grandparents day…

It was grandparents day at Ivy Hall Academy today. Our kids were so lucky to have the one grandma and the one grandpa they have in attendance. We are so lucky to be a close-knit family that spends so much time together. Even when we aren’t together we still keep in contact. I was even thinking of getting something like this easy cell phone for elderly people, to make keeping in a contact a lot easier as well, as I know that my Papa sometimes struggles with using his phone (although he would never admit to it). I recently took Papa to get his portrait done after finding some really good senior portraits Austin examples online. We called Papa (Alexander, Dusty’s Dad) about six weeks ago and told him when grandparents day was just in case he could make it. Sure enough, he drove up from Vegas and is spending most of the week with us! Grandma Pat, now, she lives in our guest home…but she was awesome to go to both programs today very early to save us front row seats! What would we do without her?!?

The entire school sang “Jeremiah was a bullfrog” with sign language, and the Jr. and Sr. Choirs performed. Papa was so into “Jeremiah” that I thought he might actually jump out of his seat and start dancing! I love his energy, he and Dusty have so many similiar characteristics. Then each grade/class had a song/dance/poem/etc for the program and afterwards the grandparents could visit with the kids in their classrooms.

KJ’s class was so cute & incredible! They did “head-shoulders-knees-and-toes” in Spanish! and they did it SO stinkin’ good, I was so impressed!
Papa, Mrs. Harken, KJ, grandma Pat, and Sela

Myla’s class created their little play/ditty all by themselves. Their teacher introduced them by yelling “RECESS!” and they all ran on the stage and took turns doing different little song/hand-claps, etc. It was so creative and cute!
Papa, grandma Pat, Myla, and Mrs. Allen

The 5th graders were combined with the 7-8th grade jr. High. But, the coolest part was Kiana and her 3 good friends Witney, Sunni, and Kate. The four of them did the choreography for their song. So, they were the leaders in front for everyone to watch. Kiana hadn’t told me she’d been working on this at school, so it was such a fun surprise! Kiana did so good.
Grandma Pat, Kiana, and Papa

We kept with the theme for the day, and had grandparents night, too.
Thanks to Brent Hek for giving us some of his season tickets (woo-hoo!) we went to the Jazz game tonight against Portland. My Mom is a HUGE Jazz fan. In fact, she won’t babysit for us if there’s a chance she’ll miss watching the game! She is hard-core. And, Alex had never been to a Jazz game, so it was fun taking him to his first! It was a great game, and the Jazz won 101-96.

4 responses to “grandparents day…”

  1. I am a sucker for those cute school uniforms. I love that your school does grandparent’s day – how cool is that?

    I just finished voting for KJ’s costume. Seriously, guys – THE MOST AMAZING costume I have ever seen! How on earth did you make it? Troy and I watched your video of KJ transforming over and over.

    Yes, we will be in Utah for a week during Christmas. I will let you know when we get the dates nailed down. We would love to see you guys!

  2. I loved the kids performances! I may need to steal the one of them doing their skit.

    So fun that Papa is here to hang out for the week. I can’t believe his Energy…Although, i felt like clapping and grooving to “Jeremiah” too!

    Oh and Kiana is a total Performer! She was just LOVING it! I loved watching her get totally into it. She was the one i heard singing the most!

  3. I was wondering if that was Dusty’s dad… But I read Jenn’s comment and it obviously is. That’s so fun that he is here spending time. GO JAZZ!

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