Happy 5 years KJ!

A peak at the prince of our family in the past 5 years…

I love this little boy, like no other. We have a secret sign for each other that means, “we love.” We have secret “blow-up thumb kisses,” “slow death thumb kisses,” “slowly-falling thumb kisses,” “crash-and-burn thumb kisses”… He prefers Mama to pick him up from school, and no one else. After I did the “Good things Utah” show last week and returned home, he said, “Mama, I watched you on TV and you looked ad-or-able.” What a sweet-talker. He has me wrapped around his little finger. This kid can ask for just about anything any time of the day and he can usually get it. Toast at midnight, he’s got it. He melts my heart. He’s my favorite kid to snuggle. He is 1-0-0-% boy. He wants nothing to do with all the girly stuff his sisters have, other than he begs them to play “Halo” with him. He adores Myla, she is on the top of his admiration list. In his mind, his big Sis can do anything. Kiana takes impeccable care of him. Sela follows him and he’s her favorite playmate. Daddy’s muscles are SO big, and if he keeps eating he will have muscles that big one day, too. Daddy drives a “monster truck.” and he loves to be with him in it. There is nowhere he would rather be than Daddy’s office. Daddy is his #1 hero. The Howell boys are all in a close 2nd on that hero list. KJ truly believes his name is Kay Jay Gator Rhodes, he writes this on his preschool papers sometimes. He does not like to understand his name is “Kay Jay,” he is adamant it is only “KJ.” He is an amazing reader. By far, the smartest 4 year old in the Rhodes family so far. He is addicted to Xbox-360, and diet coke. Respectively, that is Dad and then Mama. He has been SO excited to turn 5 that he made us all pretend the past 2 months that he already was 5. He didn’t want to say 4 anymore. His plans for today? To play “halo” all day long… and a big birthday dinner & cake. He might pass on the Salmon and want Captain Crunch Berries, for dinner.

5 responses to “Happy 5 years KJ!”

  1. oh that is so sweet jane. HAPPY BIRTHDAY KJ Gator Rhodes! haha
    He is seriously a funny little kid too!
    I Love that you only have one boy in the family that everyone Just ADORES!

  2. KJ is such a little character. I totally anticipate that he will be an amazingly rich dot com-er one day. He is a genius with games! April 27th is a great day for geniuses! Happy Birthday and thanks for the fun Transformer party and treat bag. My kids LOVE all the cool transformer toys that were in the party bag!

  3. Oh, this is melting my heart today! He is defintiely all boy but not afraid to give you a “slow death thumb kiss,” and tell you that you look adorable. You two have such a cute relationship and special bond!
    p.s. I also thought Kay Jay was KJ, although I didn’t know his middle name was gator 😉

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