The ONE day of the year, we stay in our jammies almost all day!
a very good girl ~ she “worked” very hard for this gift…
a “pink” MAC laptop…another very good girl, her family is happy she got a “Wii!”
a very good boy – TRANSFORMERS
She “thinks” she has her OWN cell phone now…
a very unexpected hand bag!!!
Santa wants the Rhodes kids to improve their Geography skills!
Exchanging gifts with the Howell’s ~
I got a box of Mac & cheese, woo-hoo! With a bonus Lancome lip gloss inside!
Blankets for the boys & a photo album of fun memories for Danny ~
Myla’s new Wii being used – it has been ran about 18/7 since Christmas…I am missing the calm peaceful atmosphere my great room used to radiate. Our house is LOUD now, we’ve got Wii in the main room and X-box 360 with Rock band or Guitar Hero 3 running in the basement…!!!
Sela can be found all over the house loving her cell phone!
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