something fun for this wednesday morning: i have a great giveaway for you! the sponsor is me!
in honor of the season, i have assembled twenty-five days of elf gifts and mischief, for one lucky winner.
the prize includes one {mister} elf + everything you see below for up-to a family of six kiddos. {my sincerest apologies if you have more than six children, i had to draw the line somewhere. and i don’t personally know anyone with more than six munchkins.} check it out:
one winner will receive:
1: elf on the shelf + automoblox by manhattan toy C9 red sportscar.
2: your elf will receive a pair of custom-black-construction-paper-glasses made by me, plus weirdo glasses.
3: time to write your letters to santa with six large pencils!
4: elf helps you decorate by adding two mini light-up trees, and kits to decorate your own 3d christmas tree
5: hide your elf somewhere clever with pez candy dispensers
6: elf gets into the kitchen cupboards and gets stuck in a glass mug!
7: elf goes on a safari!
8: elf heads to the bathroom and snuggles up with a new santa towel + washcloth.
9: while in the bathroom, he decides to take a bath with his festive rubber duckies!
10: uh-oh! he tripped on the soap, and required band-aids!
11: might as well take another nap to recoup!
12: getting snow-crafty with some clay!
13: craft time continues with festive stickers to color!
14: elf gets his modern fix with the MOMA play town
15: in disguise as frosty!
16: elf finds some new friends – micro robots!
17: ahhh fiddlesticks! elf is stuck upside down!
18: add your favorite beverage and let elf enjoy a sip with stripy straws!
19: my personal favorite elf-mischief from last year, he gets caught taking pictures with the fuji instax! {plus two rolls of film!!!}
20: after all this work, he decides to take a break – hanging around in a felt bead garland!
21: he’s a little narcissistic – wants to pop popcorn {in a mini latte bowl} and watch his own movie!
22: elf is getting a little silly – he wants to play the buck stacking game!
23: …still in the mood for games? puzzle time – rockwell style!
24: oh man! after all that fun, the other guys in the house are ready to get rid of mr. elf! {festive lego’s – one, two, three}
25: and last, but not least! mr. elf is going to wrap you in your room!!!
{most items not linked can be found at JoAnn’s Fabric Store}
* a stencil for adding santa’s footsteps to your home!
and yes, once again: WINNER TAKES ALL. (almost a $600.00 value!) i grin every time i think about this. not only some incredible gifts, but you will be prepared to elf for twenty-five days!
the details:
to enter this giveaway – just re-post this elf on the shelf giveaway on a blog, Facebook, or instagram with link!
for example: blog about the giveaway on YOUR blog and add a link to the post in a comment below. OR share the link to this post on your Facebook page, and tag the seejaneblog page so i can see the link – leave me a comment below telling me you tagged me on fb (in case i miss it). OR, follow me on instagram (i’m @see_jane) and re-post the elf instagram image found there (by taking a screen shot on instagram of the original post, hash tag #seejaneelf) and leave a comment below telling me you reposted on instagram.
the winner will be announced by midnight on thursday, november 22nd. a little thanksgiving surprise! {i will do my research & make sure you reposted!} when leaving a comment below, please make sure you add your email address so i can contact the winner easily. and! let me know how many kids you have, or maybe you are an aunt, uncle, cousin, godparent, friend – and you might gift this to someone, let me know how many kids you are planning on for this {up to six} – so i can make sure to send the right amount of goods! i would like to ship these goods on Friday, the 23rd to ensure they arrive by December 1st!
good luck!!! i am signing off a little early this week to prepare for my surgery tomorrow morning, hopefully this elf-business will keep you all busy while i am away. see you back here on monday, i have more exciting things to share with you {and giveaways!} next week. xoxo.
you can see mr. bean’s history from last year, right here. do you elf?
{drum roll…..} and the winner is:
congratulations Terri! your box of elf goodies will be in the mail tomorrow! xoxo.
*reminder to everyone who entered, you can still enter for the painting giveaway being announced Monday, and there will be one more giveaway posted this week, tomorrow morning! happy elf-season!
{all pictures by me.}
Hi Jane! This is an amazing giveaway…and I can’t tell if my original comment went through so I am leaving a second one just in case! (I forgot to leave some of the info you asked for in the first comment) We have 6 of our 7 children this Christmas. This is the first that we will have my husbands children with us to celebrate for much of the month. I was searching for our Elf, Dodger last night and he is nowhere to be found. I don’t know if he made the move with us to our new home in September.
What an adorable giveaway! I posted on Instagram, username daniohia.
I have one child, but if I won I would share this with my 2 nieces and my nephew!
Hooray for such a fantastic giveaway. I love the holidays and this would be the cherry on top! I re-posted on Instagram of course
I dont comment on your blog more, i know i should kind of shy. Anyway so excited about your giveaway. I re-posted it on instagram!! My email is and i have 3 kids
Good luck with your surgery i hope everything turns out well
This looks so fun and amazing to win:) I reported on Instagram and hash tagged!
Sorry I forgot to add that I have 3 kids and my email address is
Hi Jane! I love your blog! I have 6 kids and he decided to do elf on the shelf for the first time this year! Your give away is amazing! My kids woud love it! I reported on instagram. Best wishes on your surgery. You will be in my thoughts and prayers.
What a wonderful giveway! I posted on Instagram. Sure I hope I win this! My 4 girls (mostly the oldest 3) would love to see Miranda having fun with all these products! My thoughts and prayers will be with you tomorrow! Love ya!
Jane this is so sweet and thoughtful of you!! This is the most amazing and darling beyond words giveaway!! You are such an amazing lady in every way!! We would love this and have SO much fun with it!! Thanks so much for the opportunity! (I posted it on instagram
Thinking about you beautiful girl, you are in our prayers! xoxo
Such a great giveaway! I reposted to insta!
3 littles
I posted on my Instagram
Would love to win
this for my G-babies:):).
This is fantastic! Your styling and descriptions are perfect as always. Our elf Buddy was packed deep in our pods (as we were living with the in laws last Christmas, GASP!) His understudy appeared on the shelf (thanks to a late night Barnes and Noble run) just in the nick of time. Since we’re in our own place now, and the pods are unpacked, I need to figure out what to do with 2 elves. Perhaps make one a skirt and she can be a sister or girlfriend? Maybe get some little glasses like yours and he can be Buddy’s studious cousin? Hmmmm…
What a perfect holiday gift to give your readers! It’s such a magical tradition to start.
Just posted on my Instagram. What an amazing and generous giveaway!
What a great giveaway – thank you for the opportunity! And even if I don’t win, I’m loving all these great ideas!
My two girls would love all of this.
reposted here:
Best of luck with your surgery!
Hello!!! You are AMAZING!!! This is such a wonderful give away, even if I don’t win you gave some fantastic ideas for elf on a shelf…and those pictures are AWESOME!!! My husband and I have 3 children and want to start a fun tradition, and THIS would be perfect!!! I shared through Facebook. Hope your surgery goes well!!! Thanks again for this darling giveaway!
You don’t know me, but I love your blog and I requested to follow you on Instagram so I could enter this giveaway! I’m actually Amanda Daw’s little sis.. So I might have met you back in your college days.. Anyway just wanted to let you know that I would love to enter this giveaway through Instagram! Thanks!!
Allison Palmer
I posted on Instagram….. Adorable giveaway!
