master living. 1/52

January 4, 2015





A portrait of my children, once a week, every week, in 2015.

Happy New Year, friends!

With my recent return to blogging, I’ve decided to restart the “52 project” – I started it in 2013, and went for almost ten months. Now looking back I absolutely love seeing those photos and what I wrote about my kids each week. It’s a fun, great, memorable way to keep track of kids at various ages. I encourage you all to consider trying it. So, starting with week one of January, our family has spent a lot of time talking about resolutions and goals in the past few weeks.


twenty thirteen.

January 7, 2013

happy new year via seejaneblog

happy new year!

i’ve been back-posting for days, and finally feel all caught up! traveling and/or the holidays always set me back in blog posts. when they combine themselves at the same time — it’s a double whammy.

with the new year, and post-holiday zest, i have been cleaning. purging. and simplifying. i have cleared spaces in my mind that feel more capable to take on new opportunities this year. with that said, seejaneblog might be a little quiet this month. it might be a little quieter all year. some of my current-non-blogging projects demand more attention than usual, and i am going to fully commit to them.


365 days…

January 1, 2012

i was raised in a religion that is goal-happy. and whether this is what influenced me or not while i was growing up, i make goals like some people breathe. really. it’s a natural behavior for me.

i make goals before i wake up of what i want to accomplish by 9am, what needs to be done later that day, what i expect to do this week, this month, this year, etc etc. i think about these goals in my head, i write them on post-it notes, i type them into my phone… i even make goals for the other members of my family. they love that. {myla, you want to make your bed,


goodbye 2011, hello 2012!

December 31, 2011

this year was a great one! so many amazing memories, experiences and adventures. this post could be incredibly long if i were to name them ALL so instead i will just highlight a few…

{it’s still long so grab your favorite beverage of choice & enjoy…}

i happily turned thirty-five

…the kiddo’s were sucker’s for valentine’s day!

i made these invitations…

for a very special girl who became a teenager, with a ♥ teen-y ♥ party!

one of my best craft projects of 2011 was definitely the famous-d-i-y-chandelier!


twenty eleven.

January 14, 2011

i have big big plans for you, twenty eleven…

husband and i were chatting last week, and while he was mentioning goals for 2011 in regards to his company, he mentioned this quote…

“The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results”. ~Albert Einstein

these seventeen words sent my mind in a whirlwind.

thrilling excitement.

how often i find myself doing the same thing, over and over and over, and waiting for improvement in so many categories of my life.

how many thousands of situps can i do, and expect my stomach to be flat?


you shall be missed, 2009.

December 31, 2009

2009. you were really good to me. thanks for the beautiful memories. you’ll forever be tagged in my head as one of my favorite years yet…..

a few reasons why:

  • i went back to college. never realizing till i got there how much a challenging-inspiring, creative-educational outlet was needed in my life.
  • had two beautiful family vacations to mazatlan, and cabo, mexico.
  • this movie. maybe one of the best films ever!
  • got bangs
  • sitting by my man for three days of this.
