this week…

June 3, 2010
myla was visiting/playing at a neighbor’s house last weekend, before she came home, the mom {a friend of mine} sent me this text:
my friend: “…we just had a priceless interaction with myla.”
myla: “There’s a song that says, ‘i like my men strong and built like horses’ when i hear that i always think of centaurs!
my thoughts: luckily, myla is truly thinking centaurs. 😉
after the last day of school,
kj asked me on sunday morning,


schools out!!!

May 31, 2010

woot! woot!

on the last day of school, my kids had to go from 8:45 am-10:15am. {lame.}

then we all attended sela’s little gym show.

ate lunch at chuck e. cheese’s.

went home and the neighborhood kids started appearing at our house.

{we have always been the ‘hang-out’ house. which i love.}

dusty organized a serious game of wiffleball. {picture above}

i think he loves playing wiffleball with all the neighborhood kids, because HE loves playing wiffleball. love that man. so cute to see him out entertaining them!


dance festival

May 26, 2010

our kids’ school just had their second annual dance festival.

each grade performed a different genre of dance.
kiana’s class was all snazzy, dancing to ‘surfin’ USA’ by the beach boys, myla’s class did their square dance-inspired piece from their program, kj’s class did an african dance.

they were all cute dances, and best of all, it was a beautiful sunny morning!

the day before, may 24th, we woke up to 4″ of snow, and damaged trees, fallen from the snow/wind storm the night before.

that’s springtime in utah!


our cowgirl…

May 25, 2010

did a fabulous job with her fellow fourth graders in their year-end class program.

myla’s class has studied utah history all year, so the program was packed with forty-five minutes of songs, and dancing all relating to utah.

sela stood on her seat and danced along the entire time.

myla was adorable! a part of her soul would truly be happy being a cowgirl.

love my moosey!


the 6th grade classes at our kids’ school just finished studying medieval times.

for the final hurrah, they organized and celebrated with an official joust hosted by the knights of mayhem and a medieval fair! both were incredible. did you know the world-ranked jouster lives in utah? he hails from eagle mountain, utah…fyi. {i didn’t even know “real” jousting still took place! i thought it only existed at the ‘excalibur’ in vegas!}

everything was planned by the sixth graders themselves {and a little help from parents}.

every sixth grade student had a character to play, which also correlated to their position in the fair. for example, there were royalty,


vanessa millecam…

May 20, 2010

is magical with that camera of hers! such a talented photographer

with the most adorable studio right downtown slc. she has a great niche with urban-style.

she took pictures of my four kiddos a couple months ago,

here’s a peak at some of my favorite pics ~

my recommendation…

call vanessa now!

book your session, get some up-to-date photos of yourself, your family, your dog, what have you, and be ready for christmas cards way early!