I would love so so much to win this!!! Just put it on instagram too. My three little ones would be so excited to see what elf came up with that night! How fun! And everything is impeccably adorable!
Thanks Jane! Hope surgery goes well and recovery is quick.
My two little boys would absolutely LOVE this giveaway!!! I requested to follow you on Instagram and I posted a screenshot to my IG page. I also am a new fan and I am following your blog! Good luck with you surgery and recover quickly!!
Lauralee Altice
Posted in insta! This has got me excited. DARLING!
Hands down best giveaway I’ve ever seen! You do things right Miss Jane! Good luck tomorrow:)
I forgot to put I reposted on Instagram. Thanks.
Jane, FIRST things first… MANY prayers and hugs being sent your way for a successful surgery. You will do GREAT! Hugs!!! Second….I posted this on FB for all to see. This sneaky little guy would mean the WORLD to my four cute kiddos..and hubby and I would probably enjoy it more!
Next year FIVE kids can enjoy it! Again, hugs and prayers!
HONEY!! i love every stinking thing about this!! i just blogged about it on my blog…
Pick me pick me!!
p.s thoughts and prayers that everything will be ok tomorrow!! love you!!!!!
I reposted on Instagram!! So excited!
re posted on Instagram too!! yahooo!!
I reposted!!!
I posted on my facebook. This is so cool! I have 3 kids, a 14yo, a 12yo, and a 4yo and this would bring some believer magic back into the holidays for them all.!/mirandese
Re-posted on instagram! Am hoping to win for 2 kiddos. Good luck with your surgery, and thanks for the chance at a great giveaway!
Hi! Awesome giveaway! Hope I’m the lucky duck! :)I reposted on Instagram!
*Oops…forgot to mention…on instagram I am @kmgamboa…
Ah I am so excited about this Giveaway!!! I reposted on instagram and facebook!! Good luck tommorrow!
Great contest, love this little guy, ESP with the glasses….my 4 babes wouldLUV this.
Ps reposting on ig
Great contest, love this little guy, ESP with the glasses….my 4 babes wouldLUV this.
Ps reposting on ig
So fun! Thank you for hosting such a great giveaway!! We have 5 children and this would be so much fun to do for them.
I requested to follow you on Instagram and reposted it there also. My username is @tharker77
Best of luck with your upcoming surgery!
Hi, I linked and posted to my facebook account! What an awesome giveaway…thank you for hosting this!!
Wow! Jane, I was so impressed with your creativity! Love it! I reported this on Facebook.
Thank you for such an awesome giveaway! I instagrammed one of the cute photos from your blog, my user namer is @chelseablythe. I am only an aunt right now (to the most adoarble niece), but hope to be a mommy soon and start this adorable tradition with my own kids!
I also requested to follow you on instagram and reposted the link to my instagram which is: beckybe18
You don’t know me but I follow Shannon of instagram (sent a request to yours) and am friends on FB. I posted this on instagram and FB. Low your blog and hope I win this! Love this!
A friend recently told me about your blog. I’m sure glad she did! I reposted on FB. Best of luck to you with your surgery!
Reposted on FB. A friend recently told me about your blog. I’m sure glad she did! Best of luck with your surgery.
Wowza! Reported on Instagram
This would be amazing! My two sons tell me we are the “only family that hasn’t adopted a house elf!” Please help me be “cool like the other kids.” I reposted on Instagram. I love all you do!! Good luck with your surgery!!
Linked on my little family blog. This is such a great giveaway!2 cute little babies {and one hopeful mama} are crossing their fingers!
What a fun giveaway!! I’ve been dying over all of the cute elf on the shelf ideas! I’d love to give this to my sister, her 4 kids really need a fun tradition to look forward to at Christmas.
Posted on Instagram @breabarrow. Thank you so much for the giveaway… would be fun to have a bunch of new surprises for the kiddos. Have 2 kids (a daughter 9 and a son 6)
(and good luck with your surgery!)
This would be an amazing tradition to start with our family! We had little elves like this when I was little but they got lost I guess
Ok, so once I can follow you on instagram I will repost and put it on my FB! I can’t wait to heck out your entire blog, probably tonight when all my kids are asleep. I might be up way too late tonight. I’m sure everything is just as adorable as these elf on the shelf ideas!
Sarah cummard
What an amazing giveaway! My two little boys are at the age where they can really get into the Elf!
I instagrammed here:
Awesome ideas for our little elf that needs to arrive sooner than later. An amazing giveaway for my 3 little one.s
I posted this on facebook!!! Such a cute giveaway! tbarlow801 at gmail .com We have 4 kiddos!
Such a fabulous giveaway!! My 4 kids would love this! I am so not creative when it comes to the elf haha! Such great ideas!! and I reposted on Instagram!:)
Hi Jane! This is way cool!! I have not begun the elf tradition with my children yet, but would love to. I have 2 kids ages 4 (girl) & 7 (boy). They love Christmas and the spirit of all the fun that goes along with this special holiday. Thanks for putting together such an amazing unique giveaway!! I posted to my Facebook page :). Happy Holidays.
Awesome giveway! My kids would go crazy for this! I would love to start the elf on the shelf tradition. and for 3 kids.
Also I posted on FB! Forgot to mention that…
I posted a link on face book. Super cute, my kiddos would love this. I’ve have three little ones boy 6 girl 3 boy 1.can’t wait for three fun and magic of this Christmas.
My girls would love this! We love our elf “Pickles” very much! He loves getting into trouble! Posted on Instagram @missdallner. Requested to follow you. Thanks for the ideas!
What a great giveaway … thanks!! See my facebook post here …
Hey Jane! Posted on Instagram. Just the three kids.
We haven’t had an Elf before but we want to this year – especially with all these great ideas. My email is Thanks! And good luck tomorrow. You’ll be in our prayers.
Just posted Instagram. Cannot wait for our elf to arrive!
Just posted on Instagram. What a wonderful giveaway!
Oh girl- my three little loves and I would be sooooo excited to win this one! Fingers crossed! Posted on IG.
I love this. What a fun thing to do for my 4 kids.
Facebooked the crap outta this! So much fun!
Posted on Insta!! This is by far my kids fav thing they look forward to each Christmas. What an awesome giveaway!How perfect to have the most creative person in the world already do the work for the most NON-creative person in the world! My kids would be in heaven!! I have 5 kids and my email is Your amazing!!
forgot…my insta is @slomu7
I posted to IG
This is such an awesome giveaway!! Just posted on Facebook- hopefully tagged you correctly!! I am entering this giveaway in hopes to make a family that has been brought to my attention that could use this for so many different reasons! Hardships with money, illness and more! I can see this being the perfect way to bring in a Christmas season that is in much need of excitement/happiness! Thank you to you for providing this amazing giveaway!! Will also be posting to instagram when I am accepted to follow you;)!!
Oh and this family has 4 children;)
Oh I hope I win!! Such a darling giveaway
Posted on my fb page.
Good luck on your surgery tommorow. I have two boys. They love the elf.
Thanks for the great giveaway.
Woot woot! I instagram’d and I’m pretty lucky so…
Re-posted on Instagram! I am starting the “Elf on the Shelf” with my girls this year since one of them is just now old enough to have fun with it:)
Awesome! Just posted on Instagram @pencefam7
I instagramed it! And tweeted!!
Hope I win! What a nice generous giveaway!
