enjoying summer to the fullest right now…

my days are typically something like this:

8am: wake up, wake up KJ, make sure kiana is getting ready, breakfast one, make beds, start laundry, beg KJ to stay focused!

8:45am: take KJ to tennis, take Kiana to dance…before leaving wake-up myla, and enjoy sela’s morning snuggles before running out the door again.

9:45am: breakfast two, take myla to tennis, bring KJ home, drop off sela at preschool summer camp. make traditional stop for KJ’s pina-colada icee and treat.

11am: pick up myla from tennis. second pina-colada icee stop.

11:15am: find entertainment for kids while i work-out while watching season 5 of desperate housewives…almost done with season 5…{love it!!!} shower. lunch for everyone. when lucky, blow-out my hair and put on make-up!

1:00pm: lunch-date plans with anyone??? i love lunch dates!

2:00pm: pick up an exhausted kiana from dance. stop to get her food, of her choice.

2:30: second lunch, try to squeeze in ‘my project’ time, errands, etc etc etc.
take a head count of all the kids/pre-teens/teenagers in/outside of my home.

3:00pm: pick up sela, KJ goes to tennis, again.

5:00pm: myla has soccer practice

{movie tonight??? take a moment to figure out all my kiddos friend-plans/social lives for the evening}

6:00pm dinner one. trying to squeeze in ‘my project’ time

6:30pm: kj’s little league game.

7:00pm: myla has softball practice

8:00pm: where is kiana babysitting???

8:30pm: dinner two. who is sleeping where, who is sleeping at our house???

10pm-2am: collect kids from night games, friends houses, come home from movies, keep working on my projects, tv time with miss twelve and the husband, collect ‘lost & found’ items from around my home/yard…

and in-between those events/appointments/things i make sure all four kids bath/shower
style their hair
pick out their clothes
brush their teeth
keep the laundry going {7-days a week}
monitor the kids doing their chores!
check the weather
read the news
text my girlfriends

attend church activities
visit with neighbors
every hour i make sure sela has used the restroom
{still mastering the potty with her!}
i squeeze in calendaring with dusty
closing the front and back doors a GA-ZILLION times while the kids come and go
check mail
check email
plan plan plan for upcoming events
run to the orthodontist
squeeze in the pediatrician
turn-off the abandoned tv, because everyone is in the sand outside, or the pool,
tell the boys to get off the xbox and go outside!
plan meals – grocery shopping
wipe tears
put on band-aids
stop arguments
play referee
clean up messes
cheer for good art-craft accomplishments
clean up the paint
clean up the play-do
kiss my kiddo’s and remind them i love them
wipe the kitchen counters
and so so much more!!!

between it all…

believe it or not, i keep thinking,

“i love summer!”

i know.

i must be crazy.

tis the season of my life right now.


two pics from this week:

kj SLAMMED his own little finger in my SUV door this morning.

until this morning, i had never witnessed his genuine-i-am-in-real-pain-cry.

it broke my heart.
we sat, in the country club parking lot, he snuggled on my lap, crying, in the front seat of my suv. i’m not sure how many more times i’ll get to do that, before my arms wrapped around him won’t make owies better…

…on a less painful, more summerish-note, i pulled out of my driveway the other day to go pick up kiana. to my surprise, i looked left and saw myla and her dear friend elizabeth selling nesquik and tang!

they made $5 the whole time, but sela took one dollar and refused to give it back.

these two are darling!

happy summertime!
what are your days like???

9 responses to “enjoying summer to the fullest right now…”

  1. OMG. I am worn out just imagining your typical summer day! What impresses me most is that you maintain a healthful diet even when you are running from place to place. Those are the days we frequent the drive thru lane one too many times.

    Unfortunately, we spend the summer trying to avoid the sun. This means stroller time at 5:00 am and horse riding at 8:00 pm. The price we pay for sunny winters!

  2. Oh Jane, treasure the summers like this and live them for all they are worth. Time flies sooo quickly.
    My children are young adults now and I see them in passing mostly as they come back and forth from college or work. We did have a rare breakfast out as a family yesterday and that was a treasure. Keep up the good mom work!

  3. I don't know how you do it! I'm tired just from reading it!!!! It's winter here… kids have just started three week school holiday. I love the holidays!

    That would've hurt his finger… your poor boy 🙁

  4. Seriously Jane, you need 10 nannies! You are superwoman. I don't know how you do it all! 🙂 And poor KJ. That has happened at least once to all of my kids. It's the saddest thing ever!

  5. Haha I can just imagine KJ crying in your lap and you're trying to snap a picture. I'd love when he came into PLS. Such a sweetie! Desperate Housewives is THEE best.


  6. Busy, busy, busy! What stands out to me the most – KJ tennis twice in one day? Is he training to go pro? I take full credit for sparking his interest in tennis years ago. 😉

  7. love that sign the girls made "these drinks are yummy"
    myla never surprises me with her ideas.

    love that they are into tennis and golf! we are still in the riding bikes and sidewalk chalk phase! ha

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