going, going, gone…

dear see jane blog readers,

i have adored you from the very moment that i started blogging.

i have cherished every comment you have left me + the blogging community is like a second home to me.   if possible, i would take you all to lunch + buy you chocolate covered cinnamon bears & invite you to a bbq/volleyball night at our home… i swear i would, i love you all!

so, it is with a sad heart that i am writing this post to tell you that my blog is going private soon. June 15th to be exact. and, this will most likely be a permanent decision.

i’ve, actually, we’ve, been contemplating this for some time now – meaning: months – actually, years. and, we finally feel that with the move to boston on the horizon, this is a good time to take see jane blog private. i get so many hits per day… thousands. yet, i only receive a couple of comments on average per day – and those people who comment, i know them. they know me. so, who is the rest of the world that is reading without acknowledging who they are? {this is one concern.}

my besties are all aware of this big change, and along with a select handful of family members that will be invited to continue to view my blog. i am keeping my invited readers to a very minimum list. however, i am still willing to consider a few invites to send out -by email – if you feel we know each other through this blog, please leave your email address in the comments below. i cannot guarantee an invite, but i will definitely consider those who respond.  trust me, i know who my loyal readers/commenters are. i am not abandoning blogging all-together, i’m just stepping away from the public blogging scene.  so,, when i do blog,because i will continue to do so for our family record, and to keep in touch with those we love…i want to be able to do so in a completely family-safe-unjudged-private-atmosphere. with those whom i know best.  and trust.

i’ve been debating how to go about this entire-blog-going-private thing for a while now… at first, i thought i’d just flip the switch one day and quietly walk away from the blogging world. but, after much thought, i feel that would be too harsh – too neglectful of how appreciative i am of you and so many dear friends i now have because of blogging. i don’t want to cause frustration because all of a sudden, one day you are locked out. i want you to know i have loved this blogging journey for almost 4 years and hugely appreciate the inspiration i find from you.

i am going to focus more energy on my etsy shop to create lots and lots of original prints/calendars/graphic goodies to sell + i have a few other big projects i want to focus my time on. not to mention, 4 kiddos & a husband i want to dote on during our big adventures that lie ahead…

so, farewell-adios-bon voyage.

On June 15th i wish you all the best! if you are coming to our yard sale, i hope to meet you – please introduce yourself as readers!

i truly wish the happiest life for all of you.

live your passions, everyday!


image found here, on pinterest.  {wise words!}


until i am gone {from the public eye}, my reader feed can be found here:


193 responses to “going, going, gone…”

  1. I totally understand and support the reasons you are taking the blog private. I would love to keep up with you and your family and would cherish the ability to continue, but I understand if I can’t. I have gained immeasurable inspiration from your creative endeavors (parties specifically), and hope that raising active, well adjusted kids is totally possible while keeping your sanity. Best of luck in the future.

  2. Jane –

    I’ve enjoyed being one of the “lurkers” on your blog for the last year or so. Dusty and I grew up together in Alamo, and I’ve so enjoyed the opportunity to catch up on his life and family. Or at least that’s why I started to read your blog. I’ve come back time and again because I’ve enjoyed getting to know you too. You’re funny, and crafty and such a wonderful mother to your kids. You’ve inspired to me do all kinds of different things within my family. So, while I understand wanting to go private, I wanted you to know how much I’ve enjoyed what you’ve shared with those of us who you don’t know. And who don’t often comment.

  3. I’d love to keep reading, but totally understand your motivations of a private blog. I hope the move to Boston goes smoothly!!!

  4. Jane, I too have loved reading your blog and the fabulous life you live!! Good Luck in your future!!!

  5. Jane-I have loved reading your blog. You have inspired me on so many levels.I think you are amazing and good luck with everything! I would love to be invited to view your blog, I will really miss reading your posts.

  6. I don’t remember how I found you. I don’t know you…and don’t expect an invitation. I just wanted to say thanks for sharing your fabulous ideas, parties, thoughts and feelings with your readers. I to get many many hits per day…with no comment (took the comments away awhile ago…actually). Regardless, I just wanted to say thanks for the fun ideas. I have been a lurker for about a month now. Have a fabulous time in Boston…what fun!

  7. Jane, I’m sad to see you will be leaving. I have really enjoyed reading your blog. You seriously have the best life/party/fashion/craft inspiration! You’re like the Oprah of blogging (totally mean that as a compliment) 🙂 Good lunch with your move.

  8. Dear Jane,
    I am a devoted reader as I have been visiting your blog for the past two years, daily. I am a mom of two, and I am greatly inspired by your home, fashion, and party designs. I would love to continue to read your blog–I’m just a little quiet 😉
    -Thank you for your consideration,

  9. Jane –
    I would love for you to let me still read your blog! I have loved keeping up with you and your life! Love comparing your motherhood challenges with the kids with my life, especially since our daighters both dance and are the same age!

    I am excited for your move to Boston! That city is close to my heart too!

    Stay in touch!

    Tami (Rutherford) Ostmark

  10. Janie! I will miss you! I would love an invite to your new blog, but if I dont get one-I will understand. You inspire me at least once a week. Thanks for your friendship.

  11. As you know, you have inspired, lifted, and motivated so many people through your blog! You are simply amazing. I have a special place in my heart for you and your kids. I hope I will be able to keep in touch with you as you move across the country through your blog!

  12. Jane, thanks so much for letting us cook girls hang out with your amazing kids! We were just talking about how weird it will be not to have the rhodes around. Thanks for all the fun memories you have given us 🙂 you all have truly been amazing!

    • oh, milan – you are on the top of my favorites list! i’m kinda hoping we can convince your parents to let you two {or three + ash!} fly out to visit us… wouldn’t that be fun? it would be educational & fun. that’s the point you wanna stress when you ask your parents… 🙂 xo.

  13. Jane–I’ve loved reading your blog. You’re such a crafty person and a wonderful mom! Seriously, I’ve loved reading about all the fun things you guys do together as a family. Good luck with the move to Boston (I have to say, one of the first posts I ever read on your blog had something to do with Red Sox and I was so excited because I have always loved them!). I’d love to keep reading, but I definitely understand your desire to go to a private blog. I’ll miss your posts!

  14. jane, i am going to miss your blog! i’ve only discovered it recently and haven’t commented..now i wish i have so you could know how much i enjoyed your posts! you are such a creative person, and seem so devoted in your role as a mother and wife. i definitely understand your reasons for going private; the interet can be a scary place! good luck with the move to boston!

  15. Jane, I just got to know your blog within the last few months, being a relatively new mom to 2 young girls I completely understand your concerns. You and your family are very inspiring for myself and my family! Thank you for all the wisdom you’ve shared with us strangers – I will always appreciate it, somehow this blog drives me to be a better mom, wife and person – thank you for that!

    Good luck with your move and all that is ahead!


  16. Jane-
    I have truley enjoyed your blog. Reading it has become part of my morning routine. I have to admit, I am an everyday reader, but only comment sometimes. You have inspired me to be a better, more fun mom! I have loved all of your creative ideas. Good luck with your move and future endeavors. I would love to keep reading, but totally understand the need for privacy.

  17. Jane—

    I just discovered your blog and love it. As a former Oremite, who just recently returned, you have helped me remember the great things about living here, when I have been prone to be sad….missing our former homes and friends.

    I’d love to keep reading. Good luck with your move!


  18. Wow, I will miss waking up and checking your blog for inspiring ideas of crafts, movie tips, adventures with the kids, party planning (you have been oh so helpful from afar). It’s been fun, yet I totally understand the privacy! Would love to continue to be inspired although totally understand the change! Good luck with your new adventures, enjoy!

  19. oh i feel so sad you are going private! i use to work at remedez and we all always thought you and your family were the cutest. i randomly came across your blog a few months ago and i’m so glad i did. you are seriously an inspirational mother and wife. i’m getting married soon and i totally want to come to your yard sale so i can get things to decorate my new house! would you mind sending me your address? melraea@gmail.com.


  20. Jane…I’m so sad to see you go to private blogland I enjoy your space so much I check it everyday and just love the adventures you take us on. But I understand your concerns…and support your decision. I will sure miss my daily dose of Jane inspiration, your smiles and warm hugs.
    You do have a beautiful family and I know you’ll do just great where ever life takes you. I’m coming to your yardsale and look forward to meeting you in person. HUGS!!

