farewell warm weather…

we have had an exceptionally warm autumn this year.
and you will hear no complaints here.

i love spring and autumn, and cooler weather,
but sunshine is just too good
to complain about it!

however, i realize, because of the extended warmth,
the colder weather is going to strike soon. very soon.
here in utah, there’s some sort of biblical weather promise,
it always snows by halloween. i kid you not.
it will snow before halloween.

on october 2nd, sela’s official big day,
we still had 80+ degrees!

so, after our traditional family birthday breakfast at magleby’s,
where sela dined on chocolate cake & orange juice for breakfast…

we returned home & and in perfect four year old style,
sela immediately put on a swimsuit.

her requests for her day:



sidewalk chalk


a spaghetti picnic!
{no clue where the idea for a ‘spaghetti picnic’ came from…
but i thought it was the cutest thing ever, how could i say no?}

{does she realize she themed her day with “s” requests?!?}

kj and sela were inseparable for her special day, big brother loved basking in her birthday festivities – he is such a sweetheart to her…

i missed getting pictures of sela in our pool.
but, she has become the best swimmer this summer!
she can almost swim the entire length of our pool!
ok, our pool is tiny…but still!
the girl grew gills this year! {say that five times, fast!}

our utah-beach…

i saw the best idea here, and i have been just dying to get out the sidewalk chalk to make a track for my kids… since sela is loving her new ‘smart car,’ that she was given for her birthday, it was the perfect time and weather to create a driveway-track…

i added cones at the end for a little figure-eight practice!

kj kept saying, “mom, are you watching? i can totally do it without hitting any lines!”

…they loved it! for hours!

then it was time for sela’s ‘spaghetti-picnic!’
we didn’t last out there for too long, because the temperatures do drop in the evenings…
and, we were all freezing!
… it was the first time our family has dined for dinner on a blanket,
in our backyard, alfresco style!

finally— time for sela’s rainbow cake!

we lit those candles four times,
we sang happy birthday to her four times,
she made four wishes,and blew out her candles,
four times.

…somewhere over the rainbow,
there’s one very happy miss four.

8 responses to “farewell warm weather…”

  1. Looks like such a fun day!

    …and I LOVE that cake! I saw a smiliar cake on the One Charming Party blog. I really want to make it for my daughters 5th Birthday coming up.

    I know how to do the colored layers, but how did you make your frosting so smooth? Any pointers would be so appreciated! 🙂


  2. oh my, i love love love that cake!! Adorable!!
    that is the cutest idea with the sidewalk chalk, they totally loved that. How perfect of a day for miss sela.

    LOVE the weather too!

  3. Coolest cake ever! Jello mixed in I am assuming? What a great day for Sela. ANY day that starts with Maglebys chocolate cake is a great day. And I love the sidewalk chalk track idea. So much fun!

  4. You guys do it right! That is for sure! What a fabulous birthday 🙂 Oh, did you save me some rainbow cake??

  5. Best cake award hands down. Sela we miss you and your sweet little voice and sweet little personality. Ava needs a friend like you!!

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