check YOUR blog’s reading level…

This is from Troy & Kajsa Farnsworth
blog readability test
Seems appropriate, I have an “Associates” Degree from College…in Business, not English! Geesh! Maybe I’ll have Dusty write more posts from now on – his vocabulary is Brobdingnagian*. Maybe it’s a strange thing to want a higher reading level rating for my blog? I’m sensing my competetive side…

*I used a Thesaurus online, entered BIG, and found “Brobdingnagian.” 🙂 I should do the quiz again now that I’ve got that word on here!

3 responses to “check YOUR blog’s reading level…”

  1. I don’t know if I believe so much in this. Mine came up as genious!! I laughed so hard.

  2. Okay, so I tested two blogs I read ( & on this thing and they both got elementary. These girls were some of the earliest bloggers, one just published a book and one used to write at a newspaper. Either this thing is broken or you and I both have super genius blogs!

  3. Most newspapers write on a 5th grade level, so seriously you are awesome. I wonder if it just picks up off of your last post.

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