  21. Hi there! I really enjoy reading your blog-I have ‘borrowed’ many of your creative ideas-for my own children’s parties-and after school fun-and home decor-I usually don’t post-but perhaps I should have been-most of my posts would have been thank you note forms! I would love to continue reading-but totally understand-and support whatever you decide. Thank you-! Karen

  22. I understand….. I have gone back and forth on the private thing too. You have been a inspiration…. thank you for the many articles and fun ways you have done parties…. I have enjoyed each one it is so refreshing to see someone think outside of the box that we as Utah’n sometimes become confined too!
    I am hoping to make it to your yard sale as it sounds to be eventful! I have enjoyed the ride…. in the back ground and understand if an invitation is not sent…
    Peace be with your family as you make the leap to a new chapter

  23. Ok, ok, so I am one of your stalkers too :]!!
    It is so much fun to read about behind the scenes of your house, especially when my daughter has been hanging out there, and I get the, “it was fun” version. I also have read your blog and then showed it to Lexie. I think she would love to follow what Kianna will be doing while you are away. I know she is totally going to miss you guys. I know I am way jealous!!

  24. I sincerely understand your reasons and feelings and feel as if I should apologize. I read your blog daily because your positivity, creativity and heart inspire me. I always wonder “how does she do it?”, you inspire me to be a better mother, a better friend, and better party hostess. You have created a beautiful life and Im praying for your family during this transition. I read your blog daily and hope to continue on, but understand your feelings. I will miss your inspiration and the strength it gives me to look at the joys in life. Blessings to you and your family, enjoy the journey! All smiles. Hope to continue on with you as I will miss this read, regardless thank you for all you have given me the last four years! Thank you for your inspiration, your kindness, your positivity and thank you for sharing, sharing your joys and hardships, you are truly an amazing women, one of dignity, strength and poise! Blessings to you! Take care xoxoxo You will be deeply missed 🙁

  25. Jane,
    I adore you. I have absolutely loved reading your blog, keeping up with your incredible talent and adorable style. You have a beautiful family – and I have very much enjoyed following your blog. But like the others, I completely understand you taking your blog private. I will absolutely miss your posts!! {I would love an invite, but completely understand either way :)}

  26. Jane, I totally understand you going private with your blog. Please send me an invite we so love you guys and will miss you…I hope to be able to read all the fun adventures your having and to continue to be inspired by you and your cute family…you all will be greatly missed…

  27. Jane, I am in love with your blog (it’s true). It’s so inspiring to see all your creative juices flowing not to mention those cute neighbor kids of mine that we are losing to fabulous Boston! I’d love to keep reading and keep in touch, at least through the fun & nice blogging world. But I completely respect your decision. You go girl!

  28. Jane,

    I think you are very wise to have your blog private. I enjoy all the tidbits of information that I have learned from reading your blog. I especially love the party ideas. I would love to be able to keep reading if possible, but understand if I am not one of the invited readers. Good luck with your move!
    Sarah (Frampton) Mayfield

  29. We don’t know each other! Fooey! But I have adored your cleverness, creativity, and total uniqueness. Good luck on all of your adventures! I guess I’ll see you on Pinterest (which I’m so glad you introduced me to!) and Esty!

  30. This is my first comment. I am so sorry I didn’t do this before. You are completely inspirational. It feels silly to even say this, but you, a woman I have never met, has made me a better person. You are amazing and thank you for the few months that I have enjoyed your blog. Your daily words will be missed. Thanks again, Jane. Take Boston by storm!!! 🙂

  31. that must have been a hard decision to make, but it is nice to have a little privacy, and know who is looking at your beautiful family.

    i’m excited to see what adventures await you guys! and, i hope we get to hang out a few more times before you make the big move.

  32. Jane, I will truly miss reading of all your creative ideas, fun things to do, letters to self (very inspiring) and your health care and dieting tips! I found you through Sara’s blog when her lil guy B had his accident. I’ve never commented either, just enjoyed absorbing so many ideas. Would love an invite but understand. I will miss your positive outlook on life! It do nice to read that you’re still in love with your husband and LOVE being a mom. I too love mine and look for the positive in all they do. Life is truly fabulous! Good luck. Go Red Sox!!

  33. Jane I have been one of the many “quiet readers” on your blog and I totally understand your decision to go private! If you have room I would love to keep reading! I always get great ideas and tons of inspiration from your blog! 🙂 I hope you have a good move to Boston and you and your family enjoy it there. I will miss the blog! good luck in the future!
    With love, Emily

  34. Hi Jane!

    I found your blog while searching for ideas for a cupcake themed birthday party! You have absolutely the greatest party ideas, and honestly seem like such a fun sweet person. You have inspired me to get creative with my 11 month old, and I even hope to put some of your ideas to use at his birthday party. One of my New Years resolutions this year is to start a blog, and I have talked to my husband repeatedly about this and how much I love your designs! My cousin just graduated from Boston U, and absolutely loved it there. Best of luck, and if not connected to this blog,might I ask that you (in all your free time-wink wink) start a party blog? 🙂 Just kidding, but honestly, you would be incredibly successful.

    Lesson learned in not commenting. Until you wrote it out, I never appreciated how that could make a blogger feel! All the best to you and your family.

  35. Another ‘lurker’ all the way from Australia! Stumbled across your blog a while ago somehow and have always loved your posts about your cute little family. Totally understand about going private as I cant say I’d be 100% comfortable about it either, but please know that you have been inspiring to so many women out there! Take care. Leah x

  36. Hi Jane,

    I, too, am a lurker that has never commented. I have no excuse. Probably because then I would feel committed to comment on everything and I’m not a fantastic blogger myself. I’ve enjoyed getting to know you (when I left SUU and my roommates became your roommates). I’d love an invitation, but completely understand. Good luck with everything.


  37. hey jane! I’d LOVE to be invited to keep up on you and your family and all your fun and creative designs! You know my email if you feel so inclined to send an invite!!

  38. Jane – I’ve been an avid reader of your blog since we found each other on facebook. I love reading about your life and all the special adventures and creations you do. You are an amazing wife, mom and friend. I hope I make the cut, but totally understand your reasons for going private. I will have to settle for your Christmas letters 🙂

    Good luck with the new move.

  39. Hi Jane,
    I am a daily reader of your blog, but am guilty of not commenting. I love all of your great decorating/craft/party ideas. You have given me great ideas to use with my family and friends. I tell my friends about your blog all the time. We loved the raspberries with chocolate chips – so good!! I will miss all of your creativity and your positive attitude and outlook on life. I know that you will be missed in the blogging world. . .

  40. Gasp! Sad! I do wish you the best. I am sure that the following you have built up is going to be collectively dissapointed. But you have to do what feels right for you. It has been fun to get an inside peak at your life. You are very driven. And that is a great thing. Keep it up. I wish you the best in your ventures! Your family will grow closer by leaps and bounds. If that is even possible! Best wishes. If you decide to come back, let us all know!

  41. Jane,

    I also am a daily reader of your blog who does not comment. I’m getting married this summer and I have loved reading your stories and advice on being a wife and a mother. Much like you (or the you I feel I’ve come to know through your blog) I love finding a great deal, DIY’s, fun recipes, and all of your crafty ideas. Most importantly, family/ friends are a huge deal to me so I completely respect your decision to go private. However, I hope I am able to continue on reading your blog 🙂 Hope your move goes smoothly and god bless on your new adventure!

  42. Jane, I have to also tell you how wonderful and amazing I think you are. You inspire me daily! You make me want to believe in the real joys and beauty that being a family brings. Going through all I have, you and your family have shown what really is possible. I will be heartbroken to not be able to have my daily dose of “see jane blog”…pretty please send me an invite! la la love you!!!

  43. jane,
    i read your blog everyday just too see if you have posted something new. i love seeing what you do for your parties, style, etc. you are so creative and such an amazing person. i totally understand that you would like to keep this private but just know everyone loves to read your blog, and i would love to keep reading it daily, but completely understandable. good look in your future jane.

  44. Jane,

    Ummm, I bet you have just been tearing up reading all these sweet comments… and you know they are all so genuine and true. You are truly inspiring! I think Boston will be a great place to devote time to new creative and exciting projects! I totally support your change and would love be of the lucky few to keep reading. Note:my email has changed.

  45. Jane,
    I too have become one of your “regulars” in the past month. I absolutely LOVE reading about your beautiful family. You have inspired me in so many ways. I wish you and your family all the best with your big move. So exciting! Thank you for being willing to share your ideas and your creativity!

  46. See I’m leaving a comment, that means I really want an invite. Ha! Hope you are doing well and that everything is going smooth in preparation for your big move.

