cheerleader valentines

how many more things can i create with a yarn ball? ha! here’s one more! this idea came to me a few months ago when i was wrapping my fingers one afternoon to make a yarn ball, and thought, pom poms! of course! we cheer with pom poms! three cheers for valentine’s day! i instantly visualized a little card with a tiny cheerleader. and….. this idea is perfect timing this year since my little bug sela has been obsessed with cheerleaders!

soon after i had this idea, i asked my very talented friend merrilee of mer mag blog to create the illustration on the front of the card for me. would you look at how cute it turned out! i love it!

cheerleader valentines via seejaneblog

if you’d like to make these at home, you will need:

yarn & scissors to make yarn ball bookmarks, i have a tutorial here.
download the cheerleader valentine HERE and print on white card stock.
paper hole puncher
washi tape

to start, punch holes about one inch away from the cheerleaders hands.

valentines with free printable via seejaneblog

write the to & from greetings on the back | thread the yarn ball bookmark tail through the holes | secure in place, and tape down with a small piece of washi tape | roll the remaining yarn up into a little spiral, and tape down again to hold the long bookmark tail in place.  my sela loved helping to assemble the cards.

pom pom valentine how-to via seejaneblog

showing-off the yarn-ball book marks in one of our new favorite books:

extra yarn book with yarn ball bookmark via seejaneblog

extra yarn book with pom pom bookmark via seejaneblog

front | back – each friend will receive two bookmarks sans candy! {no candy/treats allowed at our schools.}

cheerleader valentines with pom pom bookmarks via seejaneblog

DIY cheerleader valentines with free printable via seejaneblog

three cheers for valentines day! xo.

p.s. if you follow me @see_jane on instagram, i am giving away TWO sets of these cheerleader valentine’s {10-15/set, assuming these are for the girls in a class and each class usually averages 10-15 girls, let me know the exact amount you need upon wining} this week! deadline is Friday, February 8th at 5pm EST. to enter:  follow @see_jane, re-post the picture that correlates with the giveaway on my instagram feed, and hash tag #seejanevalentine to enter. the winners will be chosen from the hash tags. the valentines will be sent to you and delivered by Feb. 13th. good luck!

p.p.s.  i have one more original valentine idea i’ll be posting soon! {for the boys.}

{photos by me, Jane Rhodes. valentine illustration by the talented Merrilee Liddiard of MerMag for seejaneblog.}

13 responses to “cheerleader valentines”

    • using a small pom pom tool, you wrap each side in a different color. you can find the tools at almost any craft store – JoAnn’s, Michaels, etc. — play with it and you’ll figure it out really quick!

  1. These are seriously the CUTEST valentine cards ever!! Love the fact that it also gives out bookmarks – so cute(I’m always looking for an alternative to candy)!
    Thanks so much for sharing this printable – my daughter will LOVE it!

  2. These are so seriously cute!! I love them!! Thanks for sharing the printable! PS I found you in a roundabout way starting with ‘smileandwave’ on Instagram. 🙂

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