I had a hot date with some of my favorite girls last night. Sara, Daphne, and Caryn. We had dinner at Carrabba’s and went to a show. The movie was, hmmm – let say, a little entertaining? I was really looking forward to seeing this movie because “How to lose a guy in 10 days” is one of my all time favorites. But, sadly, Kate Hudson & Matthew McConaughey didn’t pull it off as well this time.

Is anyone else who has seen this movie shocked there are now boobs in PG-13 movies?!? I mean, I didn’t mind seeing Matthew McConaughey’s bum. 🙂 But, if my kids ever watch a PG-13 without my superivison, since when can they show boobs?!?

13 responses to “GNO”

  1. Wow! Those were some fancy easter eggs! You are so super Mom! And thanks for the heads up on the movie. I LOVED How to Lose a Guy and was hoping for good things with this one. Oh well. I’ll just wait for it to comeout on DVD.

  2. Brent and I LOVE How to Lose a Guy in 10 Days we watch it all the time, I am bummed to hear that this one wasn’t as great-I really like them together.

  3. Oh dang! I was wanting to see it because I love How to lose a guy in 10 days. And holy cow on the Easter Eggs, you guys go all out at your house! So fun!

  4. whoa. Thats to much sexy in one place. you go girls! sounds like a fun night. I thought the same thing about the movie. it wasnt as good as i thought it would be.

  5. WOWZA!! You can accomplish alot in ONE Weekend!!! I love kiana’s rockstar party~ “35 kids”(You are brave!)Did you make her Cake?!! I loved it!!
    K…So the Easter Eggs are awesome, LOVE the bling!

  6. Bummer about this movie! I still love watching re-runs of How To Lose A Guy on cable. I’m glad you mentioned it because Troy and I are going to the movies this week while my mom is in town and this was one of my choices. I think we will check out Juno instead.

    Of course if Troy reads your post and finds about the b00bs (in PG-13, what the?) we may end up at this one after all!

  7. Yes, sorry… I’d had high hopes, too. My bad. I guess the “partial nudity” line in the review should have clued us in, but I was surprised, too… PG-13 and fully exposed! And not just one set, either! (And it didn’t help that we were on the FRONT ROW for a nice fat close-up view!) 🙂

    Fun night anyway… thanks for making time! 🙂

  8. The “flash” happens at the 21:67 mark in the movie. 🙂

    The movie was rated PG-13 because the brief nudity was not sexually oriented.

    You can check out the details of movie ratings here.

    If the movie didn’t have the partial nudity, would you still let your children watch it?

  9. Shoot! I was excited to see this one. Guess we’ll wait until it comes out on DVD! Sorry I missed girls night out – see you at the next GNO – Soccer! I hope we’re set to win but I heard Melissa isn’t going to be there so we might be screwed!

  10. The bee-bee’s shocked me but I was turned off by the 10 minute long crotch-shot when the guy throws the sword and it lands…SHEESH!

  11. Im with you. boobs are boobs, but come on pg-13. I dont think any 13 year old needs to see that. Cant wait to see it. GIRLS NIGHTS ROCK!!! Angie

  12. I agree with jane and Nikki-boobs and crotch shots are not things I want my teenage kids to see in a seemingly harmless look-for-treasure-under-the-see themed movie. I don’t expect Finding Nemo but come on…

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