  47. Hi Jane!
    I’m sure I’ve told you before (perhaps not enough) and I’ll say it again . . . . I adore your blog! When I get a moment to sit down and read it I always leave thinking you are a m a z i n g. To me your blog represents the creativity I wish I had, the vacations I want to take, the organization skills I aspire for and the love of family we share. You inspire mothers (me) to be better and do better. My kids already miss your kids! If you’re willing to share, I can’t wait to read about your adventures in Boston.

  48. Hi my sweet Jane. I hope our little family can still be on your list and continue to keep in touch through your fun blog. We are so excited for your new adventure.
    Lots of love

  49. Hi Jane,

    I’m another devoted reader from California. I have been reading your blog for quite some time and have found so much inspiration from you. I won one of your giveaways a few years back (Hapari) and have really enjoyed your amazing party planning ideas, creative spirit and positive outlook…which is so infectious! I totally respect your decision to go private. I would love to continue reading but I do understand whatever you decide. Just know you will be GREATLY missed. Best of luck to you as you embark on your new adventures.

    Take good care,
    Renee : )

  50. Jane,
    Now my parties/holidays will be so lame without your inspiration:) I understand the need to go private and would love to continue following your journey. Like I have said before, you have the best blog EVER!
    Can’t wait to meet you at the yard sale – I am bringing a small army with me:) Best of luck in the future.

  51. I just recently stumbled on your blog and LOVE IT! I am so sad you are going private it’s like my daily fix into a way of bettering my life and myself. I haven’t ever commented due to not having a blog account but now that you switched over I can! I would love an invite! I am also on pinterest and follow your boards and have been loving the inspiration! Good luck with life, creating, and organizing! And if you can send me an invite! Thanks!

  52. This is terrible news. I love reading your blog. I won’t know where to eat out, or what color to paint my kitchen, or how to decorate my table without you:) I am a good friend/cousin of Jen Pickle/Culley I would love to stay on your blog list. Although we have never met, I think we may be sisters? So I should be considered family and allowed to continue to read this fabulous blog. Yep, that’s it. Hope I make it on the list:) If not, good luck on your new adventures with your cute family. You guys will do fantastic wherever you live, and Boston is lucky to have you.

  53. i’m bummed to see you go! but if you don’t mind me asking, why the big site change/transition just to go private? i had assumed this was made in part to help further your etsy and showcase your graphic design skills.

  54. I am another one of your blog stalkers. I am actually a friend of Kara Ford’s and I guess that’s how I found you though I don’t really remember now;) I have loved following your blog over the last year. Your workout, your home, your fun-loving motherly ways, your parties, and your fashion are so inspiring. You seem to have it all together and I admire that about you! You will be missed. Good luck with the big move!

  55. Oh I am so sad! You are diffenately one of my favorite daily reads! I first found your blog from Lu’s. I love all you creativity! I saw you one day at Evan’s gatehouse I said hi cause I felt like I knew you 🙂 I would love to be able to still read your blog but understand how you feel 🙂 good luck with your future it sounds like such a fun adventure ahead of you 🙂 melisathemom@msn.com

  56. Hello jane!
    Well i definitely would LOVE to be invited to keep reading your blog. You are one of my biggest inspirations and i love looking at your parties, style, family life, and creations. You are amazing! Please consider me as one to keep on this limited list! Also, i am planning on coming to the yard sale, and i am excited to finally be able to meet you there! Much love my dear

    XO keena {keenakeena1@gmail.com}

  57. Hi Yang. I’m not sure if you remember me as I’m gone so much. I’m Dusty or “Ying” if you will. I tend to read your blog often and then reread it often and then steal the pictures even though they say you aren’t supposed to. I especially like the pictures of the hot blonde behind the blog- three words… Mmmm Mmmmm Mmmmm!! So yes, I’d like a consideration of joining and think you should allow as many as you can verify to continue to receive the inspiration and entertainment that you provide. I read about every article written about the Sox during the day but NEVER leave comments. I’d be a sad boy if they blocked me out. 🙂
    Ying, Yobo, Popeye, Big Papi, Baby Daddy…

  58. so many people are going to be sad that they can’t read your blog anymore. you are the cutest mom with the cutest ideas! seriously so excited for your boston adventure but like you said…. i can’t believe we are leaving the east coast as you are coming out here!!! it would have been fun to meet up!

  59. oh {jane}!
    gosh, it was a good thing i was seated when i read this news. i thought with the new face lift to the blog you’d really bounce into something and get picked up by a internet magazine or something. sincerely, i really think you have a future in this!
    however, i completely respect you and your family’s decision to go private. if you do have room for another person, i’d rally around the flag pole for that opportunity. and if you decide to return, please keep my email to notify me.

    it really is sad to hear. our family has benefited from your blogging; the crafts, the parties, your inspirations…i could go on and on…

    i have a business trip to utah around september time frame and was so disappointed to learn you’d already be gone for boston. i was going to reach out and see if we could meet for lunch.

    i know i don’t comment much, and maybe if i had, you’d have learned how much we have in common…
    i have my degree in interactive media and web design, so your blog posts about the alt summit and graphic design are of great interest to me.
    also, our family used to live in utah. my husband and i were stationed at hill air force base and are both retired from the air force. i will miss those scenic backgrounds of your backyard and the restaurants you and the besties go to. my hubby is from boston and lives for everything boston. we virtually have a gift shop in the man cave (no shower curtain, yet!).

    best of all to you and your family. i’ll certainly miss hearing about your adventures in boston but more importantly, our virtual friendship.

    i’m going to go cry in my coffee now:(

  60. I comment all the time….lol. I hope to get an invite! I can’t wait to hear about your boston adventures.

  61. Oh no! I’m so sad to hear about this! I get it though. I had a feeling it was going to happen sooner or later just plain and simple because it IS the Internet and a totally public area! As others have said, I really would love to be invited to view your new blog! I understand if not, as we don’t “know” eachother, but I will truly miss all of your posts. You’ve done an amazing job with this blog, keep up the great work 🙂

  62. Jane, I would like an invite to your blog! I have only commented a few times but you did answer one of my questions on a comment reader post so maybe we’re kinda blogging friends?? 😉

    I love your blog and the inspirations you give daily. Have you thought about creating a party blog? You would be the top party blog on the block! Have fun with your new adventure in Boston! I hope to see you at your garage sale!


  63. Ok, this is my second comment – I’m not a “commenter” but after reading all of these I could honestly cry – talk about being bummed! Look at the people you’ve touched, almost all of them say the same thing – you are seriously an inspiration to so many!

    Mr. Yang – you are so sweet, what a great marriage you guys have – jealous! And you are both hilarious!

  64. I too, have loved your blog. I don’t know you, but I would stop by everyday love seeing pictures of your darling family, great craft ideas, and fabulous party ideas. You are such an amazing person. good luck in Boston. You will be missed.

  65. Jane, Cristie and I have thoroughly enjoyed reading about your various adventures and projects. As fairly new parents we love seeing all the wonderful ways you involve you children in creative projects and foster their creativity. We would love to continue reading! Regardless, we wish you the best and we hope to see you and Dusty at a GHS 20 year coming up in a few short years.
    Jeff Walk

  66. I’m a reader who rarely comments but I love your blog and I too am inspired by you. It’s a long shot for me to leave my email for an invite but I am just in case.. I respect your choice to go private, I have had my blog private for awhile and enjoy it. You are welcome to email me for an invite my blog is really just a family picture journal. I am excited for your yard sale, I’ve been meaning to email you for directions so if you can I would appriciate directions. Thank you Jane for blogging, as a mother with 4 young kids I look up to your parenting and love so many of your ideas…

    Bjstephens4(at) yahoo(dot)com

  67. Just another one of your readers!! Natalie M. (center stage) acutally introduced me to your blog and I love reading! I just started reading and have commented a few times but you don’t personally know me. I have found through reading that we have friends in common (Blanchards). Anyway, good luck and thanks for letting me read!!

  68. Jane, Love your blog! I found you from the Gatehouse blog, I am a big fan of yours. Yes I have never commented and feel bad about that. I am planning on coming to your yard sale and I will for sure introduce myself, I am so excited to meet you in person. Love, Love, Love your blog and I will for sure miss it. I also know Danny Howell, he has done our shutters in our home. Good luck with everything in your move, you have a sweet family.

