flashback friday

dusty and i were at dinner tonight with friends,
when i received this text:

kiana: “reminder…it’s Friday-you always write a post-
Flashback Fridays… ;D

what would i do without my miss twelve??? by the way, she also sent this text to me while she was at home tending her younger siblings so dusty and i could go to dinner with friends…she’s quite the multi-tasker, and…

she is one fabulous personal assistant for me!

in honor of flashback fridays, here’s a peak into my personal assistants history with flexibility & leaps.

when kiana was almost six, we were sitting in the kitchen as a family eating dinner when kiana mentions “i’m pretty flexible in dance class these days…” then gives us a demonstration in the kitchen.

i just about died! i couldn’t believe her hip joints!

the pictures below are from kiana’s first year on a competing ‘company’ at center stage. she was six. her first nationals, in las vegas.

this summer, she will be attending her seventh dance nationals. kiana and i will be in beverly hills in july for one week + a few days. she’s currently dancing an average of 30 hours a week to prepare.

last picture, kiana attending a workshop dance class in houston, texas in the fall of ’08.

now, kiana is my miss twelve, and we are packing her solo with the most amazing leaps, switch leaps, you name it – funky leaps…pictures to come in july!

it truly takes my breath away to see her leap.
i just adore my personal assistant!!!

…thank you bearzy for the sweet reminder to publish my post!

4 responses to “flashback friday”

  1. She is such a great dancer! I love her leaps – let's just say she is "leaps and bounds" above all the other girls in the picture (no pun intended) 😉 Hopefully none of the other girls moms read this!

  2. I love this post! Kiana is beautiful. You're blog continues to inspire me Jane:) You are amazing and have such a positive outlook on life!

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