diy: toilet paper rolls wall art

i’m on a crafty marathon around here…

my latest project: the most brilliant art ever created with recycled paper towel & toilet paper rolls! Originally I wanted something similar to this mural wallpaper to decorate the rooms, but then I had a brilliant idea.

i first spotted this wall art last year at my fave local boutique ‘soel.’ my darling friend shelby is the owner, and a couple months ago she hosted a craft night to create these, but i was out of town and couldn’t go…

so, after months of this being on my ‘to-do’ list, i finally *saved enough rolls to get started!

all you need is:
paper towel/toilet paper rolls
hot glue gun/hot glue
spray paint {optional}

cut all the tubes in to one inch to one-and-a-half inch pieces. they do not need to be perfectly measured. just eye the measurement. but do try to cut straight.

when cutting it will cause the tube to flatten, this gives each piece a very organic-shape, don’t worry about keeping them perfect circles.

the difference in sizes, gives the art a great texture in the end.

it doesn’t take much glue to hold the pieces together, even in the end, the overall project will not be that heavy.

you can choose to leave the project unpainted,
which i think is a gorgeous natural look.

however, i chose to use grey spray paint,
and luckily had a beautiful day to paint outside.

{when momma paints…my kiddos come running to “help.”}

ta-da! the end result ~ new wall art in our great room!
total cost: $20 for spray paint. I used 5 cans at just under $4 each.

and, for more inspiration: the toilet paper rolls wall art at soel.
{if you have not been to this boutique… run, don’t walk.}

i also found a tutorial here on design sponge.
i slightly tweaked the instructions to create mine, i think it makes the project easier to use hot glue.

*thank you to everyone {my mom, neighbors, husbands company, etc.} who saved and/or donated your toilet paper rolls to me for this project, you can stop saving them now – unless you want to create your own wall art!

{all photos by me. this is not a sponsored post.}

10 responses to “diy: toilet paper rolls wall art”

  1. They look great! I love that you're doing so many crafty things lately. It inspires me to do more! Thanks for sharing:)

  2. It looks like iron work! That is amazing! Will definitely try this one out! Thanks for the inspiration.

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