desgin {a} fort #3

design{a}fort is a build-a-well-designed-fun-fort-inspired-series here at seejaneblog.
on most friday’s i feature YOU +  YOUR forts!

it all started here. if you would like to participate, read below*


Hello SeeJaneBlog readers! I’m so honored to be featured here.
I’m Deborah from my life at playtime here to share our little backyard fort,
‘Fort Cheesy All Stars’ to be exact. The kids were really desperate for
a treehouse but alas we had no tree grand enough to hold one, so we
settled for a raised fort that was connected to one of our porch pillars.

Most of the fort was constructed with pallets, we reuse a lot of pallets
in our house projects(my boys even sleep in beds upcycled from
), and my husband made the rope ladder for the entrance. We
tried to use as many wood scraps laying around as we could and ended up
purchasing about $60 worth of wood for the base/flooring of the fort.

The kids absolutely love the basket on a rope, we swung it up over our
trellis so they could raise and lower items into their fort. We often
find them snacking in the fort, holding a few tea parties, or taking
cover from a marauder band of clone troopers seen in the area. Since we
live in Southern California we get to use the fort year round, and it is well loved.

After the constructing of the fort came the most difficult part of the
whole project…having 3 children(2 boys, 1 girl) all agree on a fort
name. Each child threw out ideas and favorite words, and then we just
combined those words, and that’s how ‘Fort Cheesy All Stars’ came to be.
I had some leftover paint from a project so we made a few signs for the
fort. And there you have our children’s little backyard haven.

Happy fort making!

Thanks Jane,


how cute is that fort?!? that is what great childhoods are made of!

*to submit a design{a}fort post, email me: with photos & your story. if photo-editing is your thing, my blog posts are 670 pixels wide. i will review the entries and possibly share yours on an upcoming friday. xoxo.

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