“good times never seemed so good…”

during kiana’s week at nuvo, after her long, exhausting days of dance…

we would get in our pj’s at bedtime,
and watch episode after episode from season one of glee.

total girl time.

we watched about 16 episodes in three days, and we’re sooo hooked.

it’s KILLING us that the second volume of season one is not available on dvd till…


my favorite glee song so far is this, totally inspired by my husbands red sox obsession. in case you don’t know, the red sox have a song. check it out here. the crowd at fenway {and sometimes at other fields} sings it in the middle of the 8th inning, at every game. how cool is that?

and, while kiana was in dance workshops, i would spend a portion of my time reading. i finally – finally – finally finished reading ‘breaking dawn’… it actually feels relieving.

i can finally read something else!

i like the twilight series. i’m not obsessed, but i’m entertained by the hype. my miss twelve finished the series a year+ ago, and i had no idea she was reading vampire sex for 300 pages. geesh. great mom i am! it will be interesting to see how the movie for ‘breaking dawn’ turns out!

my next book is ‘the help’ i can’t wait to dive into it.

what tv shows do you love?
what books are you reading???

15 responses to ““good times never seemed so good…””

  1. I LOVE glee as well!! My hubby and I may or may not have watched the whole first season in 2 days.. Ok, so my kids were in Pj's and at ramen but it was SO worth it! 🙂 Funny, I am almost finished with BD as well.. Kinda makes me feel guilty 🙂 Love, love , love your blog! Oh, and I tried that Suvatel (sp?).. I never smelled so good! 🙂

  2. This post is making me laugh Jane! Brent and I are totally into Glee-don't I have an awesome husband, I love that he will watch shows with me 🙂 we just finished watching the first part of Glee on DVD…thank you SO much for mentioning there is a second half that is coming out…we didn't know that so we would have just started watching season 2 and been totally confused!!

    And I JUST started reading "The Help" I have heard that is is a wonderful read…I am excited!!

  3. ohh… i've heard really good things about "the help." it's been on my list for a few months. but havent even had time to pick it up from the store let alone turn the pages. keep us posted on what you think. 🙂

  4. I can't wait to take the boys to Disneyland!! So much fun! I read 'the help' a bit ago and really really liked it!

  5. I've read the twilight series but Breaking Dawn was the one novel I wasn't really interested in. Eclipse was most definitely my favorite. I'm a sucker for Nora Roberts books but if you're looking for a good one to read, I would suggest Rush Home Road by Lori Lansens. What a great novel!

    As for TV shows, I'm quite attached to reality shows on TLC like Little People Big World and Ultimate Cake Off! I also love Criminal Minds, Law & Order SVU, and Two & a Half Men. My guilty pleasures are shows like Gossip Girl or Teen Mom.

    Loving your updates!


  6. Baby… you may or may not have Season 1 Volume 2 coming home with me from the Philippines. 🙂

  7. My girls and I are totally addicted to Glee! Loved the season finale and can't wait for new episodes! I loved "The help" Just finished Charlie St Cloud…hope the movie is as good as the book!

  8. My husband and I are obsessed with Glee also. We started watching the first season last week, and we look forward to putting Layla down at night so that we can have our "GLee Time!" The writing of the show is pretty out there but I love it!

  9. I just found your blog, and honestly spent over 2 hours (Yes, at work :)) reading yesterday! Your family is absolutely ADORABLE!!! (Your super cute kiddos make me totally baby hungry! Lol! {My husband and I have been married over 5 years, with no kids, and we are still waiting for at least 2 more years to get started so my hubby can finish school :)})
    I love to read, I just finished 'The Help' about 3 books ago, and I completely LOVED it! It is most definitely in my top 10 all time favorite books!!! I hope you enjoy it as much as I did!

  10. i only have 2 more episodes of glee left! you can always watch them online at tv-dome.net. i know its not as great as a big tv but you wont have to wait :):)

  11. Loved The Help! I think you'll really enjoy it. And have you heard all of the hoopla about Breaking Dawn? A lot of the fans are begging for the movie to be rated R for the sex scenes. Hopefully they'll stand by the youth who have followed these books. I mean,right??

  12. i love love love those moments to just chill and watch episode after episode! I am totally reading "the help" right now and am half way through it… I LOVE it and ocassionally find myself laughing out loud!
    Great read… also i can't wait to jump into "the hunger games" i have heard awesome stuff about that series!

  13. I need girls! No one will watch musicals with me! I have not even heard of the help, but I will check it out! Loved the twists and turns of breaking dawn and how it all came together in the end!

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