happy anniversary…

to the only couple who has truly seen us through it all.
in sickness, and health; in good times and in bad, in joy as well as in sorrow,
more than a few times in wealth and poverty…

our lives have parallelled each others for over fifteen years.

you are the most loyal, dear friends.

we love you.

happy fifteen!

these pictures are from an entire collection i have of one afternoon in seoul, korea. 1997.

the four of us cruised around seoul on our scooters, visiting buddhist temples,
and outdoor markets. the funniest/scariest things happened this day…
{stories for another post}

we are truly lucky we survived.

t & d were protected from a higher power, for sure.

3 responses to “happy anniversary…”

  1. omgosh, these pictures are killing me!! everyone looks soo young, and love dusty's doc martins {we totally had a pair} haha

    Happy Anniversary Trop and Daph! Muah!

  2. I can't believe it's been 15 years! Takes me straight back to the days on campus at good old SUU. I always admired the four of you….you were the stuff! 😉

  3. Thank you, Jane!! 15 years-can you believe it? We love that our lives have paralleled-we owe so many of our amazing experiences to you guys. We feel so lucky to have you as friends. When I think of you I always think LOYAL! Ive learned how to be a better fruend grom you. We've had some great times, haven't we we? Here's to 15 more…then 15 more… then 15 more!

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