ready for our easter dinner, the kids’ easter clothing, a fun bunny visit, and we will also celebrate MLB opening day on sunday evening…

big projects:

  • homework {includes some painting & graphics stuff}
  • wallpaper {yep, finally putting it up!}
  • spring cleaning {it usually takes me WEEKS to spring clean, i am determined to cut the time down to 2-3 days starting tomorrow}
  • prepare for garage sale {you heard it here first! i am having my annual sale, this time it will actually be limited to IN my garage. i am not pricing anything. but everything MUST go! there is going to be some good good {home decor} stuff as i am slowing starting a process to change the entire “look” of my main floor of my home. write this on your calendars: April 10th, 10am-noon. and really, the stuff will be IN my garage. i’m not advertising anywhere but here and a brief email to good friends. Which reminds me, I absolutely must remember to get our garage door fixed! It has been so long since it closed properly that I really need to call someone out to take a look at it. Our friends who live in Illinois found a great company that speciliases in garage door repair in Addison, so I might have to ask them for a recommendation… Hopefully our garage door will be up and running again very soon!}


sela is running around today in this outfit. so darling!

happy easter!

…and, if you are not an avid reader of ‘the rockstar diaries’

look! i won their giveaway, i could not be happier!

this is the first giveaway that I have ever won!

{happy easter to moi!}

2 responses to “happy spring break! happy easter! happy happy!”

  1. love love love sela's darling bunny outfit.

    "SPRING BREAK" is here! Hallelujah… and of course it will be rainy. I remember last year when Bos and Myla made that "sweet" fort and went dumpster diving. I will miss that this year with her creativity!

    LOVING the garage sale!!! we will be home just in time… off to "las vegas" for our Spring break"

  2. Sela looks so CUTE in her outfit!!! She would be twins with my Ella…she is wearing hers tomorrow!!! Happy Easter!!!

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