
kiana sweatshirt

myla with arrow

KJ doing homework

sela waiting

“a portrait of my children, once a week, every week, in 2013.”

kiana: rarely wears sweatshirts, but has picked up on the trend from the teen scene where we live.
myla: currently likes: archery in our backyard.
kj: enjoys doing his homework in husbands home office.
sela: always waiting to go somewhere, with someone… the baby of the family gets dragged everywhere.

4 responses to “18/52”

  1. Love. That’s about it. Your photos, your brief yet strong words. This morning your blog that I just discovered has made me smile. Your sense of family radiates through your pages… just love!

  2. I really look forward to your 52 project posts! The caption from Sela’s photo was so reminiscent of my childhood… coming from a family with 4 kids myself.

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