for the love…

of sugar. I have not been eating well.

how about you???

I am starting again, TODAY.


lets see, back here, I was good for two weeks solid. really good.

then easter came.

then KJ’s birthday came.

then mother’s day came.

these one-day events all turned into DAYS and DAYS of eating SUGAR! because you know, this is an addiction we are talking about. when I indulge just a little, the fact is, i then indulge a LOT.


today, I start again….

no sugar, for this girl.


4 responses to “for the love…”

  1. i’m really trying too. i started last week and fell off a little over the weekend but I’m determined to get back on the horse. let’s virtually remind each other!

  2. I am with you. My latest health problems and hospital visits have put me over the edge. I am turning in a new leaf of eating healthy always. i am sick of having problems of a 50 + adult.
    too bad it tastes so good!

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