elf on the shelf

introducing, our elf.

mr. bean {named appropriately for bean town}

mr. bean arrived before thanksgiving this year!
so, the first few times he was spotted, he was spreading pumpkin-turkey-“indian” tent- cheer!

then he helped us prepare for christmas!

…when sela noticed he was having a snowball fight with ms. owl,
she made ms. owl some full-body armor with a piece of paper!

mr. bean really started to develop his character,
he’s quite the original elf!

…we knew mr. bean belonged in our house when we caught him drinking diet coke!

do you elf?

7 responses to “elf on the shelf”

  1. I LOVE mr. Bean. He needs to teach Mr. Sparkles a thing or two. Especially because one night Mr. Sparkles showed up in the same spot the next day and the boys knew it was because daddy had accidentally touched him the day before… oops! I lnve all your instagranm pics!!! keep em coming!

  2. This is so darling! I am definitely using a few of these ideas when I start our Elf tradition next year. Also, that tent is fabulous! Where did you find it?

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