We had a little celebration for her yesterday…Kiana & Myla had a poem/song they were singing to her about “bumping her on the head” with each present before she opened them…
20 things we love about our Starlee
1- Her beauty; she has no idea how stunning she is.
2- Her laugh; she laughs at all of us.
3- She’s funny, and always sharing the crazy stories of things she’s done.
{for example, going the WRONG direction down a freeway ramp entering I-15!)
4- She’s GREAT at doing hair, and starting cosmetology school soon!
5- She has a great eye for detail.
6- Her honesty; she’s not intimidated to tell you her fears or opinions.
7- She is fun!
8- She is very grateful for everything.
9- Her car rocks!
10- Her tender side, she is quick to tear up, and show emotion.
11- She makes friends very easily and is a very loyal friend.
12- She is an awesome soccer defender. Watch out, Starlee might take you out!
13- Her love of animals. Specifically, a dog lover (currently has a pug & rats!)
14- Her willingness to try new things.
15- Like some of us, she is a little overwhelmed with the skeletons in her closet, but she is forging a new trail and has amazing potential.
16- She’s kind.
17- Her love of music.
18- She does not judge others.
19- Regardless of the situation, she always understands me.
20- She manages to keep our families CRAZY life organized, functioning, possible. Without her, I couldn’t do half of what we do.
We love you! {{{hugs}}}
Happy Birthday Starlee!! We love her car too, it can hold lots of Tables & Chairs. hee hee
I love it that she is just part of the family! She is so Awesome!
Here here! Starlee is so much fun and I’m glad she came to your house so I could get to know her better!! HAPPY B-DAY STARLEE!
She is so cute and she sounds amazing too. Oh to be 20 again!!
So great! What a blessing she is to you and your sweet family! I know she is invalueable to you! 🙂