happy six years, gator!

our little man is six years old, today.

he holds such a tender spot in my heart. i love that he is 1-0-0-% boy, and yet does not get embarressed whatsoever to give his momma, sisters, or big papi loves anywhere, anytime. I get bigs hugs and kisses, all day long. Plus, we have a dozen different secret handshakes and blow-up kisses. If I had my way, I would keep him frozen in time right now. He is so sweet, so obedient, incredibly smart, he brings amazing amounts of laughter and joy to our family. One of my favorite things he currently does is when he is explaining something to you {usually an adult} he will add, “do you get it?” to everything. such a smarty pants, love that.

I went in his room this morning to wake him up, and attacked him in bed with snuggles, kisses, and singing, “happy birthday…to KJ!” five minutes later he was in my bed, still giggling…

we had his favorite breakfast, “grandma connie’s crepes,” and he had this little dinosaur cupcake-cake before heading off to school{see that squint? he gets that from the Beckner’s – my side of the family – we all do that when we smile!}

the celebration started yesterday, he played HALO all afternoon/evening at big papi’s offices, with about 15 people all connected…maybe heaven for KJ.

he requested “chocolate cupcakes with chocolate frosting.” and a decorate-your-own cupcake with army men…he had a blast!this last picture on the right…that is Danny attacking Ethan, Danny might struggle with the fact that his 11 and 13 year old sons are a wee bit better at Halo than him. Dusty said when Ethan walked in the room, he said,

{laughing} “Dad, my favorite part was when you jumped off that cliff!” hehehe

Danny attacked him…

kj’s celebration will continue this evening…lots to do to get ready today!

4 responses to “happy six years, gator!”

  1. Happy Birthday to you, KJ! Love the cake with the green army guys. I’ll have to remember that one!

  2. Happy Birthday to my little birthday buddy! I love his cute cupcake! What a great way to get the party started!

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