four years ago, last week…

i wrote my first post… oh my.

sometimes i can’t believe how much i love blogging…{and design.}
or that i am still blogging…

i know that there are other bloggers who feel the same as me… how has it gone so quickly.

if you are thinking of blogging, or have recently started then this is something which you will soon see as well. don’t forget though that if you are starting blogging, that you know how to stay safe online (you can take a look at this article here:

i also can’t believe how much my kids have grown since my first post. i constantly find myself looking through the pictures, amazed at how times flies. i actually have the thought, “am i recording enough?”

this little blog has provided such a lovely little outlet for me…
a place to collect my thoughts, post my endless supply of photos,
my journal of sorts…

better yet, it’s helped me really focus on the beauty of life…
and it’s taught me a lot about myself in the process.

it’s become such a lovely part of my little routine each day, each week
and has presented some amazing opportunities
to make new and wonderful friends both on and offline…
something i never in a million years expected
when i first signed up for a Blogger account…

so i’d just like to say thank you…

thanks for stopping by so often, for reading,
for being ever so kind and inspiring.
i adore all of you.
and i’m glad we’re friends.

happy birthday little blog!


now that i’ve been m.i.a. for a MONTH+ …
i guess that was my way of celebrating 4 years!
{a little no-blogging-vacation-to-move}

i’m back!!!

and, i’m sorry to anyone who has had trouble with the blog invites,
those little codes are driving me crazy, too.

i might need the public-blog-scene again, and i’d love to stop fussing with the private ordeal.

i can’t decide.


17 responses to “four years ago, last week…”

  1. Glad you are back! Hope all is well and looking forward to seeing all the fabulous adventures your cute family is having! You’ve been missed!

  2. Jane!!!!!!! Oh how I have missed reading your blog! I always feel inspired and uplifted after reading your posts, I’m so glad you are back! It sounds like you guys are doing great and having a fabulous adventure. I wish you all the best! We may be heading out to Boston in the fall, it would be fun to go to lunch or something, if you have time of course!

  3. I’m so glad you are back! I’ve missed you! Hope you are doing well on your new adventure and enjoying every minute. Take care and be safe. 🙂

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