don’t give up!!!

i keep telling myself, “don’t quit!” while i sit at the pottery wheel.

moaning and growling {maybe cursing} in my head…

it is so. hard.

lame, right?
on another note,
how is the low-sugar thing going, for all of you, out there?
i am eight days in to lent,
eight days very low-carb & diet coke free.
i feel so good, i might decide to stay off it longer than lent,
we’ll see…

6 responses to “don’t give up!!!”

  1. Steady… steady… you will get it! (Loved my pottery class. One of my Fine-Art major faves! Super therapeutic. Uber-messy.) But we need pics of your awesome pink cover-alls! Did I miss them?

  2. honey!! You can do anything!! I can't wait to see those pink coveralls too. haha

    You will be so proud, i am on day 5 of NO Diet coke!! i wasn't even going to do that for Lent and then i just decided on monday. CRAZY!!!

  3. Jane,

    You are so amazing. I love seeing all your creative projects. What are your aspirations after you finish school? What a great role model you are for your kids that school is cool, never stop learning.

  4. Jane,

    You are so amazing. I love seeing all your creative projects. What are your aspirations after you finish school? What a great role model you are for your kids that school is cool, never stop learning.

  5. I am on my third week of the no sugar/low carb diet. I absolutely love it and I have never felt better! I always thought people were crazy for doing this particular diet, but I can honestly say I could make this a permanent thing! I have lost 7 lbs in three weeks, although not your 7 in 7, but for me it is really good. I weigh less now than I have in years! (now I just need to get rid of my post baby belly and muffin top!) LOL
    Thanks for all your help! I would have never attempted this without your advice and encouragement.

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