Will be thinking about you tomorrow! Xoxo
I posted on facebook and instagram! This is the BEST giveaway ever!
Just sent this to everyone I know! What a great and thoughtful giveaway! LOVE THIS! Reposted on instagram from @monicanichole
This is darling! I shared it on Instagram. I am shellybrown77 there. I have three kids. My email is shellybrown77(at)yahoo(dot)com
Posted on Instagram! This is an amazing giveaway. Thanks!
Where did you get the Santa footprint from? My email is
Posted on Facebook and instagram!! I am entering this contest in hopes of winning it for a family in much need of some holiday cheer in their lives!! They have been through so much in a short period of time and could use this to really bring in a cheerful holiday!! Awesome giveaway!! The family has 4 children my email is
Posted on IG!
I just posted this AMAZING giveaway on my fb page!!!! This is sooooooo adorable!
This is the best idea! I love it! My twins would love this. They have very active imaginations
Shared on Facebook!
I reported on Facebook.
Shared on Instagram. LOVE this! Thanks!!!
I have 4 kids by the way. So cute!
What a FUN giveaway…shared this on Instagram. I have five kiddos!!:)!
This is super! Do you even know how excited I’d be to win!?? I did a blog post: I have 2 kids and they would think this is so silly & fun! Thanks for the opportunity!
Reposted on the gram, and prayers for a successful surgery an good news to follow. Xo!!!/maria.voulelismalaveci/posts/324876304286310
I posted on my FB about the giveaway!
I would love to win this for my kids!
How fun! Yet another fabulous idea via Jane Rhodes! You always inspire with your creativity. I re posted on facebook and instagram. My email is
You will be in our prayers tomorrow, I hope all goes well
Oh and I have four kids
Oops, I forgot to say that I have two kids!
i shared on fb… so fun!!! love this!!!
Hello! I linked in my Instagram. @lindseywhann. This is too adorable for words!!
What a fun (and very generous) giveaway! I would love to do this with my kids this year. I have 2 adorable children, by the way.
I am going to share this on FB right now! My email is Thanks, Jane!
Talk about Elf on the shelf made easy! These are the cutest! My boys would die over the Lego one.
I posted on IG. I’m private tntwilson05
Awesome giveaway!! Would so love to win. I reported on Instagram and shared on Facebook.
What an awesome giveaway! My kids have been begging for the Elf on the Shelf book and elf but it seems like there are always other things I need to buy. It would be awesome to win this giveaway! I have posted on Facebook and Instagram! Thanks!!
Hi there! I am Rachel Durazzani’s sister and she called and told me I had to check this out. So many great ideas! I am having my second child in a couple of weeks but my toddler loved my feeble attempts last year at this Elf on the Shelf so this year will be even better. I did a post on my blog:
Hope I win!! My email is
I love this idea! So fun! I followed on Instagram and reported
Jane…you are the cutest! I need this for my boys and Amy’s kids! They would seriously love it…and my Jude is really serious about Christmas this year…HE WOULD FLIP for this! Louandlee {at}
This is such a great giveaway! Thanks a bunch! My kids have been begging me for the elf on the shelf and to be honest I have a hard time forking the money over for him. We would love to win this giveaway. You have an amazing blog!!
Love this, such a cute idea! I have five kids under 8 so they’re all still Santa believers and would love to find these sweet gifts each morning. I posted about it on instagram. My email is Love your blog and all your creative ideas.
I have always been a little creeped out by the elf on the shelf, but I just know my 3 girls would totally love him! I love your blog and thank you for the giveaway! I shared your link on Facebook (still trying to figure out how to tag you).
AWESOME giveaway! i only have entered a giveaway twice before (the second being your BonLook giveaway!) hope i get lucky and WIN!! i reposted your instagram pict and #seejaneelf
Jane, this is super cute and such great ideas. My two girls would love the band aids since they make up owies to get cute princess band aids that last a whoe minute on their lil bodies. I posted on Instagram and Facebook please, please pick my lil family as the lucky winners! I also love the Santa foot print to keep the magic alive each year so so cute! I could really use this would help add so much extra joy this holiday season being a single mom and giving extra spirit of blessing gs, magic, and what Christmas means and brings to the soul.
Fb info left a comment on your page
Re posted on Instagram. My kiddos would love this!
Your ideas are absolutely darling! I bought elves for all of my kids children, and it has been so fun. I will be having some of them for the holidays and it would be a blast for Grandma to have a visiting elf too!
I shared your link and tagged you on Facebook.
i can’t even believe how amazing this is. i posted on facebook but i don’t know how to necessarily send you the link. i tried to tag you.. oh anyway. here’s my profile link just in case
i also re-posted on instagram (i’m jennavela… i’m private, but i tagged you).
This is just great! We love elf on the shelf around our house and my 3 boys would get a kick out of all these ideas
thanks! I follow you on insta! I’m @zaneandlexi
and lastly, i posted on my personal blog. my email is
my daughters will be so excited, but probably not as excited as their mother. and you’ll announce on my birthday of all days… so there’s that,
I posted on Instagram. My user is @toricarlton [My photos are privatized, fyi:)]
By the way, this is seriously the cutest thing I have ever seen! You are SOOOO creative!
What a spectacular giveaway. I really hope I win. I have 6 kids so this was meant just for me. I posted about this on my blog which always posts onto facebook. my email is lettibyrd{at}
Love love the ideas! Fun tradition and so creative I have 3 littles and I posted on Instagram. Kimberleeblake at
I reposted on my blog at I would LOVE to win!
Oh, and my email address is
I shared on FB, but I secretly hope I win!! Love the clever ideas – so creative. THANK YOU!
I posted on facebook.
Here is my link:
posted to my facebook. My oldest daughter is obsessed with Elf on the shelf!!! Would be soooo awesome to win.
Jane- You ARE the cleverest gal I know! I will be linking your giveaway on FB and my blog (that is when Amanda gets home so she can help me do the linking):p I love the elf on the shelf idea soooooo much that I invited an elf to my home already this year. His name is Elvin and he has already gotten into a bit of mischief. Love you!
I have two boys 5 and 2 who would love this!! I love your blog and what a fun giveaway!! I shared this on my FB!!/rachel.p.romney
Wow! This is so nice of you!! What a great give away!! I have posted on instagram. I have 2 kids so far and they would love this.
Ashley Cardon
I entered by liking, and sharing the link on facebook. I hope I tagged you right because this would be AMAZING to win!
What a clever idea!! We love out Rocky and all of your creative ideas. I shared on my Instagram – correeschureman. I have 3 kids. My email is
Posted on insta! I love your blog! I’d be doing this for 2 kiddos. Thanks!!
This is such a generous giveaway Jane! My two little boys would love it. I posted on Instagram
This is such an adorable giveaway! I’ve been wanting one of these. I have 3 8/9 kids (expecting a Christmas baby
) My email is Thanks!
Amazing! I’m posting on Instagram! @mindydegering
I posted it on my blog!
and posted it on on Facebook
I follow and reposted on instagram!
OH I want to win soo bad! My four kids would love this to pieces! I posted on Facebook,
Thanks for the super fun giveaway!
So generous and so cute!!! I will be keeping my fingers crossed. I posted about this on my blog.
I realized I didn’t leave my email or say how many kids I have. it is marcoandjamie{at}gmail{dot}com and I have 2 sweet little girls.