  69. I totally understand you wanting to go private. To many crazy people in the world! I would love to keep reading your blog. I can’t tell you how much i have learned from you! I love all of your DIY projects you have an awesome talent for making the world a more beautiful place.I love having another person who is on the Low-Carb band wagon to!
    I wish you the best of luck in Boston. it is one of my favorite places! I worked for Delta for years and would visit Boston often. Thanks for sharing so much of yourself on your blog! I think you are great!
    Julie Harmon-Sterling

  70. So I am one of the daily readers who has not commented much. I read your blog everyday because you are so up-beat and positive. I try to surround myself with things that are happy, and I feel that although I have 3 kids under 5, and a husband (we don’t travel much) I get to escape and travel vicariously through you! My oldest daughter’s birthday party was a hit and I owe some of the ideas to you!
    I have often thought you should put your ideas into a book! I would buy it and I KNOW others would too!
    Keep on being an inspiration, enjoy Boston, and thanks for sharing, I hope I can be half the mother you are!

  71. This makes me sad, I LOVE reading your blog!!! I would love to continue to follow your journey to a new city. If not, best of luck to you and your precious family 🙂

  72. I have been a reader of your blog for several months now but have only commented a few times. While I don’t know you from Eve, I have been inspired by your amazing parties, decorating ideas, thoughts, and parenting abilities (especially as I’m about to embark on the world of parenthood myself). It’s great to see people still focus on the family. It was a great joy to read your blog and I wish you and family the best out here on the east coast! It will truly be an adventure! Thanks for everything!

  73. So sad to hear you are going private. I love to read your blog… you have the greatest party ideas. I admit I don’t always comment. I will miss reading your blog & looking to it for inspiration.

  74. I am yet another silent viewer. I love seeing your new posts everyday and feeling inspired to be a better mother and friend. I will miss your blog SO much, you have no idea! I hope you will end up sending out more invites than you had thought ;o) Good luck in Boston!

  75. I also, am one of those who reads your blog everyday, but almost never leaves a comment. I love your blog, I especially loved the post about the ‘Birds and Bees’ talk with your children. You are a great example, and you are the mom that I hope one day, I can be like!
    My email is annikasommerville@yahoo.com
    Thank you for letting me read for the past few months since I discovered your blog!

  76. If you are like me, you don’t comment “often” partly because you don’t “really” know this person, and you don’t want them to feel obligated to you/your blog. I look at a handful of blogs, for various reasons, some I’ve just stumbled on and some due to a “someone” saying “you should check out….”

    I blog because I see it as a “journal” of sorts, a permanent record that my children will hopefully cherish when I am gone, and I don’t have any opinion about going private, it’s individual.

    I have really enjoyed reading your blog, and am in awe that you have the GUTS to pack up and move to Boston; I would move to South Carolina if I had the guts..

    Good luck to you are your family, I’ve no doubt the Boston experience will bring much joy to your family.

    Catherine Seivert

  77. Jane,
    I have just recently joined the blogger world, and somehow came across your amazing and inspirational blog! You are are so innovative, and such an amazing mom. I hope that one day I can be half as creative as you! Good luck with your new and exciting adventures that lie ahead! You have such an optimistic outlook on life, and I’m sure you will embrace every opportunity you come across. I would love an invite, as I learn a lot from your crafts, ideas and parties-but I totally understand your desire to go private. Again, I wish you the best of luck with everything you do!

  78. Hey Jane! I totally understand your reasons for wanting to go private. Hopefully you’ll let me keep following you! I love a lot of your ideas and was planning on putting a lot of them to good use as Myla gets older. Good luck with your move to Boston!


  79. Another sad follower here. Your blog is one of my favorites. I love your style and your ideas. I will miss your blog but understand your need for privacy. Best of luck to a beautiful family.

  80. Jane i am the niece of dustys friend paul stewart who passed away and am from alamo my dad is gene stwart and i love to read your blog your family is so cute i hope you will let me stay and be on your friends list.

  81. Jane it will be sad to see you go. I adore your blog and use a lot of your crafts and inspirations because i have 4 kiddos of my own. Good luck with the move and your future! If you can aqueeze me in, I would love to keep reading – Marinerl@yahoo.com
    Thanks for sharing all your ideas.

  82. Hey Jane –

    As family, I think you have to invite us. 🙂 We have enjoyed keeping track of you guys through the blog! Looking forward to seeing what you do in Boston…

    kimballgarvin at hotmail
    melissakgarvin at hotmail

  83. I’d love an invite, but I’m aware how limited they probably are. I have 3 young ones and am horrible at commenting mainly due to time. I have a blog myself and know the work and effort that goes into keeping it updated. I too use it as a personal scrapbook that I turn into books on Blurb.com. I am a follower of yours on Pinterest and I enjoy your blog greatly. Hope the next chapter in your life is exciting!

  84. Jane,
    I know I don’t comment, but I totally love reading your blogs. I love keeping up with all of you. Dusty is a very special person to me. He is my brother. I hope that you would consider me as one that will be allowed to continue viewing your blog. I feel like I will lose track of your family now that you are moving to Boston if I don’t get to read your blog.
    I promise I will try to comment now and then, if you want me to. Lynda

  85. Hi Jane,
    I too am a daily reader of your blog and have commented a few times over the last few years (I grew up with Sara Cotton Staker and am Tami Rutherford Ostmarks cousin. I adore your blog! I am so inspired by all the fun, crafty ideas you have. As well as all the great crewcuts outfits you dress your kids in. I have to admit, I have used a few of your party and holiday ideas. I would love an invite, but totally understand your desire to go private. I wish you all the best of luck in your move to Boston! What a fun expreience for your family.

  86. Jane –

    You don’t know me, but funny how through a blog you feel like you get a glimpse of someone else. Well I have followed your blog for over a year now and have loved being inspired, and chuckled numerous times and your posts. I have commented a few times but not regularly. I wish you all the best of luck with you and family in Boston on this new adventure. I don’t expect and invite but will gladly accept if so. Again, good luck with all that you do and what lies ahead.

  87. You are amazing. You are beautiful. Your blog is like a fresh-out-the oven cookie.. genius. I knew you were special from the minute you starting doing nails in high school. Fellow Lancers unite! ‘sides, I don’t know anyone in Beantown- Good luck on the move- Go Red Sox!

  88. Jane –

    I just went back and read all those comments, so amazing all the people you have touched. It sounds like we are all trying to be picked for a basketball team haha the way we are all begging and pleading but understand where you are coming from. And your husband is hilarious!!!

  89. Oh sad, I have been reading for a couple of years and am really going to miss your blog! It’s crazy how you can enjoy reading about someones life who you’ve never met, but I’ve loved how inspirational your blog is. You once gave me some excellent advice- get a nanny! It’s the only way I’ve survived the last two years with triplets! I’m hoping to make it to your yard sale and am wishing you the best of luck in Boston. Can’t say I won’t be hoping you go public again someday though.

  90. I was hunting for party inspirations a while ago and landed in your little cyber world…from there I was hooked. Thank you for your inspiration, not only as a fabulous party hostess, but also as a mom and wife. I’d love to keep following, but understand your reservations. Best wishes in all your endeavors!

  91. Hi Jane!

    I totally understand your decision to go private, and hope to get an invite. Your kids are adorable, and I have so been looking forward to your adventures in Boston. I’m really sad that you are moving before we had the chance to establish our bestfriendness. 🙂 However, we do not know each other and I wont be offended to not receive an invite. I have left a few comments, but at the risk of sounded like a weirdo, not as often as I have wanted to.. So anyhow, pondapril@hotmail.com is my email address. SINCERE good luck with your move if this is the last comment I am able to leave!!

    PS.. I will be at your yard sale. I will make sure to say Hello! If for some reason you have a private shopper night on the friday before, ya know, like Nords does, I would Luuu uh uve an invite to that for sure!! 🙂


  92. Hello from California! I stumbled across your blog a few months ago and have been reading it daily ever since. I truly enjoy your positive outlook, creative ideas and fresh perspective. You’ve inspired me in so many ways. You truly are a talented writer, and I’m not surprised that your site reached over a thousand hits per day. Good luck in all of your future endeavors!

  93. I know we haven’t “met” but I love your blog and am 100% not a creep! I would love to keep up with how much you love Boston!

  94. Hi Jane,
    I am writing from Wisconsin…I came across your blog from reading another blog that a friend had recommended, and have read every day since! I too am one of the readers that doesn’t comment! Now I really wish that I had! I feel very sad that I won’t be able to read your blog on a daily basis! I LOVE all of your great ideas from parties to family life and feel that my day won’t be the same without pulling inspiration from you! Please consider me troutmancorey@yahoo.com as someone to be allowed to follow the next chapters in your life! I will be forever grateful and will be sure to comment on every post! 🙂
    Thanks and best of luck!

