halloween sneak-peak

our little cupcake is going to be a cupcake for halloween!
{ordered the costume, here.}

i love. love. love her costume! the day it arrived in the mail, sela was so excited about it! she put it on immediately and let me take a picture on my cell phone {shown below.} sela would say, “wait, mom!” and kneel down so the bottom of the cupcake touched the floor and then tell me “o-tay, take the picture!”

{a few days later}

dusty had this conversation with sela:

dusty: “…you gonna be a cupcake for halloween?”

sela: “yeah, it’s scary.”

dusty: “why?”

sela: “somebody’s donna eat me!”

5 responses to “halloween sneak-peak”

  1. So stinkin' cute, love that girl! Can't wait for her big #3 birthday bash, Cozy is counting down the minutes I tell ya!!

  2. OK, that is classic…usually you are gonna scare someone else – but her costume is scary – to her cause she might get eaten…highlarious!

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