cake pops

November 5, 2010

i wanted to do something new for myla’s halloween class party last week.
i was in charge of the drink/treat…

so, i chose cake pops.
i used this recipe,
and they were a huge success!

i made 130 cake pops the night before,
and froze them in the freezer over night.

{my kids made a few at home as a trial run & they loved it!}

in class, i used my crock pot to melt the chocolate, it took about 30 minutes,
and melted really well. and, the consistency lasted for the hour+ the kids
were making the cake pops.


looming clouds.
rain showers.
perfect fall weather.
not-so-perfect fall weather…

and, sunshine.

…because we’re splitting it between three cities in two states.

{my constant parenting motto for husband & i: we will divide and conquer!}

on friday & saturday, we will all be staying in slc to watch
kiana’s dance competition, then kiana and i will be headed
to L.A. on saturday afternoon.

{kiana’s dance team has a callback audition for this!}
husband will return home to cover all the festivities
with the three younger kiddo’s.


she took our family pictures recently…

since my kids have been wearing these 3D movie glasses as an accessory
for the past 2 months, they were my inspiration for our session.
and, we took the pictures here, right next to our home,
so i love the home sweet home scenery connection.

i am obsessed with the pictures {obsessed!},
they turned out exactly how i’d hoped and better.
mindy totally captured our family life through her lens…

her photography style is brilliant.

the first time i saw the pictures, i just sat there stunned,
and had one thought over and over and over…


so, i walked down the hall, turned the corner, and found daddy throwing these munchkins across our room, into a ginormous pile of pillows!

…they had raided the linen closet, {pulled out almost every pillow we own},
and later that night i found this picture on my camera…

the calm, after the storm. watching tv.

they sure love it when daddy is home!


owl smores

October 21, 2010
…i saw this adorable idea here, and couldn’t resist.

we had to try it!

…you can imagine the laughter when the kids’ owls
were mis-shaped after microwaving them!
we didn’t follow the instructions very well,
you need to cut the marshmellows in HALF,
that would help with the major distortion!