I linked you on my facebook. I’ve requested to follow you on Instagram too, so I can repost there too
I have two little boys. We are seriously starving students right now and I would cry if I won this. It would totally make their holiday season! This is such a generous giveaway! You are amazing!
I have three little girls who believe that there are Christmas birds who spy and report back to Father Christmas about good behavior!
I have shared on instagram and my email is mikala-michael [at]
sorry my email address is; mikala-michael[at] the computer corrected my spelling!
This would be the best surprise for our family!This is such a generous giveaway! You are amazing!
I just posted on Facebook. I would love to win this for my sister’s family who doesn’t get a lot at Christmas. They have five kids.
This is the GREATEST thing that has ever been. I have NEVER won anything in my life and I would die if I scored this amazing pack! It is like Santa himself has opened up his magical present bag. Thank you for your hard work and time. You ROCK! I have six little birds that would benefit! I posted on instagram and I also posted on facebook. Hope your surgery goes well!! Sending love your way!
Pick me! I’ve got four kiddos who would love this guy.
Yay!! You are awesome! I posted to my blog and facebook!
I died and went heaven when I saw this! What a creative and darling giveaway. I would love to be able to win this. I have 2 girls -5 and 2, and I just know that this elf and all the magical details you provide would blow them away. Thanks for the chance to win this. I posted it on my Instagram @mandataylor. again. This is a pretty brilliant idea.
I requested to follow you on Instagram AND reported the Elf photo on Instagram!
Hello Jane! What a fun giveaway. I have always wanted to do the elf on the shelf but I would never be as creative as you. I loved following Mr. Beans journey last year on your blog. So cute! I have four munchkins. I posted on Facebook and tagged you. Here is a link to my fb page: Thanks so much and good luck tomorrow! :0)
I posted this on instagram! Hope I win!
I posted on Instagram! This is awesome!
I linked you on my intstagram and have requested to follow you.
I have 2 boys and would love this give away! I love that they are now old enough to understand! Thanks for an awesome give away!
I shared via Instagram…. Oh I hope I win!!
Oh I forgot my email I shared on Instagram @baamorgan
My boys would love to see a sneaky elf around.
I posted on FB, I posted on instagram and repinned on pinterest. Jane, love to you the day before you surgery! Hope all goes well.
Pinned on pinterest and instagram! I have three girls and this would ber so much fun for them (& for me to do each night!!!)
Oops forgot my id iu97alum!
Just posted on IG! I have 3 daughters who would thoroughly enjoy this amazing prize! They are 10, 4, and 1. Everything is so well thought out, love it all! My email is rachi626 at My instagram is audrey718. Thanks!!
Hi! I was hoping someone somewhere would do an elf on the shelf giveaway this year! We would love to start this darling tradition with are family! I never thought it could be as cute as you have made it, so creative and amazing! Love it! Thanks for all the hard work you put in to this to make it so great! Hoping and wishing!
Reposted on Instagram
I posted this on my instagram. It is the most awesome giveaway ever!!
We have elf’ed in the past and even followed your Mr Bean…I always leave your site inspired to be or do better in some way! Thanks for igniting my inner creative goddess
I have a 9 year old daughter and a 5 year old son who would be amazed if our elf could pull off the above antics
I posted about your site on FB.
Thank you for the best giveaway ever!! Reposted on Instagram!!!
I’ve always wanted to try this. reposted on FB. Here’s my link
I just learned about Elf on a Shelf last year. I feel so deprived. But now, I want to let my nieces and nephews who are starting families of their own get in on the fun. I’m sharing on facebook. Great ideas!
Omg I love this! I didn’t even know what this elf on a shelf was! How adorable! I reposted on instagram!! Thank you for this awesome giveaway!
What a fabulous idea and generous giveaway! Thank you for the opportunity. I’m giggling just thinking about it. We watched The Elf Story movie last year and all 4 babies loved it! Here’s hoping my facebook post to my gal pal deal seekers will do it…
okay, this is hands down the most amazing giveaway ever.
i will be on cloud nine if i win.
fingers crossed
(i posted on my blog about it)
ericapatten at gmail
I just heard about Elf on the Shelf. Can’t wait to make this a tradition with my three kids. Hope I get picked. I posted on instagram
Holy amazing giveaway! I’ve been debating on whether to break down and buy an elf this year for my kiddos. These ideas are so super fun! My kids would just die. I reposted this giveaway on fb and tagged you.
Oops… forgot to add how many kiddos I have… 3! Ages 5, 4 and 21 months (so much crazy fun). Thanks for the opportunity… (posted on fb and tagged you).
So I am still learning instagram and face book, but I think I reposted to my face book.. I am so excited about this giveaway. I was just telling my sister I wanted to do this and she called me the next morning to tell me about your give away.. Can’t wait to see if I win, if not still excited to do this and all the other fun holiday traditions.. YAAA!!! Thanks
Jane you amaze me! What a wonderful giveaway I have really been wanting to get one of these this would make our Christmas! I instagrammed this. Hope all goes smooth tomorrow for you! Thanks for inspiring me in so many ways!
And I didn’t follow directions her well sorry to leave another comment. I have 4 kids and my email is bjstephens4(at)yahoo(dot)com
You are so full of amazing ideas. Best of luck tomorrow, my prayers are with you.
I reposted on insta with your username and hashtag. My username is @scrosenhan {private}
What an awesome giveaway! You are so generous & creative! I would love to win to start this tradition with my little one, I reposted this on Instagram @courtneykalmes. My email is
Such an adorable giveaway! Posted it on Instagram! Living with my sisters family right now so there would be 5 kiddies excited about this!
This would be a dream. I have six littles, under the age of 10. I love your blog and grams. I am private, but you’re welcome to follow/de-follow after you’ve confirmed my post
Take care.
Just made a link on my Facebook page for this contest. Love this idea!!!!Q
Seriously? This is darling. And you posted this the day before surgery? You are truly amazing! Best of luck today! And thank you for being so kind and generous with this giveaway. I’m crossing my toes and fingers! Last year we attempted this but I only remembered about half the days- I used the excuse that our elf was out helping other kids too. Haha.
(I reposted on Instagram)
I’m posting on Instagram!
This is the cutest giveaway ever! I would love to be able to give this to a sweet lady that just moved in our neighborhood. She has 4 little kids 9-16 months, living in a 1 bedroom apt behind someone’s house trying to get on her feet again. She hasn’t been able to work yet because because of the cost of child care. I wonder how she will be able to afford any type of Christmas for her children. This would be something fun for the kids to look forward to each day. Merry Christmas! I posted on instragram dawnmichelle65 thanks again!!
I forgot to leave my email
This is the cutest giveaway ever!!! Love it! My fingers are crossed
Oh and I have 3 kiddos!
I posted on Instagram
Posted this on my Facebook!!!!!!
These are such cute ideas! Even if one doesn’t win- which I hope I do ;)- we still get some great ideas for elfing! Thanks!!
Oh- & I reposted on Instagram
These are such cute ideas! This will be the first year we will use the elf
On the shelf! I have 3 kids, my email is
I reposted to Facebook. Here’s the link:
I’ll be doing this for two kids (my daughter and my friend’s son). Thanks for the giveaway.
Amazing giveaway! So creative! I reposted the giveaway on Facebook (Sierra Jacox) and tagged your facebook page.
