
May 26, 2013

Kiana packing

Myla legos

KJ mustache

sela under desk

“a portrait of my children, once a week, every week, in 2013.”

kiana: is thrilled we are moving back to utah. try as i may to make her an east coast girl, she is a utah girl at heart and can’t wait to be back “home.”
myla: voluntarily decided to dump out our lego collection one storage bin at a time, and organized them by “types” of legos.
kj: on a beautiful sunny day i was standing in my kitchen this past week. i looked up to gaze out the window and enjoy the view,



May 12, 2013

kiana sleeping

myla archery

kj practicing piano

sela red bow

“a portrait of my children, once a week, every week, in 2013.”

kiana: sleeps more than any other human i know. she is a teenager. but she’s been this way since she was an infant!
myla: collects russian matryoshka dolls and cool eyeglasses/sunglasses.
kj: practicing piano as fast as he can, so he can get back to riding his bike.
sela: likes to wear a red bow to match her backpack.



May 9, 2013

this sunday is mother’s day and in honor of mother’s this week, bridget from tales of me and the husband {a local Massachusetts blogger}, is sharing guest posts from some mothers she admires including a few words–wisdom or otherwise–and a picture of them and their brood (or, however many they could wrangle for a semi-decent picture!)

i was sweetly touched to be included and you can read what i had to say here. i recommend reading the entire “mother’s day” posts because i’ve found them to be inspiring and uplifting.


and, a very happy mother’s day to every beautiful soul who has ever loved a momma,



May 7, 2013

kiana sweatshirt

myla with arrow

KJ doing homework

sela waiting

“a portrait of my children, once a week, every week, in 2013.”

kiana: rarely wears sweatshirts, but has picked up on the trend from the teen scene where we live.
myla: currently likes: archery in our backyard.
kj: enjoys doing his homework in husbands home office.
sela: always waiting to go somewhere, with someone… the baby of the family gets dragged everywhere.



April 28, 2013





“a portrait of my children, once a week, every week, in 2013.”

kiana: has a closet full of incredible clothes, but still prefers to wear mine.
myla: extremely diligent with doing her homework.
kj: finished spring-cleaning his room this week. i had to stay in his room with him almost the entire time and remind him about every two minutes to stay focused. my easily distracted boy – there may have been some bribing involved too.
sela: stole brothers hat and the stripe obsession continues


birthday mornings.

April 27, 2013

so…. regardless if my kids have a friend-birthday-party or a family birthday party, we always have a family birthday morning.

and, birthday mornings are a big deal at our house. from the minute our kiddos wake up, we celebrate…

masculine birthday morning via seejaneblog

celebrate on the floor via seejaneblog

party on the floor style via seejaneblog

peek behind the cake: see that blue blob? kj requested blue crepes and bacon for breakfast!

we called them smurf crepes.

kj's birthday morn

the birthday begins via seejaneblog

sela woke up early and tip-toed in to our room. she whispered to me

mom, don’t feel bad. i’m not going to snuggle with you this morning because i’m going to wake up kj with birthday snuggles…
