pike place market, seattle

September 13, 2012

we spent half a day in seattle. i have always adored the indie-chic creative culture in seattle.  if the sun shined a whole lot more, this would be one of my top choices for a place to live.  as you walk the streets it feels like a small town, complete with historic buildings, green plazas, and a quaint business district puzzle-pieced together around a beautiful waterfront. pike place market is where it all merges for me. there is raw live music, the country’s best fruit and veggies {dude. so good, you gotta eat them on the spot!}, local flowers, and authentic personalities all dwelling together. this market alone, is worth a trip to the northwest.

one highlight of the entire Washington trip –


my kinfolk

September 12, 2012

We returned home ten days ago from our very favorite family vacation yet. and, with the whirlwind of jumping back into Fall schedules and routines i’ve been reminiscing how wonderful our trip was and wishing just a bit that we were still there.

this trip served three purposes.

one: i was raised in Montesano, Washington with a good deal of time spent all-over the state as a child due to the fact my kinfolk were scattered all-over the Northwest. Since my Dad passed away on 9/9 – two days before 9/11 {it was a very emotional week in 2001.}, I have not been back to visit family, or friends since his funeral.


Boston Swan Boats

September 2, 2012

in August, we spent one of our sunday afternoons walking through the Boston public garden. we also road the swan boats, and while on our boat ride we spotted friends from our suburb on the shore. we felt like such locals crossing paths with friends while in the city.

family outings can be adventurous and stimulating, but more often than not, they are much more low-key; they are always though, about sharing an experience. i like it the most when those experiences are completely new to all of us.


Charles River bike path

September 2, 2012

since we moved here i have wanted to take our bikes into the city to ride along the charles river bike path. it winds along the charles river for a fourteen mile loop.

there are good reasons to stop and rest all along the path – cool playgrounds, cafes, festivals, ponds, and of course to view the river! in august, we made this happen, and other than the fact i *flew over my handle bars and crashed at one point, i can’t wait to do it again.

*don’t ride too close to the bike in front of you.


massachusetts beaches

September 1, 2012

this summer we were all about celebrating the long-standing-summer traditions we’ve always cherished,
while also reminding ourselves to start a few of our own new ones here in mass.

so. we went hunting for our favorite beach in massachusetts. i tried to find out exactly how many beaches there are in MA, and didn’t have any luck. so, let me tell you – there are a lot. and we’ve made it to five. however, we did visit those five more than once each. sometimes we’d try a new one, and like it so much we’d have to visit it a few times before choosing another new one. my friend told me that there are so many lovely beaches in the california area.


a quiet spot.

August 2, 2012

while on our trip to southern california, we spent one evening hiking in the hills up behind laguna beach. our cousin has a quiet spot up there, and we wanted to see it —

the great thing about being a guest, is that you get to discover the beauty of other places and fall in love with the culture and people who live there. laguna beach is a sun-kissed town filled with people who glamorously accessorize the sandy beaches. the hills are a quiet refuge with beautiful views of what lies below.

one particular hill has a special spot on top –