  95. Oh I’m so sad! I get it,I rarely blog bc of all the concerns you spoke about. I do love your blog though! I love to see a fellow dance mom post about all your families dance adventures, I love all your birthday party posts and most of all I think you seem like one of the best moms out there! You make being a mom seem so glamorous and I love that! Good luck in Boston! My dad served his mission there so we were raised as Boston fans! I dont even remember how I found your blog a few years ago but I would love an invite!

  96. Hi Jane,
    I have loved your blog. I have been reading for about 2 1/2 years and have been so inspired by you. I was so excited to hear about your adventure to Boston, but understand your decision. Thank you for sharing and I wish you and your family much happiness!

  97. Jane,
    I was truly heartbroken to read this! It was one of those “say its not so” thoughts. I was linked to your blog after reading Sara’s after Bronson’s accident. I now only read 2 blogs consistently…yours being one of them! You are truly inspiring to all us moms!!

    I’ve learned so much by reading your blog….from hair help (Biotin, which I love) to floor cleaners to awesome birthday party ideas for my boys. I’m not creative at all so seeing your ideas helps me (and my boys) tremendously.

    I think I’ve commented only once but really wish that I would have! I realize its very difficult for you to know who is a creepy stalker vs a dedicated mom (who reads after the kids are in bed 🙂 who loves creative ideas.

    Thanks for inspiring us all! Good luck with your move to Boston! So exciting!!


  98. Hi Jane! I am so sad you’re going private, but totally understand. I have loved reading about your fun vacations. all your DIY posts, and the way you value motherhood. You are one talented woman! I would LOVE to keep reading!!

    ( I once bought a huge desk from you. I sent my then fiance to pick it up, and he stayed and chatted with your mom for over an hour! He said she was the coolest gma he ever met! ha)

  99. Hi Jane…I have loved your blog since I discovered it a few months ago. It is put together better than most of the blogs out there! This last year has been difficult for me, as I was laid off from a job that I truly loved for the past 25 years. Your blog has been a welcome diversion for me, in the midst of job search, interviews, etc. I really looked forward to your positive outlook and inspiration each week. I especially love your creativity and attention to detail. Also, you and your beautiful family are picture-perfect! I am the mother of one son whom I treasure and although I was not blessed with any more children, I enjoy living vicariously through others who do have kids. I’m sure we would have never met, as I live in the midwest in Chicago, but I have enjoyed having a glimpse into your life. Thank you for sharing your family’s special moments virtually. I will miss you, but would love an invitation to continue to follow you. If not, all the best to you and your family as you make your move out east. Have a wonderful future together 🙂

  100. Jane- Thank you for the opportunity to learn and grow from you! What an inspiration you are. I’m still hoping to make it to your yard sale…fingers crossed I can even waddle around by then. =) I would LOVE to keep reading but understand if I can’t be included. akalei2001 at yahoo dot com Best wishes and love, Ashley

  101. YOu have some beautiful pictures but the way you right so arrogantly prevents me from wanting to waste my time validating your boastful posts with a comment.

    • hey tammi… keep coming back for the arrogance… errr… optimistic/ positive spin on life and what it deals. jane and i have been through our share of crap. those that KNOW us know what what we are going through right now which bystanders/ onlookers/ quiet readers have no idea about. i’m sure you care not about that and certainly NOONE cares about fault finders like you. dad always said when you find a fault in others it is usually because that trait is even more present in you. for example, calling someone arrogant is… pretty damn arrogant. i truly hope you find a cure for whatever it is in your life that is causing this poor outlook. maybe you just need kiana’s lesson on being judicious! anyway, cheers and good luck.

    • Tammi,
      I have a problem with your comment for several reasons. First of all, there is a difference between the meanings of “right” and “write”. Second, noone forces you to read anyones blog, so if it bothers you, don’t read it. Third, comments on this particular blog were asked from those who wanted to be considered, so who is the arrogant one? Last, Jane is not arrogant one little bit. She is one of the nicest people I know. You obiously don’t know her.
      Get a life!

    • Tammi,
      While I’m usually not inclined to reply to comments like this, I feel if I don’t I’m condoning what you said. I’ve been following Jane’s blog for quite some time. I have never read an arrogant post and have never perceived any of her writings as being boastful! Since when is it bad to be happy and love your family? She is very inspiring (as all the other comments show) and appreciated by those of us who wish to read an uplifting blog.

      I hope you find happiness soon.


    • Tammi….you must be living a very sad life to want to find fault in Jane and Dusty”s happiness. I suggest you look at yourself before you attack anothers character. Your ” Sour Grapes”outlook is not becoming and not appreciated by those of us who look for inspiration and good in those we invite to be in our lives. Jane has done nothing but uplife and encourage us to be happy…and I appreciate hear efforts more than she will ever know.
      You are mean and sad and the kind of person Jane is talking about when she says “scary” I think you should see a therapist to find out why you are so hateful!!!

  102. I have been reading your blog for a couple of years now. I admit I have never left a comment and I am sorry for that, but I really have enjoyed your blog so much and seeing all the beautiful things that you do. I would love to be able to follow your family on your new adventure. If not I wish you and your family the best.

  103. I’m another {Silent} faithful reader from Arkansas. I really don’t remember how I found your blog but I absolutely LOVE it! I check daily because your blog has it ALL fashion/creativity/crafts/party ideas/recipes etc… you are AMAZING and have inspired me to be a better mother and wife. I truly will miss your blog but I respect your decision to go private. 🙂

  104. Hi Jane!
    I’ve been reading your blog since I scanned your family pictures at Pebbles a few years ago. I hope that’s not too stalkerish. I’ve loved reading about your beautiful family. Your love for each other and the drive you all have for life is very inspiring and I will miss reading your blog. Maybe others have said this but maybe you could start a separate blog where you only post non-family related things. Like anything that inspires you/things you love. I’m seriously so sad! Good luck in Boston! I’m super jealous! I need to get my husband out of UT (it’s all he knows..) 🙂

  105. NO! You’re blog is my favorite! You have inspired me with all your amazing ideas/ crafts/ workout and diet tips/ family fun ideas/ party ideas, etc, etc, etc. You seem like an amazing lady who can do it all! I would love to keep reading but completely understand if you’re just keeping it to family/close friends. Good luck in Boston!

  106. Jane,

    I found your blog through dance. I believe it was on facebook Allison Holkers page. I own/operate a dance studio in Idaho and we have had Allison come to our studio and I also have seen your daughter dance at NUVO dance competition and she is breathtaking. Your blog is oh so inspiring and I would love to continue reading. You are such a creative and fun fasionista and I swear I couldn’t go without your wonderful ideas and all the ways you live your life with such moxie. I would love an invitation, thanks!

  107. Jane,
    Wow…so sad that your blog is going private. I have been a quiet reader for a couple years. It is always a joy to your read your blog and is so positive and inspirational. You have always been an awesome reminder about enjoying everything and celebrating everything. I think I have only commented once and that was when you said you were moving to Boston because I live in Waltham. We moved from Orem to Waltham 7 years ago and it was the best thing for my kids and I, ever. We love the Boston Area…it just rocks, what else can you say??

    I found your blog from Shannon Taylor’s blog, a friend from high school…and other things, whom I adore. I would love to continue to read your blog but totally understand the importance of privacy.

    Maybe I will see you around after you move out to Boston and I can tell you in person that I was a faithful reader but loser when it came to commenting.
    Good luck with your new adventures…we love being able to go to a Red Sox game whenever we want….we are going to one on Friday.

    Thank you!! Julie

  108. I can’t remember how I found your blog but I am one of your blog lurkers or silent readers! I am a mother of four living on the east coast and love reading your blog for inspiration and creativity. There are a lot of “brag blogs” out there but yours is not one of those…I always feel inspired to do more after reading your blog and I thank you for sharing all your many talents with other busy moms! Our family is leaving the east coast this summer to return back to our home in Utah. I’m sure your family will enjoy your adventure on the east coast…we have thoroughly enjoyed ours. Good luck to you!

  109. I’m so sad! You’re blog is one of my favorites! I don’t know how I came upon it a couple of years ago, but I am a quiet follower. You are so inspirational and fun, and I love reading your posts about everything from parties to clothes to great food and decorating ideas… I would love an invitation, but totally understand why you’re going private. Much love to you and your family..

