feast your eyes on…

January 18, 2011

susan’s prime rib, and your mouth will be watering.

earlier this month,
we had our annual new years dinner at the bland family residence.

i dote on tradition.
so, tradition + good friends + delicious food.

always amazing.

suz put lights under the sheer fabric to decorate the buffet,
such a cute-easy-super fancy idea!

thank you to the lovely hosts, xo.


i’m thirty-five.
as in, almost twenty-four hours ago, i turned thirty-five.
and, i was shakin’ it with this iphone photo app, all weekend…

my entire weekend has been a celebration.
so much goodness jam-packed into three days.

how am i feeling? about this big three-five?

well, the first five years of my thirties were beautiful,
easy to age…as i kept adding those years.

this next five i might not take with such grace.
this three-five feels like the older-side-of-thirty.


for now, i’m happily-thirty-five,

girls lunch on friday at smashburger…my choice of restaurant!


feliz ano nuevo!

January 6, 2011

…and that ends my spanish vocabulary.

{it consists of about four greetings.}

we rang in the new year, on the beach in mexico.
with rich delicious food, live entertainment, and sparkling decorations.

as we talked about life, under the palm trees, with the glow of the moon…
we made another grateful note on the this-right-here-is-good tally.

and, my heart always does a skip at that moment…
the moment that the clock strikes twelve,
that the new year begins.
and i’m kissing my man.

i passionately believe in new beginnings. {and kissing, for that matter.}

cheers to 2011!
it’s going to be whatever you make of it.


drum roll please…

i hope to never forget…

play time on the patio, in jammies.
{love those santa gifts!}

anywhere you take myla,
she’s going to build a fort…
luckily, this pool provided the space and privacy needed to do so—

{santa brought water bugs = endless hours of fun!}

beautiful kenna with the tweeners favorite choice of beverage,
a virgin-miami-vice.

and every time my iced tea arrived with the splenda tucked under the lime..

{i was smiling}

{water guns from santa,


turning eleven, myla-style…

December 30, 2010

on the morning of myla’s birthday,
we had just a couple hours to spend with the bland family before they had to leave for the airport to return home…
{we’re very sad they are gone…}
and in that time, the kids all attacked myla with silly string on the beach –
she was a great sport about it, actually, loved it—

myla was determined to be super-lazy, she found a little cabanna all for herself, and set-up towels for her, kj, and sela – they had some serious itouch time, hidden out, together—

the two beach-side activity directors here put together a little kids sand soccer game for myla.


the after-party…

December 30, 2010

when all of our birthday parties come to an end,
it would be too sad to see it all leave too quickly.

so, i like to take all the balloons, gifts etc etc
and fill up the child’s bedroom with all the hoopla
to continue the celebration a few more days…

i love the idea that each time they walk in their room,
they might take in a huge breathe,
and think, “wow. this is awesome!”

anything i can do to extend a celebration!

{myla’s room after her pink panther party…a big pink poof!}
