good things utah

my adorable friend Jill Carson owns Hapari – an AWESOME swimwear company based out of American Fork. There is a store downtown A.F., and you can order by phone after checking out the website. But, let me tell you, each time she has a new line come out the cute ones are gone QUICK. They have an incredible line of tankini’s, bikini’s & more. She offers things like longer tankini tops if you don’t want your tummy to show, tummy tuck bottoms to help hold your tummy in, which will also help if you were considering booking yourself in for a tummy tuck in Bryn Mawr! She has also invented this awesome silicone insert for any of the tops if you want some extra “push-up or fullness” 🙂 in your chest. Also, she has a girls line that starts at about a size 8-10, and Kiana only likes to wear Hapari ever since she got her first suit.

Tomorrow morning, I am going to be one of her model’s on Good Things Utah, ABC4 10am. We are at the end of the show, it is a special segment on swimwear for this season. Her new line for this season comes out sometime in the next few weeks, I believe, by the end of May… I really really really recommend checking it out!

Hapari is still a pretty new company and if it hasn’t hit where you live, I would host a party to get a discount/free suit!

11 responses to “good things utah”

  1. I am so excited to watch this. I am slowly e-mailing you the pic of the indoor surfing and comp this weekend. Thanks again!

  2. Wow! jane your going to be a celebrity after tomorrow. Ive seen the suits they are darling!

  3. Can’t wait to see you on TV old friend! I am proud that someone from my “generation” still looks HOT enough to model swimwear..wish I could say the same. You go girl!

    Tennisa 🙂

  4. You will look so cute! I love Hapari-I just wish that I had the body. I will have to check out the suits for Mikayla and Meg.

  5. They do have the cutest suits! A bunch of girls got them for the cruise and they were adorable. Good luck with the modeling…you’ll look fab, I’m sure! =)

  6. Just saw it. I should have checked out the blog sooner but my dad called me two minutes before you were on. I recorded it! You have the most amazing body! Jealous jealous!

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