easter egg decorating party + easter invitation printable

regardless of the presence or type of faith in one’s life, i feel Easter simply represents spring, and life. arriving appropriately when things are hatching and blooming and green is finally awakening under blankets of melting snow. it just seems right… to celebrate life and to include family and friends in those celebrations.

we are not seeing the signs of spring here in new england {yet}, since we woke up to a fresh six inches of snow this morning. {ugghhh…} however, we are still starting our spring traditions and this year with something new – an easter egg decorating party!

easter egg decorating party with white and brown eggs, via seejaneblog

we invited a dozen mommas + their kiddos to join us for an evening of egg decorating and dinner. open-house style.

free printable easter invitations via seejaneblog

keeping the color theme simple and modern, i printed the invitations on brown kraft paper and i used a white gel pen to fill-in all the important party information:

easter party invitations via seejaneblog

* you can purchase, download and print the happy easter invitation HERE *

modern easter party invitations via seejaneblog

i fell in love with these bunny jars, so i made them to deliver with the invitations. only, i didn’t get them all delivered before the party, so we also handed them out at our party as ‘thank you for coming!’ treats. you can find the bunny jar tutorial here. i used schleich wild rabbits for our bunnies.

bunny jars with treats via seejaneblog

Easter egg decorating party with free invitation printable via seejaneblog

for the easter eggs, i wanted something simple & modern this year. we used sharpie markers, paint markers and puffy paint. i absolutely love how the white paint markers turned out on the brown eggs. easily my all-time favorite easter eggs!

decorating easter eggs with sharpie markers and paint via seejaneblog

modern easter eggs via seejaneblog

marker and paint easter eggs via seejaneblog

Easter home decor via seejaneblog

i needed something for each guest to place their finished eggs in so the eggs could travel home safely. our local whole foods market uses these tan bowls in their salad/food bar area, i’m not sure if every whole foods market uses these or not. they are typically not for sale but i inquired with the deli if i could purchase 50 of them, and they allowed me to. {yay!} we filled the bowls with natural grass {also from whole foods market}, i liked the simple-natural look.

whole foods natural containers via seejaneblog

easter egg decorating party via seejaneblog

i was so impressed with how creative everyone was! look at these:

decorating brown easter eggs via seejaneblog

modern easter egg decorating with markers via seejaneblog

this was such a fun evening, i love holidays and the Life that rises to the surface because of them. the balance of simple and extraordinary.

happy spring friends! i really hope it’s warming up where you live. xo

{photos and styling by me, Jane Beckner Rhodes. easter invitation designed by Lovely Lindsay for seejaneblog.}

42 responses to “easter egg decorating party + easter invitation printable”

  1. That is such a cute idea! I don’t have any kids, and my niece is too young, so I might just invite some girlfriends over for this. Loving those brown and white eggs!!!

  2. LOVE!
    im currently texting all my
    friends to gather them for an
    egg decorating party!
    What are the white pens
    you used for the brown eggs?

    • hey Tia. I don’t have them anymore to figure out what brand they were – but, just your typical paint pen with the metal ball inside to shake it up. do you know what i’m referring to??? have fun with your girlfriends!!!

      • Thanks Jane!
        I also planted some wheat grass
        over the weekend with my 4yr old niece!
        its been fun to watch it “pop” up!
        keep up the great ideas 🙂

  3. Your eggs are so chic! I’m curious where you got your colored easter baskets from that are shown in the picture with the tan bowls from Whole Foods. Always love your posts!

    • heyyy Janann. The baskets i’ve had for about five years – if i remember correctly I just picked them up at Jo-Ann’s, or Target… a store that is one of my normal stops, nowhere fancy. hopefully if you look around, you’ll spot them.

  4. Cadbury mini eggs!!! The BEST! Those jars are great! My family used to decorate hollowed eggs when I was little. My mom still brings them out each year – the drawings on the eggs bring such happy memories. 🙂

  5. okay and i know this is certainly not the point of the post, but on that bench… those two terrarium containers… where are those beauties from?!

    • those are just glass vases that include thick ceramic bases. i found them about eight months ago at Anthropologie. I filled one with a cactus, and the other I filled with rocks around a candle. they might still have them?

    • hey amy. yes, it is from overstock.com about eight months ago – it was a steal of a deal. the size is 9×11, and it was $95.00!

  6. Hi Jane,

    I’ve just found your blog this week and have spent, a few hours browsing all around it. Such beautiful things, lovely words, and sweet family moments!! I just love your style, simple yet bold, and beautiful!

    I’m dying to have an egg decorating party now! There is still time, right?! 🙂

    I’m sure you get this a lot, but where did you get your graphic family portrait? Etsy somewhere? Please tell!

    And happy weekend! 🙂


    • Thank you, Erin.

      the bigger painting is by a local friend/artist – Julia Blake, she has a website and takes commissions. the cross-stich is by Nicole Paul-Choules a friend, you could contact via Etsy. I’m not sure which graphic family portrait you are referring to?

    • Becky, I have no idea! The eggs we peeled open afterwards didn’t have any color residue from the black permanent markers. I would guess yes, but i’m guessing!

  7. […] Sharpie eggs by Alisa Burke.  Whip out those Sharpies and doodle away!  Another simple egg decorating idea is taking a correction pen (Whiteout) to those colorful plastic eggs as seen below in See Jane Blog. […]

  8. Hello I would love to know where you got your table. Such a great size!! Love you style and happiness you share!!

    • Cyndi, my table is from a furniture/home decor shop in Provo, Utah called “Papaya & Co.” that closed during the recession. so sad. i’ve had a couple of friends have square/wood tables custom made – but haven’t seen any others like it.

  9. Loved all these pics! How come everything you do looks so perfect and well organized? Egg decorating in our house was crazy!

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