  110. I have no idea how I found you’re blog a couple of years ago, but as soon as I started reading it I was hooked. I am sooooo sad to hear you’re going private. This is truly one of my favorite blogs!! I can’t tell you how many of your yummy recipes I’ve tried, how many of your fashion/beauty tips I’ve adopted, how many decorating ideas I’ve taken away, etc, etc, etc. I along with all the other moms out there will so miss your inspiring attitude toward raising our children and the importance of family. There are not enough people out there like you – good luck with your adventures!

  111. Jane, I have been reading your blog for 3 yrs now. It’s the first blog I check out every day. You are so amazing, and extremely inspiring about how you choose to live your life. I am so excited and a bit envious for your new adventure back east. You are a brave woman. It’s going to be great. I would LOVE to be able to read about your adventure there. Best wishes to you and your darling family!

  112. Oh I am so sad – your blog is one of my daily reads despite the fact that I am not a commenter…I’m a friend of a friend of a friend…and though I wish I could keep reading your blog forever because you do such an amazing job – and I love all your party, dieting/workout, home decor, and etc. advice, I understand the need for going private. However, if you’re open to random Provo strangers still being able to read, I’d love to keep doing so. Good luck in Boston!

  113. Whaaaaa….?!? Jane, you can’t leave us (ie ME! 🙂 ) I would la la love to keep reading. If not, i’ll just probably wither and die, so really, nothing to worry about. Just teasing (except about the wanting to keep reading part 🙂 ) ….rock on my virtual sister friend.

  114. noooooooooooooooooooo! I truly begin each day by reading “See Jane and Nie Nie”. I ADORE reading your posts and I love that you post daily. You live a great life. You inspire me! I would love to keep reading,but if not best of luck with your new adventures!

  115. Jane,
    I came across your blog a while back, while visiting one of my blogging buddies (either Amy F. or Becky K, I’m not sure). I have been completely in LOVE with your blog ever since.
    All I can say is, I think you are an incredible person! I love the joy you find in the simple things, your creativity and inspiring words of wisdom, the love you show for your husband and kids, the adventure you make of your life… you inspire me to be better!
    I don’t question your decision to make your blog private. I did the same thing to mine a couple of years ago. But I’d be lying if I said I wouldn’t miss (or ache) for your inspiring words. I would love an invitation if I could, but completely understand if you would rather keep your readers to just close family and friends. Thank you for letting me into your life through your blog. I’ve learned so much from you.
    Good Luck with your move and in all that you do!
    Love, Darbee Beynon

  116. Jane, thanks for the years of friendship. Our family will miss you guys! My kids have always had such a great time playing at your house and you are as good of a host on a tuesday afternoon as you are when you have a big party. Thank you for your generosity and kindness to my children. I have loved reading your blog and look forward to reading about your adventures in Boston. I apologize for not commenting very often…I guess I am shy in person and on the web! You are a super-mom/woman and I love your beautiful blog and life! Keep in touch.

    Thank you! Britt

  117. Ma’am,

    I have been an avid reader for years, but I can certainly understand your reasoning for making your blog priavte. As an active duty soldier in the Army, I’m currently far from my home. I’ve read this site every day and it has brought back memories from home with my own family. In a way it has provided some sort of comfort in sometimes dark hours when comfort is hard to find. So, I thank you for that. I have taken an interest in your party/design/and workout advice and insight. I wish you and your family the best of luck and all the happiness in the world.

  118. Jane,

    I have been an avid reader of your site for 3 years now. I read it every day and enjoy following along with your parties, design, and general outlook on life. I certainly understand the reasons behind making your blog private. I just wanted you to know that as an active duty soldier in the Army, I’ve read your site every day. I am far from home and it reminded me why I go to work every day — for freedom. It also brought back memories of home and provided comfort in harrowing moments when I’ve needed to remember why I do what I do. So, I thank you for that. I appreciate that you let us know about your blog going private so I had the chance to say thank you. I wish you and your family all the best on your new endeavors.


  119. Jane,

    I am also a faithful follower of your blog. I get inspired by your interior decorating to the AMAZING birthday parties you throw your children. So much love in that house! I am constantly searching for ways to be creative, and I have attempted blogging and realized I’m not that interesting! It’s a shame to shut the world off to your unique sense of style and incredible parenting. I am amazed at how well you handle four children and don’t ever seemed stressed. Good luck with Boston and I hope your children love it on the east coast. I live in Charleston, SC…if you’ve never been. YOU NEED TO!! You will fall in love. Guarantee.

    Best of luck if I don’t receive an email.


  120. Jane, I too am a regular reader who never leaves comments. I never leave comments on any of the blogs I read, but I check yours everyday while the kids nap. I love your decorating ideas and fun family projects. It is so fun Good luck with your move, and I’d love to continue to read your blog. I’m currently saving all my toilet paper rolls to hang on my walls!

    Good luck

  121. Awhhh man! I love your darling blog BUT I soooo get it. With all the blogs in my reader, your blog is my tops 🙂 I relate with so much of what you say/feel. K Im coming to the yard sale so Ill “bare my testimony” about you then 🙂

  122. Hi Jane,
    I am another one of your quiet readers. I am from Alamo 🙂 my maiden name is Ashlee Davis. I just wanted to let you know that you are so inspiring, and i love to read your blog! I don’t remember how i found your blog, but i have been reading for years! My daily routine consists of reading your blog and being uplifted by your words, amazing creativity, and your family life! Hearing about your journey to Boston is so exciting-here’s to wishing your family the best of luck!! I would love to continue reading your blog, but totally understand you wanting to go private! Thanks for letting us read about your exciting life this far!
    Best Wishes!!

  123. Add me too! I’m Becky’s sil and love your creativity and household tips on raising kids, traditions, food, etc! Good luck to your family in Boston! Such an exciting endeavor and will have so many wonderful opportunities and adventures! I grew up in NC when I was a kid and as much as I hated moving, I look back with such appreciation that I was able to meet and see such diverse surroundings & people. I can’t wait to hear all about it!

  124. Jane,

    I feel like I’ve gotten to know you so much better through your blog these last couple of years. We’ve known each other for years, but it’s funny how I feel like we have become friends through our blogs and pinterest. The internet is a funny thing. I would love an invite to your blog, you’ve got so many great ideas and I would love to stay in touch when you guys move. Good luck with everything!

  125. I love your blog! Found it through a friend of mine, Lissette Blanchards. I love looking at all your ideas and have used a few party ideas here and there from you.

    As a Mom to little ones myself, I totally understand why you are going private. You don’t know me so you don’t have to add me but if you did I would be oh – so – happy!

    Best of luck with your move!!

  126. Hi Jane: Yours is by far my favorite blog ever! It gives a dose of all the things that keep me coming back to read your posts — family, style, creativity, and inspiration! I found your blog only a few months ago via your family photo session with Vanessa Millecam. I know I don’t know you, but I appreciate your candidness. Whether you know it or not, you’ve challenged your readers to be better mothers, wives, and women (myself included). Best of luck to you and your family. Regards, Richele

  127. Jane…I would love an invite to your blog if that is okay. I love your blog and your ideas and your thoughts and all that you share, you are amazing and I have learned so much from you. I am excited for you and your family and all of your new adventures…what a special time for you.

  128. Jane! I became a daily reader of your blog when following Bronson Stakers amazing story. You truly inspire me to be a better person and mom. I love all your recipes, party ideas, your style, and I love hearing about your darling family. With a family like that I can totally understand you taking your blog private. I would love to continue reading if possible. Good luck in Boston!

  129. Hi Jane, I’m so sad to see the news. I don’t know you but I am a Southern Cali girl who stumbled across your blog and began checking in whenever the kids give me a spare minute to myself. I have considered going private myself. The internet can be a big unknown to invite into your life. I have LOVED that you have been willing to do so. I so understand going private–although I’m still sad about it.

    I have thought about it myself but instead I just quit posting often because of my nerves. I will miss your wonderful insight, your creativity and reading about your new adventure in Boston.

    I left Utah 3 yrs. ago to California and it was good but hard. I’m finally settled and happy. I was sure you would handle the change better than I did but I was interested to read how…if end up with an extra invite I’d love it but if not I wish you happiness and great success with your move! You have a beautiful family~

  130. I dont even remember how i came across your blog.. But im so glad I found it. I know we dont know eachother, and my blog is private.. So i know were you are coming from. I would love to be invited if you would like. It’s nice to know who is looking @ your blog. 🙂 Your blog reader friend, Kelly

  131. I get to join the rest of the group in saying I enjoy reading your blog. It is entertaining and I love all of your ideas. Thanks for sharing and I wish you weren’t going private, but I understand the reasoning behind it. You will obviously be missed :(.

