flashback friday

i took a little break from my ‘flashback fridays,’
but now, i’m back
…because you can never over-document the past.

…sixteen years ago, when i was a freshmen in college at suu,
we had a newbie band visit cedar city.
the bands name was ‘life in general.’
and they performed a nighttime concert in a local park…
i hung around after the show to buy their cd, “long forgotten toys.”

…three years ago,
when i was sitting in this exact same spot,
trying to pick a url name for my blog,
i looked to my left,
and saw my “life in general” cd staring at me from where it was
sitting on my computer desk.
so, with inspiration from one of my all-time favorite albums,
i chose “rhodes in general” for the title of my blog.

…this week, i’ve had the “life in general” album on repeat in my suv,
and i’ve listened to the first song on the album, “scared of anything,”
over and over and over. i love the alternative, folk-art sound of the song.

one of my favorite lines,
that i’ve thought about many times over the years, says:

“isn’t it scary, knowing all, and having to forgive…
isn’t it beautiful to live.”

i find power in those words.

and, the harmonica just melts my heart…

…i continue to believe, the best music, is never on the radio.

this song also had me reflecting on a favorite quote of mine:
“…you must live in the present,
launch yourself on every wave,
find your eternity in each moment.”
~henry david Thoreau

i’ve been really stressing over the future lately.
i spent time reminding myself this week,
“i’m not scared of anything…”
“live in the present”


have a lovely weekend!
we are headed on a road trip to southern nevada
{our kids are ecstatic!!!}
a cozy little cabin awaits us,
along with a small town football game, friends, and family.
big kudos to my favorite geek
for creating this little music player above,
with the song, he made this post possible!!!

2 responses to “flashback friday”

  1. So for the first 10 seconds of the song, I thought I was listening to Todd and the Wet Sprocket. Must be the harmonica.

  2. oh jane!!! what a fabulous flashback!! I totally remember these guys, and that night : ) Thanks for really fun trip down memory lane-they were so terrific weren't they??

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