volleyball nite

August 21, 2009

number eight.

on the evening of our kids’ first day back to school,
we couldn’t help but to have a little party!

we had a bbq-swimming-volleyball-reunion with some pals from our previous neighborhood…

it was fun to re-connect with everyone.

thank you to all the families who came,


the first day of school

August 20, 2009

i have always loved school, even though i do wish summer vacation was longer…i have some sort of addiction to learning new things.

my kids went back today. such a fun morning. there was excitement in the air. i still have a few more days before i go back to school. this semester i am taking sculpture, 3d design, and a graphic computer applications class. {woo-hoo!}

if i could, i would send all you students out there a bouquet of newly sharpened pencils!

here’s to another great school year, cheers!

the story is…kj got on the bus at school to come home and all his sister’s buddy’s {6th grade boys} were chanting for him when he got on the bus!


was packed with ~

fun fun fun!

first, t&d are notorious for giving us adventure-filled christmas gifts. last year, it was this helicopter ride. this year, it was a gift certificate for a hot air balloon ride. we waited eight months to use our gift certificate, and made a family day of the event. it was a gorgeous morning in park city to be flying amongst the clouds…

an absolutely perfect end to our official summer vacation.



to reno.

my girls came off the plane, and did not stop talking

for hours

about how spectacular their week was…

these two sisters loved being at their uncle kenny’s & aunt jennee’s.
they loved riding horses.
all. day. long.
for five days.

{they were really pleased about only taking one shower all week.}


kiana had her digital camera, and these are the pictures they brought home…
to share with me…

they only took pictures on one afternoon, of one day!
{those stinkers.}

thank you kenny &


our weekend

August 12, 2009

went like this…

we were going to leave in the afternoon. by 1pm at best.

but dusty needed to work and i had lots of things i wanted to get done before we left town…and if we waited till 9pm, then we could pick up kiana from dance and she could go with us too instead of stay home with grandma.

so, we ended up starting our 10-hour drive at 10pm.

i did all the driving except the last hour on the way to bridgeport, california. because my night-owl tendencies kicked in and i was not tired at all.

almost exactly ten hours later we rolled into our hotel (very small-town hotel) at 7am,


mr. & mrs. burton

August 9, 2009
when i joined the rhodes family, 13 years ago, and dusty and i dated for the year previous to that…bridget was about 10 years old. she has always been a gem of a sweetheart. so genuine. ambitious. hard-working. honest. her smile radiates from deep within, and she has a soul of goodness.

i have loved the time i have spent with bridget, it seems like yesterday when i was styling her hair for prom, or listening to her and her sisters giggle about their social lives. long gone are those days. they are all beautiful women now. over the years, we have watched bridget dominate at the rodeo, her love of the country and horses runs deep in her veins.