  132. Ps. I would love to invite you to mine too.. so you can see who I am. 🙂 And I love your post about FHE night.. Its great that you started your own remix of FHE. I feel like we have fam night every night, cause we always spend the evenings togther @ some point.. But it is so nice to designate one night a week to a fam night. And I feel like my kids will apreciate it one day, and the lessons we teach them will click at some point too. I have 3 boys, ages 11,6, and 2. So there attention spans vary. The best part is just spending time together and haveing a yummy treat.

  133. Hi Jane!

    I too am one of your regulars who sadly doesn’t leave too many comments. I have been a some what silent reader for about a year now (I am the sister of Katelyn and Brooks; she won your giveaway on making over the header on her blog, and you gave me wonderful advice on ideas for my sons first birthday party on december 31st). You are a wonderfully creative, up-beat mother, wife, and artist and I will miss reading your blog! It inspired me to be more positive in my life. I would love the opportunity to continue reading your blog, but I understand why you’re going private.


  134. holy crap honey! you are going to have to go public now! this is crazy in a totally awesome way!!! you really truly are a very inspirational and talented blogger.

    i am sure your yard sale will be filled with all your loyal bloggers, a farewell party!

  135. I am also a silent reader…and feel bad, I should have spoken up sooner! You are so inspiring, I love looking at your blog, it takes me to a happy place! I definitely understand your decision, I took my blog private about a year ago, and protecting your family comes first and foremost! You will be missed, and would be ecstatic to get an invite, but am more then understanding if not! Good luck with the move and your new adventure!

  136. Hello, Jane dear. I love your new site! It’s just beautiful and oh so snazzy! If you do indeed decide to go private, I would love an invite. I can’t tell you how many things I have tried/created thanks to your blog. It’s so much fun to read. And I love that I’ve been able to keep in touch with you all these years. I wish you all the best in Bostton and can’t wait to hear all about your grand adventures. Hugs to you, Jane.


  137. Hi Jane. So very excited for you & your family to move and experience new things. I would love an invite to peek in on your private blog. I have loved the party ideas, DIY crafts, recipes, book clubs, personal thoughts, home decor (would love to see the new house in Boston) and so on. You are one talented girl. Good luck!

  138. Hi Jane,

    I am also one of your “silent” readers. Now that you are going private-I am “non silent”. : )
    I would enjoy an invite too : ) I so enjoy the ideas that you share and your creativity. Sure hope I can continue checking in and be inspired. Hope your travels to Boston are safe.

    Take care!

  139. Hi Jane,

    I went to school at SUU & lived a few doors down from Dusty (the cleanest, tidiest guy I’ve ever known). My sister showed me your blog several months ago and I’ve enjoyed reading. You have a beautiful family and a wonderful life! Best of luck to ya’ll in Boston. I should mention that my kids love coming home to after-school snacks served up in muffin tins:)
    Best Wishes,

  140. I am one of your silent readers too…I just am not much of a commenter on blogs. A year ago, I started looking for ideas for my brother’s 30th “army” birthday party. I stumbled upon your blog and immediately felt connected. I grew up in the West and have a husband that is works in the sports arena. It has been fun learning from you! Enjoy Boston! Nothing like a new adventure!

  141. I love you! I was catching up on all your posts while I’ve been away. I guess I should leave a comment so you don’t forget to add me on. I will be home on the 12th, so hopefully I will see you very soon after that!! xoxoxoxo

  142. Hi Jane!

    Like many of these other folks who love your blog… you don’t know me either. I’m only a recent follower. I fell in love with your blog through reading your “Typical Tuesday” post on my sister Rachel’s blog (Playing House). I would be honored to continue enjoying your blog, but am in full support of your decision to go private so no hard feelings. 😉 Your ideas, craftiness, positive attitude, honesty and parties keep me always coming back for more… I now refer to you as “the awesome Red Sox fans blog” when I talk about you to my husband. (GO RED SOX!) Best of luck with everything!


  143. I also have loved reading your blog everyday. I used to live in Utah and then lived out in Boston for 4 years and now live in South Dakota. You are such an inspiration. I would love to keep reading but understand if that is not possible.

    gingisue at gmail

  144. Jane, I found your blog when I was reading about your friend’s son that almost drowned. I was pulled in by that story that touched us all and then linked onto yours and have been reading ever since. (I’m a Utah reader that saw their story on the news). I’m sorry I haven’t commented before, because you have a lot of good ideas, but I didn’t want to feel like a stranger to you, because after reading I didn’t feel that way, but figured you don’t know me. I am a teacher and have used a lot of your craft ideas in school. One of my favorites was the toilet paper art. My students loved it and teachers are always looking for cheap art supplies! I understand if you can’t add me, but then where will I get all my fresh new ideas from? No pressure there now is there. Thanks for sharing all this time. Good Luck to you in your new adventure in Boston.

  145. Jane,
    I have never met you, but grew up with Dusty. He was always so much fun! I have loved your blog and am so sad you are going private. I totally understand though. I love checking your blog each week to see all of your cute ideas and have used many of them in our parties and crafts! You have an adorable family and you are so creative! Everyone is going to miss your blog! Maybe you should make blog of fun ideas, no family pictures, in all of your spare time! 🙂

  146. I seriously love your blog. You have such amazing projects and Ideas. So sad to see you going private. You have a lot of inspiration. Sorry I haven’t commented before now, but you really do have such a knack for inspiration. Good luck in all you do and your new journey to Boston.

  147. Jane:
    Just wishing you guys the best in life. You are truly a great woman. Always will be grateful for the times we share with your lovely family. You have no idea how much I regreat not being able to be a good friend to you. I apologize . Good luck in Boston!:)

  148. Hello Jane. I am Shannon C’s friend. The one that sent the silly owl charm. I have been following you for a few years now although I don’t leave comments. (Not sure why, it’s hard to keep me quiet in person…ask Shannon. 😉 ) I have to agree with so many of these readers that you truly are inspirational and I have found joy and comfort in reading about you and your family. I feel like you are my friend in a strange sort of way even though you do not know me. I have really enjoyed all of your projects, parties and family activities. You have inspired me to be a better wife and mother. Thank you for sharing your gifts and talents especially because I have been a silent admirer. I wish you and your sweet family much happiness in all your new endeavors. Warm Regards.

  149. Found your blog by accident but what a wonderful accident it was. My husband and I went to school with your husband and were unable to attend the recent reunion. We actually had to choose between my highschool reunion and his…being the fantastic husband he is, he attended my reunion and never once complained. I understand your need to go private but you will be truly missed. I would love to meet you in person one day and tell you the cutest story about your husband that his mom told me. Best of luck!!

  150. Jane! This is Emily from the Gatehouse 🙂 You can’t make your blog private! I love looking at it and all the things you do. Who will I look to when I need to plan a fun party?! If you invite me I would be very grateful but if not it’s totally okay!

  151. Hi Jane, Just wanted you to know how much I love reading your blog and all the inspiration you offer. It is always a highlight of my week seeing all of the beauty you put out into the world:} I will look forward to following you on Pinterest!

  152. Hello, Jane. I too am one of those silent readers. I found your blog a while back through friends of friends I think and I fell in love with it. You are truly someone who gets what life is all about! I love your optimism and inspiration. You inspire me to be better everyday. I would love to keep reading about your ideas and adventures. It makes me smile and radiate happiness when I read your blog! Best wishes on your journey to Boston! The Red Soxs’ will be ecstatic you have made Boston your permanent home!
    Sincerely, Shannon B.

  153. Hi Jane,

    It’s only fair that we introduce ourselves to you when we feel we learn so much from you! I am sorry I don’t ever comment but I enjoy reading your blog whenever I can. You have inspired me to be a better mother and wife and given me countless ideas to do with my 3 little ones. Thank you!

    Claudia Garrett 🙂 from Provo

  154. Hi Jane,
    I found your blog when I saw a post about your birthday on the Staker’s blog during little Bronson’s miracle:) I’m not sure if I’ve ever commented, because I feel like I have since most everything you post inspires me. The most recent one is your Family Home Evening Nights. I was brought up LDS but now am not as active, but LOVE so many of the values I was brought up with. I have been wanting to begin FHE and feel like it’s more possible now that my youngest is 4:) So your post the other day gave me a bit more of a push to start:)

    When I read that you were making it private, my heart fell a little because I just love reading about your fun party ideas, amazing crafts and fun family adventures. However, I completely understand reasons for doing this. Good luck with all you have ahead of you:)

  155. Jane, I grew up in Orem and I found your blog at the time of Bronson’s accident and I’ve been following it ever since. Even though I understand the privacy issue, I’m so sad that you are going private because I feel like I know your family now and I’ll miss watching them grow up! It has been a pleasure reading about all of your fun ideas and activities – you are so amazingly creative and have a good life and a good family. To those not as fortunate as you, reading your blog gives hope for a better life someday. You are also a great example of showing kindness to others – you are always doing things for other people – parties, gifts, etc. Your blog has been a gift to many people and I, for one, have appreciated you sharing it. I wish you the best of luck on your new adventure. Thank you, Jane.

