evie ivy overstreet.

i recently designed custom business cards for a darling etsy shop:

evie ivy overstreet. {check it out here.}

we traded goods for the business cards and i totally scored! we made the trade pre-easter, so i used the fun goodies for my kiddos easter baskets. she gave me cute lavender scented sachets for each of my girls + these darling velcro bracelets you can spot below on sela. seriously? they are some of my favorites ever! i’m dying over the mustard colored flower + the little play watch! and, i love that they are velcro, so sela can easily get them on + they fit snug & cute.

and, the best part? sela loves them!

{photos by me. this is not a sponsored post, i truly love these products!}

6 responses to “evie ivy overstreet.”

  1. That's beautiful Jane! The grass is so pretty I want to run my hands through it. I love Sela's fabric watch!

  2. jane,
    you're so sweet to blog about my shop- thank you!! i loved trading with you, i got my cards printed at the shop you recommended (awesome) and they are perfect.
    i'm glad you/sela like the bracelets.
    good luck with your move!!

  3. Did you know that she is my sister in law??? You met her at the Mortons party last Summer. She was 9 months pregnant. Maybe you already know this but just in case you didnt! The cards are awesome. And I love Eve’s bracelets. Good team work ladies.

    • Yes! i don’t remember meeting her at the morton’s, but i remember her being at your home one day… and you mentioned her etsy shop/etc. i was totally flattered when she contacted me to create her business cards. she’s one very talented lady!

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