
was the destination for my spring break this year! {last year, was here.}

i love that my hubby so willingly whisked me off for spring break, two years in a row now, since i’ve returned to college!

love that man!

we had warm weather and really cold weather.

both were beautiful!

in the warm weather, we went running along the chicago river with amazing views of lake michigan. i was able to shop at my favorite kids store! we watched lots of this {dusty will be on his way to the big dance, soon, convention time}. got last minute box seats to this. we had a rough time understanding the british accent at times, but it was entertaining! our favorite restaurant of the entire trip was this. i don’t recommend this movie – classic romance comedy but very very dull.

from the 27th floor of our hotel, we woke up one morning to the most beautiful snow storm. after a yummy room service breakfast, we wrapped up in jackets & scarves and headed to the museums {for moi}, we found a cozy chicago pub to watch more of this {for him}. and, we couldn’t leave town without a stop here.

museum of contemporary art. {click here} this was an eye-opening experience for dusty,

the picture below was our favorite installation. inspired by falling paper.

museum of contemporary photography… {click here}

our favorite photo, look close at the stuffed animal-koalas in the tree!

umm, yeah, kinda went off lent for spring break…

not to worry, right back on track today!

5 responses to “chicago…”

  1. Fun trip! I love that Dusty takes you on real spring breaks! I noticed your jackets getting heavier and heavier throughout your post. It's bringing back vague memories of unpredictable spring! Come on down to Phoenix if you are interested in hot and hotter followed by ungodly hot 🙂
    We miss you all- I always think of you guys as I watch Troy head out the door all spring long in his Pro look gear!

  2. looks like a perfect spring break get a way!
    Love the pictures, you did SO much!

    bummer on the movie, i was hoping it was so awesome!
    You look absolutely beautiful!!! I love that your hubby spoils you rotten. I love you guys!

    oh and YES i would LOVE to make you your conference packets, I was totally thinking that i should make your guys' and surprise your kids, then i got your comment! It can be my little tradition! HA!

  3. Looks like you were in our neck of the woods. Chicago really is such a fun place to explore. I believe it is one of the most visitor friendly cities. And one of the cleanest for a big city. It has to be, to make up for the Arctic blasts on Michigan Avenue!

    Glad you liked the pizza. When we first moved here, I couldn't stomach the Chicago style cuisine. But to my horror, I now LOVE it! It has definitely broadened my horizons as far as restaurants go. Go deep dish, or go home!

    Your adventures made me excited for Spring so I can take my flock downtown with me!

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