We have one child but a few nieces and nephews that live close by so we would want it for 4
Keeping my fingers crossed! Email is
I linked it on my facebook!! And i tagged you in it
I re-posted on Instagram. Love it!! I have 4 kids ages 5 and under that would just love this elf and his funny tricks! Merry Christmas! Ktbrownaz at hotmail dot com.
I would love to win this! My three kids would love it! I posted on Instagram @aliciajones2008. My email is Thanks for this wonderful giveaway!
I reported on Instagram…. Hoping I did I right! @laurahall7
Posted wrong email address above….
I am reposting on FB!! Love this and I really want to gift this to my daughter for our one and only grand daughter…if I win this wonderful prize, you may gift the other 5 prizes to someone else to use that already has an Elf or I will re-gift to 5 other children!! <3
This is an awesome giveaway!!! My three kids would LOVE all this. I entered and tagged on facebook!
so, we have a million mutual friends, and i’ve heard a lot about you… sorry it’s taking this awesome giveaway to finally make me introduce myself. hopefully we’ll be able to meet in person sometime soon. i’ll keep my fingers crossed in the meantime to win your generous prizes (ive only entered one other giveaway ever).. i’ll gram and blog it.
This is the most rad giveaway I have EVER seen! How clever! I think I would have just as much fun as my kids or more with this darling little Elf! Thank you! I posted on Face book.
Wow, amazing giveaway! I have two little girls with lots of years ahead of us for that little elf to cause mischief!
Whoops got a little too excited and forgot to post how many kids I have. Four! Thanks again! Good luck Ya’ll!
Tagged you on Facebook AND on instagram! This giveaway is clever, generous and fun! My two kids would love it!
Cutest giveaway ever. Love it. I posted it on my blog.
My 3 kiddos would have a blast with this.
Reposted on Instagram! @whitrichins love the giveway!!
Seriously the best giveaway! How fun is this?? I have four kids that would go completely crazy and are still at the good Santa ages!!
I shared this via Facebook.
I shared it on my Facebook I would love to win!
I reposted it on my Facebook and I have 3 kids and my email is would live to win
Okay I really don’t know how to follow direction my 3 girls would live to win this it would be a great new tradition! My email is
Hopefully we win and can start doing the elf on the shelf thing. Looks sooooo fun!
Woops my email is…I’m private on Instagram but posted and shared
So cute! I’m posting it on my fb now! I want to win:)
Oh, My! Oh, My! I have never been so excited for a Give-away! My fingers and toes are crossed!!
Seeing that I’m “technologically challenged” and couldn’t figure out how to get your instagram elf photo reposted to my instagram… I took an actual photo of your webpage and reposted about the giveaway.
Hope that’s sufficient! Thanks, Jane!!! xo
so this is probably the coolest giveaway ever jane! totally hoping I win this… Duh you know my details if I win… Oh not if, when. Loves!
You’ve been posted on my facebook accoung!!
What a fun, clever and totally fabulous giveaway. Thank you for doing this–great start to the holidays! This would be for 4 kiddos who would be over the moon with this elf and his antics!
Instagrammed. Crossing my fingers!!
You’ve been posted on my facebook account!
Thank you!!
What a fun, clever and totally fabulous giveaway. Thank you for starting off the holidays with a bang! This would be for 4 kiddos who would be over the moon to have this little elf at our house.
Hi Jane – this is such a great idea and so generous of you! I have two little girls and a baby boy on the way dec. 12th and would love to introduce this tradition into our family. here is a link to my blog post:
thinking of you today!
SOOOOO fabulous!!!! Posted this on Facebook and Instagram!
What a wonderful give away!! What a fun and special Christmas tradition to start with my 3 kiddos! You have a wonderful talent that I wish I had. I am so grateful for people like you to inspire the less creative minds. ; ) I re-posted your give away on facebook. Good luck with your surgery.
I posted on instagram. Just requested to follow up.
Love love love this! My grandkids will adore!
posted on facebook!
Jane – how fun and how thoughtful of you to share both this giveaway and the great ideas! Hope our family wins! My 5 kids would love this!
I linked to my blog!
Respites in Instagram. I have 3 kids! They would love this!!!
I posted a link on Facebook and Instagram @pjjenx My four grandkids would love this!
I posted to Facebook. Sounds so fun and darling. I love all of those cute ideas, my four kids would just be amazed.
So fun!! I posted on Instagram! I have three kiddos and they’d LOVE IT!!!
My email is and my insta name is rockylea
Posted a link on Facebook! What an adorable idea!!! Thank you for offering it!
LOVE this! I posted mine here:
Love this! I’m stealing the ideas even if I don’t win. Posting on Instagram.
Ah-mazing!!! I posted your giveaway on Instagram. This might be one of the best I’ve ever seen! Merry Christmas!
I posted on facebook!
My 2 sweet girls would love this!
I reposted on Instagram under jananza90.. This is such a fun giveaway, thanks!!
This is an amazing giveaway! I’m reposting on Instagram, fingers crossed!!
We have two kids. This would be so fun to win. I posted on Facebook.
So fun! Would be trilled if I won! I tagged you on facebook!
This is such a cute idea!!! ( I reposted on Instagram ).
You are amazing! What a great giveaway. Posted it on instagram and hash tagged it. @herniedee
I blogged about it here:
please, please, please!..pick me!:)
do i get an extra entry for commenting here!? hope so! love you girl!
posted on my blog..
posted on my blog!
and i posted on instagram obvi..
posted on my blog! it won’t let me put the link in the comment?
I alse shared it on facebook!….OMG!..I need to win this!:)
And of course I did instagram too!….Seriously thanks for putting together the coolest and most perfect for the season giveaway ever!:)
I posted on FB!!
I love this giveaway – shared it on my instagram & tagged you
My 3 kids would die over this!
Good luck on your surgery
Found out about your blog & this incredible giveaway from a friend. Reposted on Instagram @sarahannec. What clever ideas you’ve got! I’ve got one little boy! My email:
Added it to my blog as well because my instagram is private!
Ok I will try again, it won’t let me add my blog link under website
I added it to my blog too because I realized my instagram is private
here is my blog link –
I reposted! I love this
Just grammed this. You’re amazeballs, and I want to win real bad. Three kiddos would be beyond thrilled.
I tagged you on Facebook! What a fun giveaway!!! LOVE IT!
I grammed you! Such a cute idea!!!
Oh my gosh, I wish the were based on a sob-story because I would totally win! Our Elf on the Shelf (Slappy Blue) is currently Elf in a storage garage! My sweet husband got deployed to the Middle East in February and after a few lonely months in Las Vegas I packed up the house and threw every bit of ourselves…including our Christmas treasures into storage and came to Utah to be closer to my family. I have 3 beautiful children who are being so tough through all of this but they still drive me nuts and could use a little encouragement this year to stay on the nice list and I know this little elf and all his goodies would fill our house with over the top excitement!
Thanks again for your blog, i love how positive and inspiring you are…good luck with your surgery.
I am FBooking and intstagraming you!
I couldn’t link to Facebook for some reason so I linked to Instagram instead! Pick me, Pick me!
This is the best give a way EVER! I have been meaning to get the Elf for my kiddos but just haven’t gotten around to it. Darling!
4 kiddos.
Linked onto FB under heather kelley pinegar.
I have been toying with this idea for the past couple of weeks. Your elf has way to much fun. I put a FB post with your giveway!! Always such cute ideas on your blog!
