*new to me*

December 3, 2012

happy monday friends!

to start the week, i am so excited to share with you something that is *new to me*!!!

this is good.

are you ready?

ok. three of my creative friends melanie burk, alma loveland, and mike loveland have come together to create caravan shoppe. before you click on their link to see how amazing the site is, let me tell you a little bit more…

first, when you go to their site, look for the confetti please button. AND CLICK ON IT! is that the cutest thing you have ever seen??? amazing!

second, Caravan is the happy space where we share our art and designs inexpensively while allowing you the freedom of printing as much as you like.


*new to me*

November 26, 2012

seejaneblog readers, if you are in the U.S., how was your thanksgiving??? did you make the transition and decorate for christmas? my kids are still home from school today for the holiday, and we have a busy day ahead. before i get started with them, i wanted to start the week with this…

i have mentioned in the past that my husband has some really cool cousins who all live in laguna beach, california. one of these cousins sent me some unexpected, very happy mail a few weeks ago which included three candles that were *new to me* — created by dear sincerely:

i was instantly in love with the candle packaging!


*new to me*

November 19, 2012

in monday tradition, i am sharing something with you that is ‘new to me’, today that includes introducing one of my friends. julia blake.

julia is one of the first women i met when we moved to massachussetts last year. and she is one of the most involved-in-her-community women i know. from local politics to school council to being the ultimate football momma, this mother of six – five sons and one daughter is a talented woman. (everyone needs a julia in their life when they move to a new city!) as our lives have crossed throughout the past year, we’ve shared many a conversation about what we’re both currently working on – what our latest craft craze is etc.


*new to me*

November 12, 2012

happy monday friends — this week is going to be a good one! do you feel it? lets conquer together!

today i am sharing with you a darling online boutique i discovered recently — and although the shop is based out of the UK, the owner of the shop is originally from Boston, so we have a little kinship going on…

introducing: little citizens boutique

i was looking through the site trying to pick a few favorites to share with you — when i realized how MANY i was picking! i couldn’t stop! and of course you can look for yourselves, but here are a six of the hundred items i am drooling over:


this is a great shop to browse for christmas selections.


a hip handmade holiday

November 5, 2012

happy monday friends! today, i am sharing with you a gold-mine of holiday crafting goodness. were you a seejaneblog reader back when i made the capiz-shell inspired chandelier??? my friend susan peterson and i hosted the craft night for that at my home in utah, and finished somewhere in the hours of 2 or 3am… anyway, that same gal + another crafty friend of mine Alison have partnered with another crafty friends husband {are you following me?} and put together the bomb of all holiday books!

a hip handmade holiday, by the craft pack! clever. these gals are so clever. i have been watching behind the scenes for the past six months while this was being created,


*new to me*

October 22, 2012

good morning & happy monday friends! today is a sunny {but cold} day, and husband is traveling in asia.  when he travels i usually put together a “what i want to accomplish while husband is traveling for work project list” and it’s not my typical to-do’s.  this time i have high hopes to get a LOT done for the upcoming holidays, a few projects around the house, and some extra workouts, plus the normal stuff.  what are you doing today?  

before i dive in to my list, i wanted to share this with you… in the past few months i have been touring art institutes, and other universities in the area with good art programs —
