happy 20th birthday, Starlee!

We had a little celebration for her yesterday…
Kiana & Myla had a poem/song they were singing to her about “bumping her on the head” with each present before she opened them…

20 things we love about our Starlee

1- Her beauty; she has no idea how stunning she is.
2- Her laugh; she laughs at all of us.
3- She’s funny, and always sharing the crazy stories of things she’s done.
{for example, going the WRONG direction down a freeway ramp entering I-15!)
4- She’s GREAT at doing hair, and starting cosmetology school soon!
5- She has a great eye for detail.
6- Her honesty; she’s not intimidated to tell you her fears or opinions.
7- She is fun!
8- She is very grateful for everything.
9- Her car rocks!
10- Her tender side, she is quick to tear up, and show emotion.
11- She makes friends very easily and is a very loyal friend.
12- She is an awesome soccer defender. Watch out, Starlee might take you out!
13- Her love of animals. Specifically, a dog lover (currently has a pug & rats!)
14- Her willingness to try new things.
15- Like some of us, she is a little overwhelmed with the skeletons in her closet, but she is forging a new trail and has amazing potential.
16- She’s kind.
17- Her love of music.
18- She does not judge others.
19- Regardless of the situation, she always understands me.
20- She manages to keep our families CRAZY life organized, functioning, possible. Without her, I couldn’t do half of what we do.

We love you! {{{hugs}}}

4 responses to “happy 20th birthday, Starlee!”

  1. Happy Birthday Starlee!! We love her car too, it can hold lots of Tables & Chairs. hee hee
    I love it that she is just part of the family! She is so Awesome!

  2. Here here! Starlee is so much fun and I’m glad she came to your house so I could get to know her better!! HAPPY B-DAY STARLEE!

  3. So great! What a blessing she is to you and your sweet family! I know she is invalueable to you! 🙂

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