What a generous giveaway! My little girl (just turned 3) would love this. She is finally not afraid of Santa Claus, so I think that this Christmas will be a fun one.
I posted on instagram (@crystalhorne).
What an awesome giveaway! We would love to start the elf on the shelf tradition! Posted on Instagram and Facebook! Good luck with your surgery!
We’ve never done the elf but I think my 2 and 4 year old daughters would get a big kick out of this. Posted your on facebook.
What a fun giveaway! You are an inspiration. I
love seeing all your creative ideas. Thanks for
sharing them.
I posted the link on fb and following u on insta.
Such a great idea!!
This is such a creative and generous giveaway. I posted on Instagram!
I reposted on Insta. Thank you!!!
Posted on Instagram!! Love elf in the shelf, this is our first year doing it. Super excited!!
oops forgot my email address!
1 kid!
Instagrammed it! This is an amazing giveaway! kristill (at)hotmail(dot)com
Adorable! You are so clever!
I want to win this so bad. How creative, fun and generous!
Oh, and I instagrammed this
Blog post:
My wife would love this!
reposted on Instagram!
What a fun giveaway. My little boys would die. I reported on Instagram @annskidmore
What a splendid and generous giveaway!! I have two kids!
I reposted on instagram! I have 1 child and my email is Love all of the fun ideas and would really love to win
By far the most creative, adorable giveaway I’ve ever seen!! Someone is about to be very happy Ms. Jane!! I instagramed the giveaway…
This is such a creative and generous giveaway! I reposted on Instagram.
Oops, my email is themorganclan at gmail dot com and I’m entering to win for my little niece and nephew.
What an incredibly fun giveaway! I linked your FB site on my FB page.
Hi Jane. What a fantastic giveaway! I linked your FB site on my FB page. While we don’t have a sad story of sickness or unemployment, we do have a very dull-named elf, Buddy, who could use some serious re-vamping and excitement in his life. Not to mention how my kiddos would squeal to see this everyday! Too cute!
i’ve never wanted to win a giveaway as bad as i want to win this one…. best one ever! you are a real gem.
I reposted on instagram @ash_welling05
I suck at the whole instagram/facebook linking thing, but I still wanted to wish you the best of luck with the recovery from your surgery! I hope it went well and that they’re giving you lots of wonderful medication for the next few days
. Take care!
This is such a great idea to bring some fun home! As a prospective teacher, it is also full of great ideas for my classroom!
Hi Jane – Hope you are feeling back to yourself real quick and that everything went well with your surgery. I am always amazed at all the things you are able to do and the great energy you must have to do them. What a wonderful giveaway you are offering. I have three kiddos and I Instagramed your Instagram image under m_baby.
P.S. you are my favorite blogger and always look forward to seeing what fun you have been up. You are very inspiring!
I have wanted to start this tradition with my kiddos! I reported on Instagram!@lmwandersen
Jane, I posted the picture in Instagram. I
all your cute ideas!
My Instagram is briannalyn1105
Sorry. My email is and I have 3 kids
Reposted on Instagram! Hope it’s me because I would like a jump start to getting the Christmas spirit and this would help me and the kids thanks!!
And I have three girls and could use three more for cousins!
I shared on Facebook. So cute!
Just shared on Instagram. Love this idea!!
This would be so great for our three kids to have as we have been going through so much as my husband just lost his leg to cancer two months ago. I know the kids would love this and just to see the light in their eyes every morning would be so worth it! Here’s hoping we win! Merry Christmas! (I posted on my facebook page and on our family blog) (3 kids)
I have 2 kids, and have wanted an ELF forever!
love that you are doing this cute giveaway!
What a great way to brighten my two year old’s Christmas! I reposted your IG photo (@aechandlee).
Amy C.
I reposted on instagram! @thelwph I follow you but I’m private. What a great giveaway! Thanks for putting all this work into it!
SUCH a lovely giveaway! I want to win this!…perfect time while my first born is still young. I posted to Instagram, Twitter, (my name for both is @HWBlessedLife and my personal Facebook profile using #seejaneelf. My email address is:
Can’t wait! Thanks for a fun giveaway!
This is so completely awesome. I’ve never even liked elf on a shelf until now.
My three little monkeys will love you this year whether we win or not! Thank you for the wonderful idea!
I follow you on instagram! I also reposted the post about the giveaway with the hashtag. Thanks for the opportunity to win!!
I posted this on Instagram. This is such a cute idea!
Amazing giveaway. Best one I’ve seen in a long time. Love all the ideas. I posted on Facebook and Instagram. I have 4 kiddos. Thanks for the opportunity!!
What an amazing giveaway! I have 2 kids and would love to have an Elf on the Shelf. I blogged about you at
I already commented, but I have three kids:)
I’m not a blogger, just a(your) blog reader. So I reposted on Instagram. You have so many people to choose from for this generous giveAway, but we would be honored and so grateful. We have one little boy.
mckenzie brown hinze
I reported on insta. This is the cutest giveaway eva! Hope your feeling better.
Um sorry! It’s Kolescott on IG and I have 3 kidlets
My friend told me about your website and I just love it! I absolutely love the elf idea throughout the holidays! I have a 3 year old and one on the way. My email address is I’m re posting it on Instagram right now.
Best giveaway I’ve seen all year!!! So thoughtful & creative! I hope I win! My kids would LOVE LOVE LOVE this!
Thanks I shared on my Facebook.¬if_t=comment_mention
Jane- I posted your link on FB,(twice). All my kids are grown up and moved away from home to begin their own families, except for my 19 year old daughter who claims to think that an elf in the house is silly. An elf named Elvin showed up at our house earlier this week. I have taken a picture everytime I see him and I plan on sharing these pics with my twenty grandkids via my blog.
Thanks for the fun and clever ideas of what your elf has done.
all I want for CHristmas is this!!! I posted it on face book and repinned it…..I’m not tech savy-I will see if I can instagram it too—I’m trying!!!
i followed on instagram – posted there. excellent give away – i have three children.
I pinned this and I saw that EVERYBODY else is doing the same!!! Such a heartwarming giveaway!
oooohhhh oh oh oh PICK ME PICK ME!!!
Such an amazing giveaway! My son would love this…
Oh pick me, pleasssssssssssssssssssse
Shared on my FB
I reposted on Instagram! So fun! Hope I win!
I have 3 children.
what a wonderfully creative site…so much fun. I have shared your blog on FB and tagged you.
I posted this to my Facebook page! You have awesome ideas for the elf!!!
I would love to win, since I’m due with baby #4 on December 13 and a kit that’s all put together would work really great since I might be in the hospital having the baby when I want to be home creating Christmas memories.
Merry Christmas! I can’t wait to see what else you have planned for your blog this holiday season!!
I love your blog! You are so creative. Would love to enter your contest. I am reposting your blog info all over facebook.
Amazing ideas! Silly me, I just thought you had to buy a little elf and leave him on the shelf all month! 3 kiddies over here would love your imaginative embellishments! Posted on Facebook.
Awesome giveaway!!! Thanks! Tagged you on Facebook : ) I am a mother to 1!
Love this! Shared on fb (Claire Manning Peart). Good work – awesome giveaway!
I reposted on Instagram (user: Neluszka). I love your blog and there are seriously so many amazing things to this give away. Thanks for doing this!
