gee whiz, we had a rockin’ new years eve!

11 responses to “gee whiz, we had a rockin’ new years eve!”

  1. ha! love that you posted that pic of shannon and i. just to clarify, roxi had no idea what we were doing and thought it was our camera, until afterwards, then she was ashamed to be our friend. wink, just kidding!

    all love!

    email me our family photo, could you???

  2. We had a blast! Thanks for having us – the kids had so much fun and the licorice Paris won for Bubble Blowing and Hula Hoop went to good use *wink* *wink*

    I know the Fonz would approve of how cool it was! AYYYYYY!

    jared, lissette and the kids

  3. Another great party at the Rhodes! So fun! The kids all had a great time- we love this tradition! Thanks for all the planning, prep and putting up with your house getting destroyed. To answer the confetti question… Rakes, vacuums, lots of garbage bags and only about 45 min. Not bad! And you got some great pics of it!

  4. bahahahaha!! Love the pictures! that took me years to conquer those crossed eyes!

    The funnest party ever… how did we ever miss out on all of this fun before?!
    Great pictures and we had SO much fun, thanks for all the planning and cleaning up!

    I love that you can see the fireworks in the last picture through the window!

  5. Man you a a great party host! The kids can't stop talking about it!
    And thanks for shooting us from above so I don't look quite so large:)

  6. The best party I've never been to! Seriously SO awesome. You honestly need to write a book or dedicate a website to party planning. It would be a big money maker. In fact, I call dibs on being your publisher/manager. Call me – we'll talk terms 😉

  7. Jenn is right-you really should write a book, your parties look so awesome! What a blast and what a great way to bring in the new year!

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