G.I. Jane and my troops

The Rhodes have been deployed to bootcamp for Halloween!



We have deep soft spots in our hearts for the national guard. And it was an easy decision to pick this theme for our family this year – however, Mr. Rhodes was the most excited. He has said numerous times over the years that he wishes he would have spent time in the forces, and this guy was a kid at heart when it came to dressing up.

We took our family to the local Army/Navy store weeks ago to pick out these costumes and dog tags, we purchased some items used, and some new. Mr. Rhodes wanted all legit-used pieces, and on the day we took these pictures, he ran to Starbucks to get a coffee – and had his little moment of glory pretending to be a real soldier running around town.

G.I. Jane and my troops costumes via seejaneblog

G.I. Jane and my troops costumes II via seejaneblog



G.I. Jane and troops costumes via seejaneblog


G.I. Jane and troops costumes IV via seejaneblog

Company MARCH!!! Right, Left, Right, Left… Company HALTTT



Our mission is to report to basic training (aka: trick-or-treating) and BE ALL YOU CAN BE!

Do you have plans to dress-up this year? This might be our last time to attempt a family theme, we’ve only done it a few times, but with my older kiddos growing up – times are changing, and they are interested in making costume-plans with friends now… maybe, Dusty Rhodes will wear this costume every year he likes it so much!

If interested, I posted a fifteen second video of us in character on my instagram account @see_jane, #rhodesfamilyfilm!

This costume could be easy to throw together with how trendy camo and the color army green are right now! look in your closets for pieces of clothing – my older girls opted to wear black leggings. Our black combat boots are from Target. Temporary tattoos via tattly, you can’t see any of our army patches close-up in these pictures but we had a lot of fun choosing them – we each had an approropate ranking for our family, KJ and Myla had patches that say, “zombie hunters!” and more. you can get really creative with this detail. you can get free tires (locally) from Discount Tires if you need an obstacle course!

photos by Becky Kimball Photography.

2 responses to “G.I. Jane and my troops”

  1. Whenever there are servicemen/women at restaurants, my Dad always pays for them. And he never takes “No” for an answer. If he had been at that Starbucks, guaranteed Dusty would have enjoyed a free drink.

  2. First of all she was in the navy, NOT army, and definitely did not wear digital marpat, that’s a Marine Uniform pattern. Second she was the only female and shaved her hair. I get it is an older movie and you weren’t alive in 1997 but you should watch it is great and very motto.

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