This is so cute I reposted this on my FB page. Im not sure if it tagged you though? My two kids would love to do elf on the shelf
thank you
It tagged her Janie! That’s how I saw it! Thanks!
What a fun giveaway! I shared on my insta, but I’m a private entry. -thanks!
LOVE IT!!! This would be so super awesome to win!!! I have 3 kids and I love doing elf on the shelf, but I’m not always creative or I run out of time! This would make December so much easier!!!
Thank You!!!
I reposted on facebook, but I’m having trouble tagging you. I’ll keep trying.
THANKS again!!!
This is such a cute giveaway! I shared it on my facebook page and tagged you in the post! I am starting Elf on a Shelf this year so this would be perfect for my family of 4! Thank you!
What a fabulous giveaway! My girls would have so much fun with this! I have 4 girls. Will cross my fingers and hope for a fun surprise!
I instagrammed it and am beyond excited!! This is my 2nd attempt in posting! I hope it works this time!!!
You always have the cutest ideas! I have two littles who would absolutely love this! Xo Jenny
Fun giveaway!! I have 5 children who would love this!! Shared on my Facebook page!
Just reposted on facebook and instagram (jbales12). So excited! You are always so stinking creative! Thankful you are feeling better.
My 3 boys and I would be so happy to start a new tradition this year!
I loved following your elf posts last Christmas.
Such a fun giveaway!
Happypollyanna on Instagram! I would love to win a contest, let alone this one for my 2 1/2 year old daughter who is understanding and excited for the big SC this year!!! Thanks for the opportunity and ideas if I don’t win!
Reposted on instagram.. Awesome giveaway!
Oh my word, this is an amazing giveaway! Just reposted on Instagram and will probably repost on my blog Monday. Two kiddos and my email address is Thank you!
Dear Jane
This is the COOLEST contest I’ve ever entered. I love your blog.
I reposted on Instagram. Hope I win!!
Awesome giveaway! I just shared on my blog
Posted on my Instagram!!!!
I followed and shared on Instagram (@laurmuells) and I have 2 kids :)!!! This is such an amazing giveaway!!!!
What a sweet giveaway! I posted on IG! I have 4 kids who have never done elf on the shelf! So they will die, of course! :). Thanks.
IG name: alikonababy
Fun!! This will be our first year doing this with our three kids. I put it on my Instagram @farmerandrea
Oh my stars! Such an epic giveaway! I am reposting this on instagram right now! Thank you, thank you, THANK YOU, for the chance to win!
I reposted this on instagram. Seriously this is the cutest elf on a shelf idea list I’ve seen!! So fun!
I reposted on Instagram! Such a cute giveaway!
This would SO be the best thing of all time ever!!! My kidos would have so much fun (I have two) plus bonus…my sister has 4 so I would love to share the extras with them. Thanks for the great ideas as well. These made me laugh out loud! Happy Christmas!
I just died. This is the coolest thing ever. I’ve wanted one forever! I posted on instagram and am crossing all my fingers and toes. Hope your surgery goes well
PS I posted on Instagram!
Reposted to fb! Thanks!
Yay this is amazing!!! My sister is coming for the whole month olf december and together this is for 4 kids! Indon’t have a blog so am sharing via instagram. I’m @funnyva1entine
Thanks for the wonderful ideas, whether we win or not!
I posted this on facebook, I hope it did it right! Thanks for this chance to win! Everything looks darling! I would want this for 3 children! I hope I win! Happy Thanksgiving!
What an amazing giveaway!! We haven’t experienced the elf on the shelf! But want to way bad! You are amazing!! o have three kiddos!!!!
Oh. And I reposted via instagram!
What an awesome give-away!!! We would totally use this for all 4 of the kids in our lives. Fingers crossed!
Have a blessed day
Oh, I posted it on Facebook. Opps.
Awesome Giveaway! Thanks! Love the Elf on the Shelf
Requested to follow you on IG and reposted the giveaway.
Thanks! Jill
IG @mama2five
Okay I added you on Instagram & tagged this. You are beyond creative!! This Christmas is my first Christmas with kids and I really want to make this a tradition and do it every year!!! How did you come up with all these ideas?! Adorable!! In posting to my Facebook too!
I would sooooo love to win this! But if not thank you for all the great ideas!! I posted this on Facebook.
I posted the giveaway on Facebook! I love this giveaway!
Oh my word, what a wonderful and generous giveaway. I have been wanting to try this for a few years just never taken the time to do it. My four kids would be in AWE and I would be ever so grateful! You’re amazing! I am posting on my blog!
I’m a mom of a busy boy and aunt to a 4 year girl, both of whom would just love this new tradition. I’ve actually been hunting for elf on the shelf for the past week with no success. I’m hoping to win (fingers crossed)!
Ps…I posted on Facebook
I posted on Instagram and just added you. Such a cute giveaway, i’d love to win it for my girls!
I reposted on Instagram. Hope you are healing quickly and feeling good.
Cassie Ford
I forgot the vital info: family of 6;;
Hope you heal quickly and your surgery goes well! I’d like to talk about sponsorship again too!
This looks like SOOO much fun! I re-posted the link to the blog and your Facebook page on Facebook. I have 2 little boys and a husband who would love to be in on this thing!
My email is
Thank you!!!
This is such a fun giveaway! I’m newly married, and currently dont have any kids. But,, two cute nieces,, and someday kids. I would be so thrilled to win, and start a new tradition for my family. My email is And I’ve reposted on Instagram.
This is such a fun idea! I have reposted the link to your blog on my facebook page! Thanks for the opportunity!
I have also reposted on Instagram! Thanks!
So kind of you! Posted on Instagram! Thanks!
Posted on my Facebook (but it wouldn’t let me tag your Facebook blog page??)… What an awesome give away. I can’t wait to introduce my little boy to elf on a shelf!
posted to my status on facebook. completely in love with all 25 ideas. thanks for the inspiration! my little boy is going to love elvie this year
This is such a cute and creative giveaway and idea
I re-posted on Facebook. I love the Elf on the Shelf idea.
I created a link on FB on our page James-Jeanna Lichtenberger & plan to blog it later this week. We do elf. We have 1 and his name is Sneeple. I hope I remember where he’s hiding in a few weeks. We have 4 crazy kiddos 10 and under. Here’s to winning!
I posted it on my Instagram… Along with a whole ‘lotta other people. I need a Christmas miracle!
Reposted on Instagram!! These are super cute idea’s! And we love the elf on the shelf at my house!!! Thanks so much!
I would love to win this for my daughter. She is a single mom who wants to do this for her daughters. Thank you…and happy holidays
This is absolutely adorable!! I have two boys that would go crazy over all of this fun!! Totally crossing my fingers. I instagramed it! @ericaengland
Such a fun idea! I have two boys who would eat this up!
Reposted in Instagram @ericaengland
i re-posted in instagram! great giveaway!! thanks
I posted about your giveaway on my blog!
I posted on Instagram and Facebook. Ooh, I do hope I win!! I love all your stuff!
Hi! I posted this link on facebook! I have 3 little boys who would love this. Thanks!
Thanks for a great giveaway! I shared on facebook and have 3 kids!!
Sherry Lykins shared a link.
2 minutes ago
elf on the shelf :: giveaway
something fun for this wednesday morning: i have a great giveaway for you! the sponsor is me! in honor of the season, i have assembled twenty-five days of elf gifts and mischief, for one lucky winn…
Like · · Promote · Share
I shared on FB

What an awesome giveaway!!
