flashback friday

five-and-a-half years ago…

my little man, turned two.
april, 2005.

he was obsessed with thomas trains at the time,
so it was only appropriate that we celebrated choochoo style!

i spent my entire afternoon making that cake,
and i totally thought it was the bomb.

now looking at pictures, and knowing all the current trends,
i think, wow…i could have done a lot better!

oh well. he was two, he’ll never know!
crazy how fast time goes.

notice kiana, my little hostess-helper.
she was seven years old, then, the age kj is now.

darn time. it just keeps on tickin‘.

9 responses to “flashback friday”

  1. I think the cake is darling! Such cuties – I can't believe Kiana was only 7?! We knew you guys then and she always seemed so much older and more mature! I remember being jealous that your husband let you keep the thomas train table in your family room!

  2. Cool Cake…or would it fall under the "cupcake" world??? Well anyway I love it….You're such a cool Mom, would you consider adopting me??? I mow…

  3. You're crazy…that cake is adorable! It's perfect. What a cute little boy he is. I too wish we could slow time down just a bit…

  4. Jane… That Cake was amazing and so creative… I love that you look at it and think… I could do better.. I look at it and think —the masterpiece is finished…Now just copy and repete the process. Love it… another summer gone… I feel like you — time is ticking and MJ only has 5 summers left at home…crazy… tzb

  5. It threw me off when I saw that I already commented… That would be MY TZB…
    I remember that cake and it WAS the BOMB!! I'm as impressed now as I was then. You have always made your kids feel loved and special… And always made their birthdays magical! Tell the kids to stop growing!!!!!

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