“chocolate” pancakes…

my charming friend, summer, gave our family a bundle of gifts on october 1st for a
“happy october” – thank you, thank you summer!

one of the gifts were these adorable halloween pancake molds!

we put them to use last week…

when it comes to pancakes, i always burn the first one or the first few –
it’s because my griddle is just soooo hot, and i need to slow-down and be more patient…
as i was thinking about this, i remembered my mother-in-law always calling burnt pancakes, chocolate pancakes… she’d yell from her kitchen, “anyone want a chocolate pancake?”

i have definitely mastered chocolate pancakes!
too bad they don’t taste as good as they sound!

{we had good ones too…}

6 responses to ““chocolate” pancakes…”

  1. super cute molds! do you know where she got them? we love pancakes at our house, and trust me, you're not the only one that burns the first couple. my griddle does the same thing. so i guess i'll start calling ours dark chocolate pancakes 🙂

  2. I love those molds!
    I need to find some for my boys!

    And I am also a master of chocolate pancackes.
    Too bad that's not a good thing!

  3. bahahaha… i totally love this post! i was actually thinking, wow. chocolate pancakes, my kids may love these. hahaha

    just sprinkle some powdered sugar over those babies and they are delicious!

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