activity days

April 29, 2009

this week the girls made their own kaleidoscopes. they had a really good time putting them together. A few months ago, I lucked out and found these little kits at 1/2 price because the store I was shopping at {due to the economy} was going out of business. The pictures below don’t do them justice, these kits are adorable! If you are interested, the best price I found online is here.
“seeing stars: build your own kaleidoscope kit.”


a baby boy was born 6 years ago. The Jedi Council named him KJ, and he was strong with force. In the years that followed his birth, young KJ has been learning the powers of the Jedi. Now the galaxy is in turmoil because the Sith have learned of the boy and seek him. To overcome this threat, KJ will need the help of others- so a call is being sent out for brave younglings to come and learn the ways of the Force. Rhodes family and friends, you have been chosen to join forces with padawan KJ and the Jedi order to stop the evil Sith! These new Jedi must be trained. The Jedi training will be disguised as a b-day party so the Sith will hopefully not learn of our plans.


activity days

April 25, 2009

the byu museum of art currently has a few exceptional exhibits, two of them you don’t want to miss! {it’s free!}first, the walter wick “i spy” exhibit-

myla and bree loved searching for everything hidden in the artwork-
second, dan steinhilber’s artwork-dan’s work is very abstract, we all loved his garbage-bag blow-up piece, and the duck sauces board, totally unique!


spring break

April 19, 2009

has been total chill at our home…including the weather, at times.

in the past nine days we visited a few parks, an arcade, went to a couple of movies, ate out a few times {including the new “five guys burger & fries,} the kids have had non-stop play dates and sleepovers with friends, we’ve cleaned-cleaned-cleaned for spring, and I still had school {boo.}

Myla and her friend boston have taken up a new neighborhood past time of “dumpster diving.” They also went fishing at night with headlamps, the girl was in heaven!

Kiana finished a couple novels, and slept in till 1pm nearly every afternoon. she also spent a good few hours playing this with Eli and Ethan-

KJ logged at least 100 hours on the x-box 360.


my myla moosey

April 15, 2009

myla’s namesake is our dear friend Myla Bungay, who is filipino. When Dusty and I lived in the Philippines nine years ago, Kiana was two-and-a-half and Myla was five months old when we first got there. Soon after we arrived, it became slightly confusing having two Myla’s to refer to… Dusty started calling our girl “Myla moosey” for no apparent reason and the nickname has stuck for nine-and-a-half years… In fact, we only called her moosey till she was about four years old. No one ever said, “myla.”
