happy birthday Daphne!

Isn’t it every girls dream to one day grow up, get married then live by her best friend?!? Pinch me, that it’s really true! Daph and I have literally had paralleled lives for the past 14 years! Let me explain…

My 1st year of college I auditioned for the ballroom tour team, and was totally drawn to be friends with this spunky bobbed blond that had energy like no other…dude, she can jive!

We became great friends, then coincidentally were dating guys who were roommates…

Daphne and I pledged a sorority at the same time and became roommates in the sorority house…

Soon after, we became engaged to these roommates. Our “fiance’s” both managed restaurants and Daphne and I needed jobs. Dusty & Troy agreed that they couldn’t work with their fiance’s so… Troy hired me and Dusty hired Daphne…. About 7 months later, we all got married within 6 weeks of each other…

We then rented married housing next to each other. There could be a short story written just about the pranks that took place during this time…

Dusty & I moved to Korea to teach English. About 18 months later I was SO incredibly homesick that I paid for Daphne’s ticket for her to come to Korea to save my insanity! They stayed 4 months…then we both became pregnant with our first daughters who were born six days apart!

In the following 2-3 years following this we had our 2nd daughters 4 months apart. Daphne & Troy became a part of Pro Look with Dusty and our families all came to reside in the same town once again…

Daphne had her 3rd girl soon after {I couldn’t keep up with that one!} But, we were pregnant with our first boys together and they were born 5 months apart… I then had my 3rd daughter and we have both ended up with 3 girls/1 boy and houses now in the same neighborhood!

I have observed and adored so many things about Daphne in this time. First of all, she comes from the most amazing family. Whenever someone thinks I am one of the siblings, I get chills. I would love to be a Nielsen! Although, I don’t have near enough talent to be one!

She is very loyal to her family, religion, and interests. She is not easily distracted by other things. She loves everything there is about the Spanish language, music, and culture. She just may have the only 4 adorable blond Caucasian children in America that are incredibly fluent in Spanish & English. To make this possible, she has taught a Spanish-immersion preschool out of her home for 5 years and now has her kids in a Immersion program for Elementary school which she is involved in full time…

She is an outdoor girl. This weekend she is camping with her family to celebrate, but us city girls took her to lunch earlier this week…I hope you have a fabulous birthday!

Lots of love {{{hugs}}}


2 responses to “happy birthday Daphne!”

  1. That is seriously so cool how far back you guys really Go! WOWZA…
    And now your kids will all grow up together and maybe {who knows} Re-live the College days! hehe

    Feliz Cumpleanos Daph! We Love ya Babe!!

  2. Jane- We have loved you guys being part of our lives and best friends! This is such a sweet entry- Daph told me about it and how much it meant to her along with your card. Thanks for being such a good friend to her and all of us – we sure love you!

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