girls night out…

July 5, 2010
i was either laughing till my stomach hurt…

eating till my stomach hurt…

or, my stomach just hurt.

i have a herniated belly-button, which is ridiculous,
and one of these days i gotta just get it fixed, because it flares up at the worst of times!

as far as this is concerned…

dear bella,
just pick Girl, just pick the werewolf now so we can all go home!

jacob is ‘hotter’


flashback friday

June 25, 2010

in honor of my baseball-filled life right now…

here is my team picture from the first year i played softball.

i love{d} playing softball. i have the most amazing memories from this team. this picture below is tucked away in a photo album i own. but it also appeared on facebook this past year, where i have re-connected with almost every one of these girls from the year we played softball together. i am a big fan of facebook for reasons like this. i have the fondest memories of my dad taking me to tournaments with this team all over the northwest coast of washington state. good times. very good times.

i beg my husband every year to let me play on a co-ed softball team with him,


our big papi had a great father’s day!
we slept in, had a yummy lunch, laid by the pool, watched movies, played games with the kids, and had a yummy dinner. and, we pretty much snuggled all day.

kiana, myla, kj, and sela all spoiled papi with gifts. this year, kiana and myla used their very own money {saved allowance, etc.} to buy their papi’s gifts. i was so impressed, and i think they loved the shopping all the more since they were really buying the gifts! kiana chose a new ‘balance opposites ruca shirt.’ myla chose the patriotic Boston hat Dusty is wearing…

fyi: we call him big papi, for one main reason.


my days are typically something like this:

8am: wake up, wake up KJ, make sure kiana is getting ready, breakfast one, make beds, start laundry, beg KJ to stay focused!

8:45am: take KJ to tennis, take Kiana to dance…before leaving wake-up myla, and enjoy sela’s morning snuggles before running out the door again.

9:45am: breakfast two, take myla to tennis, bring KJ home, drop off sela at preschool summer camp. make traditional stop for KJ’s pina-colada icee and treat.

11am: pick up myla from tennis. second pina-colada icee stop.

11:15am: find entertainment for kids while i work-out while watching season 5 of desperate housewives…almost done with season 5…{love it!!!} shower.


flashback friday

June 11, 2010

in honor of memorial day, last week…

i’ve spent a lot of time thinking about dusty’s mom lately…

she passed away in February of 2007.

i am very willing to argue that she was the worlds best mother-in-law.

to say she was amazing, is not enough. to explain how she was the glue of her family, is not enough. to say she was real, extraordinarily talented and openly flawed, is not enough.

but while i’ve been thinking about her, the one concept that i think she displayed the most, is that she loved.

she loved life. she loved her family. she loved the outdoors.


a perfect day.

June 7, 2010
our memorial day included…

good friends + good food + sunshine.

it was perfect. while our loved ones who have passed on, were in our thoughts.

i used my new polaroid camera for the pictures, i’m still adjusting to the settings. anyone else struggling with the settings on this camera? it’s hard to waste the film when you gotta pay for it!