  156. Oh Jane, I am heartbroken! I have followed your blog and just fell in love with the parties you through, the family bonding you instill, the projects you do, the trips you take and on and on! I have commented a time or two, but mostly just check in when I have the time. I want you to know that YOU are who inspired me to start blogging this year! I love that I am keeping a family journal of our lives through a different way than scrapbooking. Thank You for that! I was really looking forward to watching this new step in your lives with the exciting move to Boston. Although, I am really sad and will miss reading about you all, I totally understand the “weird” factor everyone reading about your life that you don’t even know! I will miss you greatly! Good Luck in this next Chapter of life!
    {I would love to be included, if you let me!}
    Sheri Bowers

  157. Jane, I came across your blog about a year ago while looking through some other blogs. Ever since, I’ve checked in almost daily and been impressed and inspired by your ideas, activities, creativity and general passion for life and dedication to your family! I haven’t commented before, but I would love to keep reading, and wish you and your family all the best. Either way, you have a fan in Los Angeles!

  158. Awwww. 🙁 I will totally miss your blog! I love reading it and always get so many ideas for fun things to do with my kiddos. I really love all of your party ideas too. Sorry for not commenting more!

    I think your move to Boston sounds like an exciting adventure! Good luck with it!

    {Also planning on stopping by the yard sale with a couple of friends.}

  159. Oh my! I’ve been on vacation without internet and came home to check in and was so sad to read this! I’m a quiet reader as well, although I told you you rocked the other day! I do find you inspiring as you remind me to not get stuck in the tough stuff, but to always try to enjoy what you’ve got going on. I promise to comment more if you keep me 🙂 Best of luck in whatever you decide to do.

  160. Hi Jane! I am one of your quiet readers/lurkers. You’re right, I don’t know you personally, but I have come to admire and respect you tremendously. I find inspiration in the way you live each day to the fullest and the amazing things you do with your children. Thank you so much for blogging and for helping your readers learn from you.

  161. Sad! I do understand though…I took my family blog private too. Too many creepy people out there. I think you should make a “public” blog with party ideas bc you are seriously the most creative party planner ever!

  162. I so do not blame you! I would love to be one of those invited readers as it is the only way we stay connected after years of being neighbors and preschool carpool buddies. I love your little family and I am excited for your new adventures that are awaiting you all in the BIG East coast. XOXO

  163. I totally understand why you would want to go private, just wanted you to know while I have been a “silent reader” I have learned so much from reading your blog everyday. It is one of the first things I do every morning and your words are just simple and to the point giving me inspiration to lead my life in a better, productive way. I am only a senior in college, yet I hope to be half the woman you are. I came across your blog when I was in the hospital for three weeks figuring out what was wrong with me…Crohn’s Disease and reading your blog is what got me through the day and kept me optimistic!!! Your DIY projects have been so fun to do with my girlfriends! Have fun in Boston and if I could get an invite to your blog I would be so glad, but I understand the concerns with blogging in this crazy world!


  164. I do not know how I found your blog, but was SO glad that I did!! You have so many great ideas, but my favorite part of it all is the love and detail that you put into your kids lives. You never miss an opportunity to celebrate life, and that is so refreshing and inspiring. Your kids are so lucky to have two parents who absolutely adore each other and adore their children. Best of luck, and I would totally love to keep following your blog. I promise I am not a creeper!

  165. Jane-

    I discovered your blog after reading about little Bronson and I have been hooked ever since. I was very sad to read you are going private but understand completely! Too say I love your blog would be an understatement. Like you, I love to plan, be organized and create things. When going into my favorite store, I always look for new ideas and think “What would Jane do?” Your ideas, creativity, style and love for your family are truly an inspiration to all women. Thank you for sharing your world with us. Best of luck to you and your family in Boston, the city is lucky to have you.

    If you do discover you have room for additional readers, I would love to keep following you!


  166. NOOOO!!! I’m a pretty new reader, and am SO sad that you are going private. Maybe you should start up a separate blog just for the crafty/inspirational goodness– you have a lot of free time right? 🙂

    Thank you for the inspiration for this little bit of time…

  167. Jane, I am guilty of being one of the lurkers who doesn’t post on your blog! A friend found your blog and instantly called me to tell me how much I would love it. I am a mother of 2 boys and another due this July. I am inspired by all the things you do for your kids and LOVE getting ideas from you. I think you are such an inspiration and hope that you allow me to continue following you. Either way I wish you and your family the Best & hope all goes smoothly with your move to Boston!

  168. Jane, I’m so sorry I’ve been a neglectful blogger as of late. But you know I love you to death! And I’m going to be so sad when you leave. So pleas, oh please, send me an invite 🙂

  169. Dear Jane, as you know Stu and I have wanted to be parents together for… since we met. Reading your blog made me look forward to being a mom even more. How am I going to know how to do it without you :D? I’ll stop being a voyeur and give you feedback more often. XO Kelly Stu & Alice

  170. Dear Jane:),
    I have read your blog almost everyday for years now…You have “helped” me plan parties,find the BEST skinny jeans and Nordstrom, helped me lose weight with your diet tips …and made my hair FINALLY grow! THANK YOU for all your wonderful tips and product reviews…I will hate to see you go!
    BUT…I truly understand… blogging is a confusing line isn’t it? You don’t know where to draw it for your family’s privacy.
    I would love an add to you private list, but if not, please KNOW you have touched a stranger’s life for good.
    Blessings to you and yours,

  171. Jane! I am just now seeing this:( I am so sad. I love reading your blog and “hope” I make the cut;) Best of luck in Boston. I am soooo jealous. I lived in Jersey for 18 months and would do almost anything to move back to the east coast for a few years! Your family is beautiful and you are inspiring. Thanks for all the fun reads!

  172. I AM SO SAD!! You are such an inspiration to so many and I think you and your family are so so beautiful, fun and encouraging. I am a faithful follower and will def miss your amazing parties and just love for life and everything fun. Hope you have an amazing adventure with your fam and will def miss reading!!

  173. Hi Jane:

    I stumbled upon your blog a couple of months ago when my friend Katie Clifford posted a link from her blog and I’ve been so inspired by you and all the special things you do for your family. I’m a quiet observer and rarely comment on the blogs I follow, but I would love to keep following your’s. Your ideas for parties, holidays, and family activities are awesome.

    Best of luck,


  174. jane…. i have been a lurker on your blog for sometime… i think i have commented maybe once… i just wanted to say that you are such an inspiration. you make me want to be a better mother, wife, and friend. i hope the best for you!

  175. Hi Jane! I’m a mom of five living in Colorado and found your blog about a year ago. I have since fallen in love with your creative and positive outlook on everything you do…not to mention your darling family! Since your announcement last week that you’ll be going private, I first thought ‘oh well’ but now am realizing I’ll really miss getting fun inspiration from you! You really do have a knack for lifting up all those around you…even us internet readers! I would love to keep reading, but understand your reasons for going private.

  176. Hi Jane!

    I came across your blog last year when I started reading Sara Staker’s blog. I have loved reading it and check in at least weekly to read about your party ideas, family ideas, and overall ideas on how to be a better mother and friend. You’re blog is truly a inspiration, and I would truly be sad if I couldn’t continue to read it. I am planning on stopping by your garage sale in the morning, I’ll introduce myself so I’m no longer a complete lurking stranger. =)


  177. Hi Jane.
    I came across your blog through one of my old neighbor’s sister in law’s blog. You were on her side bar and I was hooked after reading one post! I too have not ever commented, but now I wish I would have. I check your blog each day and always gain some sort of inspiration! You turned me on to spelt bread (love it)! Anyway, I will miss your daily dose of something positive. I wish you and your darling family the very best. Thank you for all you have shared!

  178. Hi Jane. I stumbled across your blog while following Bronson Stakers story and quickly became a daily reader. I LOVE your style and have used many of your recipes, craft, family, and party ideas. You truly have a beautiful family and I can totally understand taking your blog private. If possible, I would love to continue reading. Good luck with your move!

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