flashback friday…

right at this moment: i feel completely american, one hundred percent, from the top of my head to the tips of my toes with shivers. i always get that i-think-i-might-cry-about-anything-patriotic- feeling leading up till the fourth. actually, i feel this way every day, but much more intense leading up to the fourth. i always tear up during the national anthem at baseball games… and, also during the olympics.

i see soldiers, in uniform, and i could cry. i see flags, cry. i hear our national anthem, more glossy eyes. i feel the planes fly overhead as our local parade begins. tears.

i love driving around town and spotting all the temporary firework shops, i could stop each time i drive by and buy another four dozen parachute-fireworks for kj.

we are free, our land is beautiful, we are resourceful and educated. we are liberty. honor. we are equal. we are stars and stripes, red white and blue.

i feel…proud.

back in july 1998, our first baby girl was only five months old when we attended alamo, nevada’s july fourth festivities.

the day was all about america. family. small town. love. celebration.

{and notice our chunky monkey! she hit 24 pounds at 4 months! best way to protect your babies heads from the sun…bandanas!}

my heart hopes you feel proud, that you love this land. the people.
…that everyday, you live your passions and know your bliss.

happy fourth of july!


7 responses to “flashback friday…”

  1. I am a big big cry baby when it comes to America as well…I”m so proud to be an American and grateful to have the freedoms and liberties we share in our country. I’m the happiest girl in the whole USA…happy independence day and God BLess America!!!

  2. Oh Kiana is so chubby and cute! You remind me to be so proud to be an american. Thank you. It is easy to become complacent and take it for granted when so many people sacrifice so much for our freedom.

  3. Kiana is absolutely adorable!!! I love Alamo 4th’s. Such a great time with great people!! yay for our Freedom!

  4. Oh my gosh Jane when I had a chance to look at this Destinee and I were laughing at the Jemima baby, I did the same thing to her when she was about that age…on the 4th of July also..lol

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