
September 13, 2009

in the rhodes home –

dusty has returned to “friday lunches with big papi!” this is a big benefit of papi’s offices being two blocks away from our kids school.

dusty either takes the kids their favorite fast food or checks them out of school for 30 minutes and runs them somewhere to eat.

this is definitely the highlight of their lunch-week!

{picture taken with dusty’s cell phone}


dusty, danny, and i are thirteen days in

thirteen days ago we committed {bets included} to three months of no sugar {low-low-carb) and we’re doing good!


i have to brag here…

September 10, 2009
ok. i feel really blessed all the time to have
amazing and talented friends.

and then, when i’m not expecting it one friend goes and just does something above and beyond all amazing-ness.

well, that was becky this week. first of all, she planned this fabulous photo shoot with my girls, which i told you all about in the post below. then, she also invited another friend-photographer of hers to also come along…so i got double-photographers. {click here} and after seeing all the pictures of my two big girls, i am speechless.

i love. every. picture.

becky &


volleyball nite

September 9, 2009

number nine!
{i’m still hoping for a few more}

we concluded our labor day weekend with good friends, good food,
and some awesome sand volleyball!

why did we have huge balloons? no reason. just fun. where did the ginormous balloons come from? we were lucky enough to have those given to us after the incredibly-talented becky spent her morning taking gorgeous pictures of my girls,


our labor day weekend

September 8, 2009
was definitely labor-free.


pirate island




of course, we couldn’t have a warm holiday without some sand volleyball!

more labor-day weekend to come…


denver, colorado

September 1, 2009

dusty has been.

but, the kids and i had never been to denver, colorado.

it was a first.

and…we really like it there! love the mountains. trees.
denver is beautiful.

{didn’t so much love the 9-hour drive each way. but, it was scenic!}

between the family wedding, emery’s first birthday party, and swimming at our hotel…we also managed to visit the “butterfly pavilion” which was awesome! Then we ate and played at “dave & busters,” another first for the kids and i…


mr. and mrs. mudloff

September 1, 2009

alicya is one of dusty’s nieces that we haven’t had as many opportunities to spend time with over the years…

so it was so nice to catch up with her and her groom at their wedding!

as a couple, they are adorable…