I blogged about your awesome giveaway!!
I shared this on Instagram
I want to win, i put a link on facebook! ahhh….crossing my fingers!
reposted on Instagram (deerylou27)
Hi Jane!….I’ve entered the giveaway (doing all 3 entries) but I think I forgot to give you my e0mail address:, and some information!..I’m from Spain, live in Utah and this is the first time I’m doing the Elf on the Shelf for my 3 yr, old boy named Diego!….I know he will LOVE this and I would love to turn it in to a family tradition for us!
Irene Caso
Hi. i’m new to your blog and would LOVE to enter your giveaway. I have 2 kiddos and i’ve shared on fb page.
*my email:
Awesome giveaway! I reposted on IG and hope I win!!
1 kid and my email is
Thanks!! You’re amazing!
What a cute idea!!! I have 2 kids, and we are always looking for fun new traditons! I posted your link on my FB page!
What a cute idea! I have 2 kids,and we are always looking for fun Christmas Traditions. I posted your link on my FB page!
Love your blog…and think this is such a stinkin’ cute idea…I posted it on Facebook and pinned it too to Pinterest. So cute and good luck on your surgery!
oh and forgot to say that I have 4 kids…and my email is…thanks!
Love this giveaway and love your blog! Such a sweet idea! I re-posted on FB, Instagram (@AshOfiction)and my blog, . I have two boys, 16 mo and 3 1/2 years, we’re moving from Hawaii to California 6 days before Christmas so celebrating and decorating for Christmas has been far from my mind. Doing this Elf on the Shelf would be a perfect way for us to carry the Christmas spirit with us across the ocean!
Love this sooo much
you are too cute! Crossing my fingers until you announce the winner…
Megan Burns
(Mother of three)
Love this giveaway!!! Reposted on Instagram!!! Hope you have a speedy recovery!
We have 3 daughters ages 2,3 and 9
I shared it on my blog
Thanks for such a great giveaway!
Posted it to Facebook!!!! Thanks!
I posted on facebook!! Im keeping my fingers crossed. Awesome giveaway. Thanks!!
just reposted on instagram! love your style!
hope you feel better soon!
I have been wanting to start this with my kiddos. I love love love this different ideas. Fingers crossed hope it is me :D. Very kind and generous of you
Hi Jane! We don’t have Elf on the Shelf yet. I have been waiting for something like this! We would love to experience this fun tradition this year. Hoping! And ps – I’m loving your blog.
This looks like such a fun tradition to start!! My kids would eat it up!!
Cutest giveaway ever! You’re super clever! I just started following you on Instagram and I reposted the elf on mine! Thanks!
I posted on facebook but it wouldn’t let me tag you. Here is the link to my facebook page just in case.
My 4 kids would LOVE this! What an awesome giveaway…I posted this on FB:)
I blogged about this!
I shared it on Facebook:!/lisa.m.johnson.902
lisa.marie.johnson (at) hotmail (dot) com
♥ it, ♥ it, ♥ it!
Shared on facebook.
I am DYING at this adorableness. I have been resisting the Elf on a Shelf, but this is completely irresistible. I love. I would love. All love. (on facebook)
How can I introduce Elf on the shelf to my 4 year old grandson? Repost what a wonderful thing to do. God bless!
This is such a cute and creative giveaway! I love it! I have one child but if I win I would be sharing this with my sister and her four kids! They love Christmas and would have so much fun with this!!
I shared the link on my Facebook page. Happy Thanksgiving and Merry Christmas! 
shared on my instagram feed (jaclynpmayes) thanks! my 3 kiddos would love this!
I forgot to copy you the link to my facebook post when I commented earlier!
here it is:!/theresareeves.mathews
How fun! I was just looking for fun holiday traditions to do with my three young children. Shared on facebook.
Jane! This is amazing! I blogged about this giveaway, my blog address is My email address is and I have 1 kid. I have wanted to start this tradition and this is just too darn cute!
Shared on my FB.
Tried to submit this comment once but got an error message, so sorry if this came thru twice. (Plus I copied in the wrong link in my first comment, haha!)
OH. MY. GOODNESS. This is so adorable!! I would be so incredibly grateful and excited to be able to do something so awesome for my kids!!
I posted on my FB account. Here’s the link:
Just posted this on my facebook. If you need to see it let me know.
We’d love to win this, I’ve always wanted to do this and winning would make it so much easier for me!!! My email is Thanks a million!!! 
Oh dang…I forgot the kid part. I have 4 kids. Thanks Jane!
I’m entering as one of the last few , but I was waiting for my magic day when I was going to be putting up my Christmas Decorations, because I do believe in magic
Dealing with finding employment since February has not been easy on us this year. But finding out that there is a little surprise #5 is on the way ( just this past week! and you’re first to know besides the hubby) made this holiday season much brighter. This Giveaway is Godsend – not fingers crossed! ( and while blowing Christmas magic dust)
I’ve posted an isntagram AND a blog post ( blog post here: ). now I’ll just wait and see!
Thanks, Jane, for having such a fun blog to read
I hope I win!
I blogged about this on my blog!
I am a grandmother with 4 wonderful grandkids. I would love to have this as part of our family tradition.
I could fill this page will a lost of woes and sob stories (God knows I’ve had a few) but that shouldn’t be the deciding factor. I just want to show my love for the holidays and for something special to be added as a tradition for generations. So I will hope to win this!!
I will share this info with all my family and friends on facebook.
I would love love love this for my kids! I am a single mommy of two kids who have had many struggles along the way, and it would be so fun to have something bright and fun for them to look forward to.
Oh my GOODNESS what an amazingly fun giveaway!! My two adorable boys would absolutely LOVE this!! I’m crossing my fingers
my email is and I re-posted your giveaway on Instagram!! My user name is @ashleeparry and I tagged you in my post also. Can’t wait to see the winner posted YAY!!
followed and re-posted on instagram.
Awesome giveaway! My only son is 3 and we haven’t started this tradition yet, but have talked about it. Thanks for the chance to win! Shared on instagram (@spcoggs). Email twopawsdesigns (at) yahoo (dot) com
Elf on the Shelf is such a cute idea! I have three kids I would love to win this for. I posted on Facebook, but I am not sure that I did it correctly ( My email is
Hi Jane! I posted on FB. Perfect giveaway for the holiday season! My 3 kidos would adore this.
Posted on instagram
3 kiddos
Such an amazing giveaway! I’ve been wanting to get an elf on the shelf for my kids! I posted this on my blog as well as my fb Wanted to make sure to get the word out to as many people! Thanks!
Hi, Jane! I reposted on instagram!
ahhhh! I didn’t post enough! I have one little only and if I had to choose other children, I’d also include my niece and two nephews, but really, I’d be one very happy l.a. girl + mom + seejane lover =}
I shared on Facebook, but I can’t figure out how to tag you!
I have four children!
I shared on Instagram and hashtagged it and tagged you!
Four kiddos!
Jane your amazing!!! I would only be so lucky to have your little elfs visit my home! I posted on Instagram and Facebook! Loves!!!
[…] 2nd After seeing all the fun things that one can do with an “elf on the shelf” over onsee jane blog, and *sniffle* not winning her awesome giveaway, I decided we needed out own elf to make a little […]